best exercises for the pressWomen who are absolutely satisfied with their appearance,Not so many. Some are upset because their legs or hips are not slender enough, others - because their arms are too plump or their stomach has lost its elasticity. The negative emotions that such women experience when looking at themselves in the mirror can turn into something more serious: constant dissatisfaction with how they look gradually kills their love for themselves. From here it is a stone's throw to various kinds of psychological problems: inadequate reaction to criticism, refusal to communicate with other people and even depression. To prevent this from happening, it is important to remember one simple truth: everything is in our hands. Sports work wonders. And it is not at all necessary to buy subscriptions to expensive gyms or exhaust yourself with long workouts. You can exercise at home for half an hour a day. The main thing is to choose a good set of exercises. So, let's start with the stomach, because it is this part of the body that most girls and women are unhappy with. In our article, we will describe the best abdominal press exercises

Flat tummy? It's real!

According to experts, the most effectivea way to restore elasticity to the abdominal muscles is to perform crunches (regular, diagonal and reverse). According to recent studies conducted by one of the American universities, such exercises can be much more effective than some exercise machines. They involve a whole complex of muscles and form a more toned tummy. At home, crunch exercises are performed lying on the floor 20 or 30 times. Crunches exercises

  • Regular Twist Exercise Before You BeginTo perform the exercise, bend your knees. Raise your arms to your head so that your fingertips touch your temples, and spread your elbows to the sides (it is not recommended to clasp your hands behind your head: when you perform the exercise, they will pull your head forward). Raise yourself so that only your shoulder blades come off the floor (keep the part of your back below your shoulder blades pressed to the floor). It is important to rise slowly, not jerkily, using the force of your abs. Keep a distance of the size of your fist between your chest and chin. Do not strain or stretch your neck, focus your gaze in front of you. Then lower yourself down just as slowly. The following variation of this exercise gives a very good load on your abdominal muscles: when returning to the starting position, freeze five to ten centimeters from the floor, and begin a new repetition of the exercise from this position.
  • Regular crunch exercise - secondOption Before starting the exercise, bend your knees. Smoothly and slowly lift your hips and lower them back down. A good result can only be achieved if you carefully monitor the amplitude - it should be small, and your movements should be unhurried. It is important not to lift your shoulder blades off the floor and not to use your leg muscles: only your abdominal muscles work. Remember that how you lower your hips is just as important as how you raise them - slowly, without jerking.
  • Diagonal crunches Bend your knees.Move your right knee to the side so that your ankle rests on your left knee. Bend your left arm and place it behind your head. Throw your right arm back perpendicular to your torso. Reach with your bent elbow toward the knee that is moved to the side (left elbow – right knee). Do not lower your chin. Fix the position at the highest point and smoothly lower yourself to the floor. Perform the exercise 20-30 times, then change your leg and arm. Do the same number of repetitions in the opposite direction (right elbow – left knee).
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