bacterial vaginitis Recently, more and more widespreadacquire various vaginal infections - bacterial vaginitis. This group of diseases occupies a leading position in the list of all obstetric and gynecological diseases. The structure of the sexual system of a woman is in itself designed to protect the body from the invasion of foreign pathogenic bacteria, and to maintain a normal biocenosis (balance of bacteria in the vagina). In addition, nature provides a kind of self-cleaning system of the vagina, which is also designed to protect the woman's body from various pathogenic bacteria. However, alas, not always these protection systems work properly. There are a number of situations in which the balance of the flora in the reproductive system of a woman may malfunction, or infection of a pathogenic microflora. Such cases include:

  • Antibacterial drugs

Surely, almost any person at least oncein my life I heard that treatment with antibiotics can lead to a breakdown of the intestinal dysbiosis. But that only a few know that there is a dysbacteriosis of the vagina. But in practice, about 70% of all cases of use of antibiotics by women lead to such side effects.

  • Hormonal disorders

Often, bacterial vaginitis develops in thatcase, if a woman has some or other violations of the hormonal background. Most often this happens as a result of disruption of the normal functioning of the endocrine system. And about the use of hormonal contraceptive drugs should also not be forgotten. In order to avoid such problems, your gynecologist should select the hormonal preparations.

  • Treatment with cytostatic drugs

Often the development of bacterial vaginosisprovoked by the course of treatment, which is received by a person suffering from various cancers. Cytotoxic drugs lead to bacterial vaginitis.

  • Diabetes

Almost all women suffering from sugardiabetes, sooner or later encounter different bacterial vaginitis. The most common such bacterial vaginitis is well known to all known thrush or, in scientific terms, yeast candidiasis.

  • Various diseases of the blood

Such blood diseases as various typesanemia, as well as acute and chronic leukemia, also often lead to the emergence of bacterial vaginitis. This is due to the fact that any blood diseases inevitably lead to a weakening of the immune system.

  • Violation of the structure of the genital organs

Rarely, but sometimescases of congenital pathologies of the structure of the genital organs. Such violations very often make it impossible for the normal functioning of the reproductive system, and in particular, lead to permanent bacterial vaginitis, which are practically unchanged companions of a woman and give her a huge number of inconveniences and unpleasant minutes.

  • Malfunction of the immune system

Practically in all cases of violation of normalThe functioning of the immune system leads to the development of bacterial vaginitis. And it does not matter what causes the weakening of immunity is caused by any serious disturbances in the work of the immune system or a common cold.

Varieties of bacterial vaginitis

Doctors - gynecologists distinguish several differentvarieties of bacterial vaginitis, depending on the nature of the course of the disease, its symptoms, and most importantly - the reasons that caused its development. So, bacterial vaginitis can be:

  • Trichomonal vaginitis

Vaginitis caused by the bacterium Trichomona isthe most common sexually transmitted disease. At least once in a lifetime every fourth woman had a disease. Every third woman who turns to a doctor - gynecologist with complaints about atypical discharge from the vagina, suffers from trichomonas vaginitis. By the way, not only women, but also men are facing this disease. Thus, in women the habitat of the causative agent of this disease is the mucous membrane of the vagina, and in men - seminal vesicles and prostate gland. Infection occurs during sexual contact with an infected person without the use of protective equipment. That's why those women who have more than two partners, the frequency of infection with this infection is much higher. The incubation period for this type of bacterial vaginosis is 10 to 15 days. After that, the woman marks the appearance of grayish-yellow frothy discharge, which has an extremely liquid consistency and a pronounced smell. These secretions very quickly lead to the fact that the mucous membrane of the vagina and external genital organs is affected, a strong irritation develops, and in particularly severe cases, it can be ulcerated. A woman almost always experiences a strong feeling of itching and burning. Burning, by the way, is especially intensified during urination, when urine drops get on the surface of the vaginal mucosa. All manifestations of bacterial vaginitis at times intensify within a few days after the end of menstruation. The doctor, when examined by a woman, can observe the inflammatory processes not only of the vagina, but also of the cervix. These lesions can be very diverse - from simple mild hyperemia of the mucous membranes or cervix, to the occurrence of erosions of the cervix. In the cavity of the vagina there are always foamy discharge, which, flowing outwards, lead to irritation not only of the mucous membranes, but also of the skin of the perineum. Often, due to the constant exposure to the skin of such secretions, the woman develops genital warts. In the event that a woman does not turn in time for medical help to a doctor, the disease will imperceptibly pass into the chronic stage - acute manifestations will disappear. At first glance, a woman may seem that she completely got rid of the disease. However, in fact, this is not the case at all - with any weakening of immunity - even with an ordinary cold disease, after sexual intercourse, drinking alcoholic drinks, the disease returns again. Treating trichomoniasis is a complex and lengthy process - sometimes it can last for many months, or even years. And the earlier the disease is diagnosed and the treatment is started, the higher its effectiveness and the chances that there will not be a relapse of the disease. Therefore, it is very important that a woman see a doctor as soon as possible, at the first signs of the disease. Do self-medication can not in any case - this can only exacerbate the situation. Prescribe treatment should only a doctor - a gynecologist or a venereologist.

  • Candidiasis of the vaginitis

This type of bacterial vaginosis is,perhaps, the most common among all others. According to the statistics of gynecologists, about 90% of all women of different age categories encounter this disease periodically. Agree - a very impressive figure. The development of this type of bacterial vaginitis causes yeast fungus of the genus Candida. This fungus is in the vagina of any woman. However, sometimes, under the influence of certain adverse factors, for example, such as treatment with antibacterial drugs, the body of a woman begins to increase the growth of fungi of the genus Candida. And as a result, a woman develops a yeast candidiasis. Symptoms of bacterial vaginosis are very specific - any doctor can easily diagnose this disease. However, a smear is still necessary in order to exclude any possibility of error, even a small one. A woman suffering from thrush, there are abundant thick discharge, having a white color and sour smell, reminiscent of the smell of yeast gum. As a rule, under the influence of high temperatures - hot bath, sauna, bath or just a hot summer day, manifestations of thrush are greatly enhanced. Also, the condition of a woman worsens a few days before the onset of menstruation. Incidentally, this feature is characteristic only of bacterial vaginitis caused by fungi of the genus Candida. All other varieties of bacterial vaginitis are most acute in the first week after the end of menstruation. treatment of bacterial vaginitis

Diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis

In order to diagnose bacterialVaginosis, a doctor appoints a woman a series of tests. First of all, it is necessary to study the vaginal content to determine the pH level, as well as microscopic examination. If necessary, microbiological, immunological examination and PCR diagnostics are also performed. In order for the results of the tests to be reliable, it is very important to properly prepare for the study. First, do not start taking any medications until you have taken a swab. Drugs can greatly distort the final results of the tests. The same goes for douching - very many women, taking care of the purity of the genitals, immediately douche before going to the doctor. However, such a measure leads to the fact that the analysis may be completely inconclusive. The same goes for washing before a visit to a doctor - of course, neatness is very important. However, limit yourself to simple washing of the genitals with clean water. The use of various means for intimate hygiene can also distort the results of the analysis. A wrong result of the tests will entail incorrect diagnosis of the disease and, as a consequence, the appointment of an incorrect treatment. In the best case, such treatment will not have any influence on the body of the woman, and the disease will continue to progress. And in the worst case, in addition to progressive treatment, improperly selected pharmacological drugs can have an extremely negative impact on the woman's body.

Treatment of bacterial vaginitis

As already mentioned above, with the first symptomsVaginitis, a woman should as soon as possible seek medical help from a gynecologist. The scheme for taking medications within the framework of this article will not be considered - it should be prescribed by a doctor, and self-medication in this situation is unacceptable. However, below will be told about some recipes of traditional medicine that can be an excellent addition to the main treatment prescribed by a doctor, as well as the basic principles of successful treatment of bacterial vaginitis.

  • Treatment of both sex partners

As already mentioned, bacterial vaginitisis a typically female disease. But, in no case should we lose sight of the fact that a man is a carrier of the disease. This is why if a woman has noticed one or more symptoms of vaginitis, both partners should consult a doctor: a man - to a doctor - a urologist or a venereologist. And treatment is also necessary for both sexual partners - otherwise a woman, immediately after recovery, may be reinfected.

  • Restrictions for the period of treatment

Doctors strongly recommend sick people onthe time of treatment to completely abandon sexual intercourse, in order to avoid constant infection of each other. In an extreme case, if you refuse to have sexual intercourse, there is no possibility or desire, it is absolutely necessary to be protected with a condom. Otherwise, the entire effect of the treatment will be reduced to zero. Treatment lasts not too long - about 10 - 14 days, so it is still abandon the sex life. And, in addition, for the entire period of treatment a sick person should completely stop using even low-alcohol drinks. And this restriction is introduced not for nothing - those drugs that are most often used for the treatment of bacterial vaginitis, in combination with alcoholic beverages can become a powerful blow to the woman's organism and lead to the appearance of pathological irreversible processes. Another very important stage in the treatment of bacterial vaginitis is the correction of all kinds of disorders of the immune system of the female body, as well as the treatment of all the accompanying diseases. If necessary, a gynecologist should refer a woman to a consultation with a specialist and an immunologist.

Traditional methods of treatment of vaginitis

In folk medicine there are several veryeffective prescriptions for the treatment of bacterial vaginitis, which will be a wonderful addition to the basic treatment of the disease, which the doctor appointed. For all these recipes, various herbs are used.

  • Marigold Infusion

In order to minimize the unpleasantmanifestations of vaginitis, which give a woman a lot of discomfort (burning, itching), it is recommended syringing infusion of calendula. It is prepared as follows: put in a thermos one tablespoon of dry calendula, then pour two glasses of steep boiling water. Cover the thermos lid and leave to infuse for at least a day. After that, using gauze tissue, drain the broth, and use it for syringing. Douching should be done before bedtime, making sure that the solution remains in the vagina for at least 10 minutes. The course of treatment should be 21 days, and in no case can not stop it immediately after the external manifestations of the disease have disappeared, otherwise the disease very soon will again manifest itself.

  • Decoction of root of a badan

Also very effective for bacterialVaginitis is helped by decoction of the root of the badan. To make it, you must thoroughly crush the root, pour it with half a liter of water and bring to a boil. After the water boils, the fire should be reduced and cook the broth for about 20 minutes. After that, the container with the decoction should be tightly covered with a lid and leave to infuse for 5 hours. After this time, the broth must be filtered and used for syringing twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, before going to bed. The course of treatment should last at least 15 days. After this, it is necessary to take a week break and repeat the course of treatment. Incidentally, this recipe is especially effective for the treatment of candidal vaginitis or, more simply, thrush. Very many women who tried it on themselves, unanimously assert that they have managed to forget forever the thrush. A woman can try any of the above prescriptions for the treatment of this disease. However, it must be remembered that if you have bacterial vaginitis, treatment with folk methods alone will not be effective enough. After all, in most of these recipes help to get rid of only manifestations of the disease. And medicines will successfully eliminate pharmacological drugs. A timely visit to a gynecologist is a very sensible act of a woman who takes care of her health! We advise you to read:

