baked quails Quail meat and eggs are among thoseproducts that are considered to be dietary. And this was known in ancient times. According to historical sources, the medicinal properties of meat of this small bird of the family of chicken were known even in ancient Egypt. Of course, then it was a question of wild quails, which people extracted during the hunt. Today, to prepare a baked quail or any other dish from this tender meat will not be difficult: the bird is bred on numerous farms, and it is sold in any supermarket. Quail meat was also widely used in Russian cuisine. If you read books with old culinary recipes, there you can find many interesting and unique dishes. So, the quails were served to the table, baked with cherries, cranberries, apples, prepared special sauces for poultry. And in general, this little bird in Russia was considered a royal dish. Currently, quail dishes are served in the most prestigious restaurants around the world, since high taste qualities of quail meat, its aroma, tenderness and juiciness are highly appreciated by gourmets. Like any delicacy dish, the quail stand in a restaurant quite expensive. Meanwhile, any hostess on the shoulder can create such a simple way of cooking and at the same time a very delicious dish, like a quail, baked with a garnish of vegetables. This dish, in addition to its main advantages - flavoring, has many more advantages. First, it will cost quite inexpensively, and this moment is very relevant for today. And secondly, this is a very convenient option for the main course, if you are expecting guests. Usually the hostess of the house before the reception of guests spends so much strength and nerves that when the time comes "X", she already wants only one thing: fall into an armchair and do nothing. Special labor is required just the main dishes. But in the case of our recipe, nothing like this threatens you. The fact is that all work can and should be done the day before. And on the day of celebration you will only have to put in the oven a pan with all the beauty and after 30-35 minutes take the delight of those present! quail baked with garnish

The recipe for baking quail


  • quail
  • salt pepper
  • garlic
  • a bit of fresh greens
  • olive oil
  • lemon juice
  • honey
  • soy sauce
  • bacon

For a vegetable pillow we need: potatoes, carrots, onions, fennel, a few white roots, petioled celery, eggplant, sweet pepper, tomatoes, zucchini, salt, pepper, olive oil. Method of preparation: Wash and dry the quails. Prepare the marinade. To do this, mix and lightly beat up olive oil, lemon juice, soy sauce and honey, add crushed garlic. Birds to rub with salt and pepper, inside put on a pair of stalks of parsley and dill and a piece of garlic. Fold in a bowl and pour over the prepared marinade. This can be done on the eve, in that case the quail will well marinate and absorb all the flavors. All the vegetables that are supposed to be used for garnish, too, can be prepared in the evening. They should be washed, brushed, cut into large pieces, sprinkled with large salt and pepper, sprinkled with olive oil and put in a cold place. The exception is potatoes, it should be added immediately before cooking. Vegetables spread on a baking sheet, trying to distribute as evenly as possible. On top put the quail, on whose breasts, attach toothpicks to a piece of bacon. Bake in the oven, heated to 180 degrees, for 30-35 minutes. As you can see, preparing this dish is very simple, and preparing all the ingredients will not take long. You can clearly calculate the required number of quail according to the number of guests and prepare, for example, not one baking tray, but two. Success is assured: the dish is delicious, looks nice and at the same time high in calories. By the way, the caloric content of quail meat is five times higher than that of chicken meat! Notes on the recipe:

  • Vegetables for a pillow can be any - everything dependsfrom your preferences and, of course, from the season. In summer, it is best to use small young potatoes, it is very quickly prepared and it can be baked entirely.
  • If you expect a lot of guests, and youit seems that a side dish of vegetables alone can not do, you can additionally prepare a loose rice or risotto. Rice is perfectly combined with baked vegetables and poultry.
  • For baking is preferable to choose youngquail (the bird begins to be slaughtered after reaching one and a half months). If older quails, they are better to cook - it turns out a great broth, irreplaceable in dietary nutrition, including in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • We do not give the exact amount of each ingredient that is a part of the marinade for quails, as this is a matter of everyone's taste, and it's on him that should be guided.

How to bake quail, you already know. And in addition the recipe for cooking crumbly rice, as advised to do the historian of Russian cuisine and generally a delicate connoisseur of culinary secrets VV Pokhlebkin. Method of preparation Rice thoroughly rinse, pour cold water and bring to a boil. Cook over high heat for 4 minutes, and then on low heat for another 7 minutes. Turn off the cooking zone, cover the pan with a towel and leave the rice for 10 minutes. Do not add salt. Cook under the lid. This rice is great as a side dish for many meat and fish dishes - take note.

