causes rashes on the skin Rashes on the skin can be the mostdifferent, as well as the reasons that cause them. Not uncommon are the usual reddening, pustular rashes, plaques and inflammations, and scaly patches. Usually these are traces from insect bites, pustular manifestations, but they can be caused by other causes, for example, allergic reactions to stimuli. Rashes on the skin can not be ignored, especially if they do not pass, and the condition worsens. It can be an infectious or viral disease, which must be treated immediately.

Redness of the skin

Red rashes that do not go away for a long timetime and are accompanied by a strong weight loss, irritability, general malaise and high fatigue, can become a formidable sign of the appearance of cancer tumors. If the rash lasts a long time, does not respond to treatment, and the general condition worsens, there is an incomprehensible weight loss, it is better to see a doctor right away. If the skin has a rash in the form of small tubercles of pinkish color, which cover the entire body, then the case may be in the manifestation of infectious diseases. Most often it is measles, scarlet fever, rubella. Such a rash is accompanied by a general malaise, fever, inflammation of the pharynx or tonsils, a strong increase in the lymph nodes. Independent treatment can not be carried out, we must immediately contact a specialist. Itching rashes, blisters Most often, rashes on the skin - this is the so-called urticaria, that is, an allergic reaction to any stimulus. Appear rash may be in the most unusual place, often it is accompanied by severe itching, small swelling. It takes place fairly quickly after contact with the allergen ceases. In difficult cases, in addition to the rash, there may be a runny nose, an intestinal disorder, a fever. Edema appears on the place of the rash. In such a situation, it is necessary to urgently contact a doctor who will conduct the necessary studies and prescribe the appropriate treatment. Contact dermatitis can be caused by abrasive, corrosive substances. This shampoo, citrus juice, detergents, cosmetics and much more. Such irritants with prolonged contact with the skin cause the appearance of blisters, urticaria and other rashes that may resemble eczema. They cause coarsening of the skin, its strong thickening, peeling, the appearance of cracks, changes in pigmentation. To begin to treat the rash it is necessary with the complete exclusion of contact with the allergen, which is the cause of the disease. It is recommended to wipe the skin with menthol alcohol, you can use starch trays that will sooth the itch, remove redness. Well helps the bark of oak, ointments based on hydrocortisone. Insect bites Small rashes are often the result of bites of a variety of bloodsucking insects, such as mosquitoes, mosquitoes, fleas. Usually there are small reddening in the form of blisters, in the center of which there is a tiny red dot - this is the trace from the bite. Such a rash is characterized by severe itching, reddening, which then fades, then intensifies. Combing such bites is not recommended, as they begin to bleed, there may be traces of infection. To remove the itching, you can use ammonia. To protect against bites, you can use a variety of means, which are now abundantly sold in pharmacies. itching and redness on the skin

What causes rashes all over the body?

If a rash appeared throughout the bodycolors on the reddish foundation is a sign that you are sick with chicken pox, which is an infectious disease. The disease manifests itself very quickly, it must immediately begin to treat. The rash quickly grows into bubbles with a muddy content. After they are torn, crusts form. Often the rash leaves behind numerous scars. A rash in the form of densely located papules, that is, tubercles, from which a clear liquid is released, is eczema, which is a chronic skin disease. At first the skin becomes covered with pinkish small nodular eruption, the area around becomes a little swollen. Then appear small bubbles with a light liquid, when combing from them a bright liquid is released. You can not allow such combing, as infection occurs, pus begins to accumulate. Eczema is difficult to treat, in some cases it passes on its own, but it can also go into a more complex form, on the skin appear damp patches of reddish color. Most often this disease is associated with food allergic reactions, but in any case it is necessary to begin treatment with specialists. At the time of treatment should be abandoned clothing made of synthetic fabrics, products that cause allergic reactions. Often, rashes can cause stress. Purulent eruptions On the surface of the skin purulent eruptions appear for various reasons, but more often it is non-compliance with hygiene, excessive sweating, damage during combing, the presence of any pustular foci. Accompanying such rashes with itching, painful sensations, secretions of pus. Inflammation of the hair follicle is called the folliculitis. This is a rash in the form of small pustules, which in size are similar to a millet grain. They are yellowish in color, surrounded by reddened skin. There is such a rash in the scalp, on the legs, hands, near the nose or mouth. The causative agent of the disease is staphylococcus, there are rashes on the skin, usually with non-observance of personal hygiene, when combing. The treatment is very simple. It is enough simply to lubricate the affected areas with an antiseptic liquid, for example hydrogen peroxide, a solution of manganese, a solution of furacilin can be used. The rash on the skin does not always represent small formations, the lesion can cover the hair follicle surrounding the areas. This boil, that is, a large, rather painful abscess. More often furuncles are observed in the armpit, on the neck, buttocks, on the face. First, a yellowish head appears, which bursts after maturation, pus begins to be released. If there are several furuncles, they can merge into a large formation - carbuncle, which should be treated only after consulting a doctor. To extrude furuncles should not be, on the affected area it is recommended to apply bandages with Vishnevsky ointment, to wipe them with salicylic alcohol. After maturing, the skin is punctured with a sharp disinfected formation, after which all the pus is completely eliminated. The wound is treated with alcohol. lichen

Herpes and shingles

Herpes is the most common todayViral disease, which manifests itself only under certain circumstances. For example, for colds, under stress, under the influence of sunlight. It appears as a bubble rash, most often on the lips, nasal mucosa, but can be on any part of the skin, even on the genitals. Externally, the rash is swollen reddish patches with translucent vesicles, which are becoming larger. There is itching, severe pain in the place of the rash. Bubbles become more and more over time, their contents become cloudy, they dry up and become crusty. Herpes passes by itself, but its elimination can be accelerated using creams with acyclovir, which are applied to the affected area. Shingles affect not only the skin, but also part of the nervous system, nerve nodes. It all starts not with rashes, which appear in the last place, but with a high temperature, strong, sharp pain in the affected area. A few days after the onset of the disease, a grouped rash appears on the surface of the skin of the affected area, in the form of red small spots that quickly grow into bubbles. Such bubbles darken, are covered with a crust. The disease develops in about 5 days, the rash is treated after about 14 days. The course of the disease can be different, in rare cases it passes very quickly, the rash after itself leaves no traces. But there are also very serious cases, in which there are non-passing, very severe pain in the affected nerve node. The rash grows into large affected areas, the surface of the skin begins to die, after which there are large scars. When such a disease occurs, it is necessary to consult a specialist who will prescribe a treatment to ease the condition and prevent re-infection. The skin should be treated with a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate or an ordinary green, from itching it is recommended to use 2% menthol alcohol. Very effective for the treatment of acyclovir. treatment of redness on the skin

Eruptions in the form of scaly plaques

Red rashes in the form of large plaques covered withscales, - psoriasis. Most often it affects the surface of the skin of the elbow and knee joints, the scalp, the genital area, the navel. If you do not start treatment on time, the plaques develop into thick scales that have a yellowish white and silver hue. When they are removed, there is spot bleeding on the skin. Psoriasis can also affect the surface of the nail plate. First, the surface of the nail becomes dull, then collapses, resembling a thimble in appearance. If such formations on the skin were noticed, you need to immediately consult a dermatologist, since treatment requires extreme caution, in many respects it depends on the age of the patient, the complexity of the disease itself. Treating the eruption can be quite effective folk remedies, which are a great addition. This infusion is especially useful:

  • equal parts of the motherwort, valerian root, turn, nettle, marigold, centaury, plantain should be mixed (only in dry form);
  • after that 5 full tablespoons of the collection should be poured with a liter of boiling water, boil for one minute, remove from heat;
  • it is necessary to insist for 2-3 hours, wrapping the container;
  • the resulting infusion befungin added in an amount of 4 tablespoons (this infusion birch fungus).

You should drink 30 minutes before eating 30-150 ml,dosage depends on the age of the patient. Rashes on the skin in the form of redness and abscesses are not uncommon today, but the reasons for their occurrence are different. Starting from a relatively safe irritation, which can be caused by plants, and ending with a malignant skin tumor. Therefore, in case of a disturbing rash, you should immediately contact a dermatologist who will carry out the necessary examination and prescribe a treatment.

