Attributes of a healthy lifestyle A healthy lifestyle is becoming more fashionable. Running in the morning, visiting fitness centers, healthy food, clothes made from natural fabrics are just some of its attributes. Also now, a procedure such as Darsonvalization has become widespread. For its carrying out the device called darsonval is used, with which help influence on problem sites of a skin by pulses of an alternating current of high frequency. Until recently, a series of procedures could be performed only in the beauty salon, and now Darsonval's compact devices can be used at home, since they do not need to have a special medical education for their use. The device helps to get rid of pimples and acne, successfully fights with hair loss, cellulite and even with varicose veins. Contraindications to the use of this device is not much, but still, before buying it, it is better to consult a doctor. Usually twenty to twenty-five procedures are enough to get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of psoriasis, stop hair loss and stimulate their growth. Ten to twelve procedures will be sufficient for the treatment of eczema and itchy skin. In cosmetic salons, darsonval is used to remove fine wrinkles, improve the complexion, narrow the pores. Also this device improves the result from the action of cosmetic masks and creams. But even the best procedures and preparations will not replace a quality night rest and fresh air. If the first problem is solved simply by purchasing a comfortable and useful orthopedic mattress, then the second one is a little more serious. What if you live in the city center and get to the nearest park zone for more than an hour? In this case, the apartment needs to purchase an ionizer air purifier, which will saturate the premises with useful ions for the organism by negatively charged, bringing the atmosphere closer to what can be observed in a coniferous forest or on the seashore. Modern models purify the air using ultraviolet rays and electrostatic filters, operate almost silently and consume little power. To adhere to a healthy lifestyle is not so difficult, the main thing is to control yourself. A dozen cakes, eaten at night, can reduce to "no" a few hours of training on simulators. Even if you have an excellent ionizer air purifier, this does not mean that you can smoke in the bedroom. The use of dorsanval will give you a good complexion, but it is easier to get it, fully sleeping, not sitting up in front of a computer or TV until three o'clock in the morning. Our health is in our own hands. We advise you to read:

