bear in the north cake "Bear in the North" is not only populara brand of chocolate sweets, which today produces the "Leningrad" confectionery factory (and many others). Exactly the same name is another delicacy, enjoyed by lovers of sweet no less demand. If you still do not know the recipe for the cake, we suggest immediately correcting this annoying misunderstanding. The main advantage of dessert is the simplicity of its preparation. You do not need to be a genius in the forehead and have incredible culinary skills to bake a cake with the wonderful name "Mishka in the North". So why not try it at your leisure? Agree, a delicious treat and hot tea - a great pastime with the family. So choose a recipe and go safely to the kitchen. Even if you have never stood at the stove, drive away doubts - the cake is so simple in execution that it will necessarily come off appetizing.

Cake with protein cream

Let's start with a more complex recipe,because if you cope with this task, then "Mishka in the North" in a simple performance certainly will succeed. To bake a cake you need wheat flour, which must be sifted with a fine sieve. Thanks to this simple procedure, the product will be filled with air, and the product will come out lush, tall and beautiful. As for soda, then for its quenching you can use not only table vinegar. Although, of course, this method is most popular among modern housewives. But there is another option - if you want to extinguish soda freshly squeezed lemon juice. Ingredients: For cake:

  • ¾ cups of granulated sugar or powder
  • four egg yolks (we recommend using homemade eggs)
  • 300 grams of butter (if necessary, you can change the recipe slightly - take margarine)
  • five milliliters of table vinegar or lemon juice
  • 650 grams of sifted flour
  • half a small spoonful of baking soda

For cream:

  • a glass (without a slide) of powdered sugar
  • four proteins
  • 200-220 grams of roasted ground nuts (this recipe includes walnuts, but peanuts or, for example, almonds)

For decoration:

  • chocolate, coconut shavings or cocoa - at your discretion

Cooking method: We do not know for sure whether this cake is baked in the North, but in many Russian families "Mishka" regularly appears on the festive table. Kids adore juicy delicacy with a delicate protein cream, so this recipe can be safely called "childish". In the near future, there is a party dedicated to your child's birthday? Now you do not have to puzzle over what to serve to guests for tea. The answer suggests itself: "Mishka in the North" can not be better suited for the role of mouth-watering dessert. Trying to cook it only once, it's difficult to stop. After all, the procedure for baking the product is very simple. Do not believe me? Then try it yourself. The cake, as you know, starts with the test. To properly mix it, separate the proteins from the yolks, the first for a while put aside, they will be needed for the cream. Now take the chicken yolks and combine them with the sugar, then diligently rub the mass with a fork until the sand dissolves completely. It will take about five to seven minutes. If you decide to use the mixer, first turn the device on at least and mix the ingredients several times. As soon as the mass starts to increase in volume, switch the speed to the average, and then to the maximum level. Then enter to the yolks the softened and cut into small pieces of oil and again work with a mixer. Eat baking soda with vinegar or use another recipe - add lemon juice. Enter the product into the egg-and-oil mixture, then gradually, in small portions, pour the sifted flour in advance. Mix well the products so that you get a homogeneous, moderately doughy dough. Take care that it does not have lumps. Form a ball from the received mass, cover it with a wet towel or gauze and put it in the refrigerator. It's time to take cream. This time, the appetizing "Northern Bear" will be smeared with airy sweet sauce based on proteins. So, transfer the indicated product into a deep bowl and pour out the powdered sugar in the same dish. Whisk the ingredients with a corolla into a firm and dense foam. For taste, you can enter a few drops of lemon juice or a couple of pinch of vanilla. Peel the dried nuts in a hot frying pan, when done, grind with a mortar or blender. Put them in the protein mass and mix it several times. Basically, for this cake any recipe of a cream will approach. A very mouth-watering dessert will come out if you make a creamy or custard sauce, a no-lose option is chocolate icing. Next time you can cook a cake with another impregnation - so you will be able to more objectively evaluate which of the dishes is more delicious. So far, we will not go too far ahead, and return to our test. Divide it into four identical parts, each of which roll out with a rolling pin into a thin layer, circle or rectangle. The shape of the product is directly dependent on the cookware for baking. Lay the first layer of dough on a special parchment and put it in the oven, heated to 180-200 degrees. Beat half an hour, after the specified time, take out the dishes and pierce the product with a match. If it stays dry, then the cake "Mishka" is enough to get baked. In the same way, prepare the rest of the cakes. When they cool down, grease them with a protein-nut cream and mix together. Wait until the dessert is sufficiently impregnated, then treat it with the remains of a sweet sauce, sprinkle with cocoa powder or coconut chips, cut into portions and serve in beautiful saucers. Each housewife decorates the cake in her own way. If it seems to you that it came out too dry, pour it over with liquid condensed milk, put a bowl next to your home berry jam. Then everyone who wants can douse a piece of dainty prepared by you. There is another option: cook the chocolate icing using the following recipe. Put on a slow fire a bowl of butter when it melts, pour sugar powder, cocoa into the dishes and enter cream or sour cream. You can use the store milk. Stir the products thoroughly until the weight begins to gradually thicken. After turn off the fire, cool the glaze and pour it on the cake. Teddy bear in the north

Nut cake "Mishka" with sour cream without eggs

Dishes may have the same name, but thisdoes not always mean that the recipe for which they are prepared is the same in the first and second cases. As you understand, "Mishka in the North" is also no exception. To see this, it's enough just to compare the dish with the protein cream mentioned above, and the next version of the dessert. We propose to make a cake with peanuts, for which eggs are not needed. Ingredients: For cakes:

  • 220 grams of ordinary sugar
  • three glasses of white, well-sieved flour
  • 200 milliliters of sour cream
  • twenty grams of softened butter (for dough)
  • cocoa powder - to taste (20 grams will be enough)
  • 0.5 teaspoonful (without slide) of a spoonful of soda
  • vegetable or butter - for the lubrication of dishes

For a gentle cream:

  • two or three handfuls of toasted and peeled peas
  • a glass of sugar
  • two faceted glasses of sour cream

Cooking method: This recipe for walnut cake is popular with many housewives. After all, it is distinguished not only by the fast baking procedure, but also by its versatility. It can be prepared at any time of the year, regardless of the occasion. Dessert will look equally good both at a small family celebration, and at a children's party in honor of your baby's birthday. And in the summer, when all sorts of fruits and berries are represented on market stalls and in shops, we recommend replacing nuts with these natural vitamins. You'll see, it turns out incredibly juicy and appetizing. Fantasy on the topic of cakes can be as many as you like, but we'd better get down to business right away. First, sift the wheat flour with a sieve. To cakes well rose, came out gentle and soft, professionals advise to carry out this procedure more than once, as many mistresses used to do, but two. When you are ready, put half a serving of dry product in the form of a slide into a deep bowl, put sugar here and pour the butter, pre-melted on a steam bath or in a microwave oven. Thoroughly mix the ingredients with a whisk, then add soda and sour cream. The latter should in no case be cold, so pre-lay the product on the table so that it has acquired room temperature. With active movements rub the mass to homogeneity. Then pour the remaining flour into it and mix again a few times. Divide the resulting dough into two equal parts by hand, add cocoa and one by hand to one of them. Cut the mass into several large enough pieces and roll each with a rolling pin. As a result, you should get six cakes: three white and the same number of chocolate. Their shape is selected depending on the dishes. So, for example, if you bake a dish on a baking sheet, it is logical to make products rectangular or square. Lay the first cake in the oil-treated form, pierce it in several places with a fork, then send it to a preheated oven and keep it in the oven until it is ready. The optimum temperature is 190 degrees. As soon as the product acquires an appetizing brownish-golden hue, remove it, transfer it to another bowl and in the same way prepare the next cake. Remember, the thinner it is, the less time it will take for the baking process. On average, one "pancake" is prepared from seven to nine minutes. When all six pieces are lying on the table, neatly trim them with a knife to give the future cake a beautiful shape. The remaining crumbs of dough grind and use for decoration, but more on this later. And now put the peeled peeled in a clean saucepan and brown it without adding oil. Then rastolklyte product with a special mortar and combine it with sour cream and sugar. To make the mass more uniform, sand is recommended to enter into the cream gradually, adding it with small handfuls as you whip. This is a very simple cream recipe, if you want to improve it and give your creation a piquancy, you can add a pinch of vanilla essence. Thoroughly mix the sweet mass, when it becomes airy and dense, proceed to assemble the dessert. Agree, the product will be much more beautiful, if you alternate cakes by color. This is what we recommend. So, the first white "pancake" treat with cream, sprinkle with peanuts and cover with a dark layer of dough. Then again, apply the sour cream sauce, add the nuts and lay the light crust in the same way. Repeat these steps until you run out of food. The top and sides of the finished product, grease the remains of the cream and sprinkle with dough pieces, which we mentioned above. You can try another version of the decoration: combine in a bowl 100 grams of softened butter and slightly less can of boiled condensed milk. Whip the products with a whisk and cream the cream from all sides. Is the peanut left? Sprinkle the dish in abundance. Bon Appetit! cake teddy bear in the north recipe

Lemon cake with raisins

Perhaps, it is this cake that will become your familydessert. Virtually every housewife has a crown dish, which she surprises guests at festive parties. It can be anything, from an appetizing seafood salad to a delicate fruit and berry souffle. But no solemn feast can not do without dessert, after all, it's so nice after the conversations and dances to finish the evening with a hot cup of tea and a slice of a delicious pie. And we'll tell you a simple recipe that will always help out in a difficult moment. Despite its simplicity, the dish turns airy and insanely appetizing. Just 40 minutes, and dessert is already on the table. Ingredients:

  • 70-100 grams of raisins
  • home-made sour cream - 500 milliliters
  • 2/3 cups of powdered sugar
  • 230 grams of white flour
  • 50 grams of any nuts - optional
  • eleven eggs
  • a pinch of salt
  • five grams of soda
  • ½ lemon
  • half a chocolate bar

Cooking method: First, pour the raisins with warm water, and while it will be infused, knead the dough. This procedure is very simple: separate the yolks from the proteins, placing them in different dishes. Then the first mix with the powder and whisk well. Now add very little salt to the proteins and just "flush" them with a fork, mixer or blender. Start stirring slowly, gradually increasing the speed. With this approach to work, the mass will come out more lush and dense. When finished, gently, with a thin stream, pour the yolks into the protein mixture, while not stopping, continue whipping. Sift the flour and sprinkle it on the previous ingredients. Here, enter baking soda, preliminarily putting it out with lemon juice. And the skin of the fruit itself, grate on a fine grater and combine with the above products. Carefully stretching the mass with your hands, knead an elastic, not too dough dough. If you use walnuts or peanuts, we recommend to brown them in a saucepan. They will acquire a more piquant taste. As for raisins, then drain it and rinse well under the tap. Then dry with napkins and together with peanuts enter into the dough. Another couple of times, mix it with your hands, then divide into two parts of the same size, slightly roll out the rolling pin, after the first cake put into a mold, greased with vegetable oil, and send it to the oven. That the product is not burnt, we recommend to cover the inside of the dishes with a special parchment. Bake a dish at 180 degrees for about a quarter of an hour. In the same way, prepare the second cake. When they cool, cut each into two round cakes. Thus you will have a four-tiered cake. Now make the cream: whip the sour cream with the sugar powder, obtained by mass grease every "floor" of the dish. Combine the cakes, cover them with the remains of sweet sauce and sprinkle with grated chocolate. Give the dessert to infuse, then serve it to the guests. As you can see, in order to bake a cake, it is not at all necessary to spend a lot of time near the stove. It is enough to choose a simple, but necessarily delicious recipe. We offered you several options for the dish, we hope, at least one of them will get accustomed to your kitchen. Remember, adding nuts, raisins, dried fruits to the dough, you improve the taste of your product. So experiment and cook with love!

