arachnoiditis Unfortunately, there is a huge number ofvarious human diseases. And with each year their number only increases. And one of such diseases is arachnoiditis. This disease is little known to the general public, but it occurs very, very often. Arachnoiditis is an inflammatory process that affects the web of the brain or spinal cord. However, as medical practice shows, arachnoiditis of the brain is much more common. Because of the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the brain and spinal cord, the development of an isolated lesion of the arachnoid membrane is impossible in principle. This is explained by the fact that there is simply no autonomous blood vessel network in the arachnoid membrane. And therefore the inflammatory process practically in all cases is thrown on nearby tissues. That's why most doctors do not talk about arachnoiditis, namely, leptomeningitis. Although, in its essence, the original cause of the disease is precisely arachnoiditis.

Causes of the disease

There are several main reasons for the developmentof this disease, and most often the culprits are a variety of infections, including neuroinfections. In addition, often the cause of the disease are intoxication of an organism of various origins, as well as serious craniocerebral trauma. To insure against them is quite difficult, almost impossible. However, to know about them is still worth it - this will help reduce the threat from their own experience to know what arachnoiditis is. Next, we will discuss these causes in more detail. Of course, such a disease can not pass without a trace - in the arachnoid shell, and in the adjacent tissues thickened and turbid areas are noted. In addition, arachnoiditis often leads to the development of active adhesive processes. As a result of these processes, spikes, consisting of connective tissue, grow in the meninges. In these adhesions, both the growth of the vessels and their opacities are very well seen. In especially neglected cases, cysts are often formed, which can be of very different sizes. All these lesions can be localized in the most diverse parts of the brain. Depending on this very localization, doctors subdivide arachnoiditis into several varieties: optico-chiasmal, convective, spinal. All the symptoms in the varieties of this disease are approximately the same, but in some cases the course and manifestation may differ. In rare cases, an atypical course of the disease is possible.

Symptoms of the disease

Of course, arachnoiditis is a very seriousdisease. And therefore it can not simply be asymptomatic. There are a number of different signs that can cause a doctor to suspect a sick person of arachnoiditis:

  • Headache

This symptom is, in one way or another, inherent inall types of arachnoiditis without exception. However, most of all those who fell ill with the cerebral form of the disease suffer from the headache. As a rule, they experience quite strong painful sensations - a spilled character. However, although less often, there are localized painful sensations. The main distinguishing feature of the headache caused by arachnoiditis is its strengthening in any, even the slightest, movement of the head. There is even a special test - for a sick person a doctor suggests to stand on your toes, and after a sharp transfer of weight to the heel. In the event that at the moment when a man touched the floor with heels, the pain intensified, one can suspect that he has arachnoiditis.

  • Convulsive Syndrome

In the event that arachnoiditis affects the anteriorparts of the brain, it is called convective. For this type of disease are characterized by disorders, both the motor apparatus, and various nerve receptors. Human movements become clumsy, sometimes it is hard enough for him to even lift a cup. The gait of a sick person is also specific - it can be "swung" from side to side, it can stumble upon various objects. All this is due to the fact that the cerebellum is affected to some extent. And the degree of severity of the disturbance of coordination of movement directly depends on the degree of damage to the cerebellum. Of course, all these changes very much frighten both the sick man himself and his loved ones. But there is no reason for panic - practically in a hundred percent of cases all these phenomena pass practically without a trace. The main thing is to seek medical help on time and receive adequate treatment. In addition, often a person loses sensitivity - including pain. However, fortunately, sensitivity is only partially lost - complete loss is extremely rare, only in very severe cases. This form of the disease has another extremely unpleasant feature - it can often lead to a convulsive syndrome - both focal and general. So arachnoiditis is manifested in half of all patients.

  • Decreased vision

In the event that a person has arachnoiditisoccurs as a result of any injuries, or as a result of the spread of the inflammatory process from the maxillary sinuses, the sick person may have problems with the visual apparatus. A person can mark the appearance of blurred or bright spots in front of the eyes, then a gradual decrease in visual acuity begins in both eyes. When examining the fundus, the ophthalmologist usually notes a pronounced optic neuritis. However, if this has happened to you or to your loved ones, do not panic - after arachnoiditis is cured, vision will gradually begin to recover. As a rule, with time it is restored in full, with rare exceptions.

  • Increased intracranial pressure

In almost all cases of the diseaseArachnoiditis can occur such a phenomenon as increased intracranial pressure. If this happens, the doctor will most likely exclude the possibility of having a disease such as arachnoiditis.

  • Pain in the lumbosacral region

In the event that arachnoiditis is localized inspinal cord, a sick person can experience pain in the lumbar region, sacrum or in the thoracic region - depending on the location. And these pains can be quite intense. It is very important in this situation to exclude osteochondrosis, sciatica and acute pyelonephritis, for which arachnoiditis can be masked. cerebral arachnoiditis

Diagnosis of the disease

As mentioned above, for successful treatmentit is very important to diagnose arachnoiditis on time and correctly. In order to correctly diagnose, the doctor needs data from a comprehensive examination of a sick person, assessment of clinical manifestations of the disease and a general anamnesis. That is why the diagnosis always takes some time. And the first thing that doctors should do is completely eliminate the possibility of having a sick person with such a serious disease as a brain tumor. The symptomatology of these diseases is very similar - it is very important to find out the cause of the ailment in an ill person on time and correctly. After all, the tactics of treating these diseases are completely different, and delaying treatment is unacceptable in either case, or in the other - otherwise there is a serious risk to human health. Cerebral arachnoiditis, as well as its other varieties, is a very insidious disease! To diagnose the disease using a variety of methods - the appropriateness of each determines the doctor. As a rule, the basis is the symptoms of the disease. So, for example, if a person is concerned about back pain, the doctor may decide to have a puncture. In the event that an arachnoiditis that afflicts the spinal cord actually occurs, the cerebrospinal fluid will flow under some pressure, and a laboratory test will show the presence of an inflammatory process. In the event that a person complains of pain in the head, most often the doctor appoints a patient a tomography of the brain. This study allows you to identify possible expansion of individual areas of the brain, focal changes, and sometimes even cysts. The reliability of the tomography is approximately 99%. Also for the correct diagnosis, the important thing is how the arachnoiditis disease begins. As a rule, in the event that a person falls ill with arachnoiditis, the malaise does not start suddenly. Most often just before this person was sick with these or other infectious diseases, for example, purulent otitis or sinusitis. Then a person has a feeling of nausea, often accompanied by vomiting. At first, seizures are undulating, however, as the disease progresses, they become practically constant. And in the event that treatment of the arachnoiditis has not been started, the use of any pharmacological drugs designed to relieve nausea is absolutely ineffective. Approximately on the second day after the appearance of nausea, a headache joins her. Its intensity also increases as the disease progresses.

Treatment of the disease

After the disease is reliablyit is necessary to start treatment as soon as possible. The first thing to do is to establish the cause that triggered the development of such a disease as arachnoiditis. In the event that this cause was not a trauma, and this or that infection, you need to start its treatment as soon as possible. Depending on the infection of a sick person, the doctor will select an antibacterial drug at the dose that is necessary for each specific patient. Antibacterial drug not only eliminates the root cause of the disease - infection, but also removes the inflammatory process of the brain envelope. In addition to antibacterial drugs, a patient in almost all cases are prescribed various antihistamines. They are necessary in order to remove the swelling, which inevitably occurs as a result of damage to the meninges. In especially severe cases, the patient will be given intravenous infusions of various drugs that affect the body a little faster. In the event that arachnoiditis is accompanied by a convulsive syndrome, doctors will prescribe suitable antiepileptic drugs. In addition, to alleviate the condition of a sick person, doctors can prescribe symptomatic therapy. Such treatment has a very noticeable result. In some, especially severe cases, the above measures may not work - the symptomatology continues to increase, the intracranial pressure increases, the convulsive symptom intensifies, and the vision greatly decreases. To delay in such cases is by no means inadmissible - not only is health threatened, but also the life of a sick person. In such cases, doctors decide that surgical intervention is necessary. After the acute stage of the disease is stopped, the doctors begin pathogenetic therapy. This course of treatment is very long - it can last about three months. The goal of this treatment is normalization of intracranial pressure, stimulation of cerebral circulation and general improvement of the body. cerebral arachnoiditis

Further prognosis for a sick person

Since arachnoiditis is a very dangerous disease,He can hardly pass without leaving a trace. However, for life, the prognosis is very favorable - if the disease is diagnosed in a timely manner and the treatment is started correctly, there is practically no threat to human life. The only exception is arachnoiditis, which is complicated by hydrocephalus of the brain. In this case, alas, it is not always possible to save a person. Most often, a sick person who has undergone arachnoiditis - of course, after a course of full rehabilitation, restores working capacity in full. However, sometimes, if the health is not fully restored, the special medical commission may decide to recognize the sick person as a disabled person of the third group. In extremely rare cases, a person who has suffered a complicated form of arachnoiditis may periodically experience epileptic seizures. In this case, the sick person will be forced to take special anticonvulsant preparations for the rest of his life. Of course, in this case a person will also receive a group of disabilities, most often II. This occurs in about 10% of all cases when a person underwent cerebral arachnoiditis, especially complicated. Approximately 2% of all cases of the disease arachnoiditis gives such a complication as a strong decrease in vision. Sometimes a person can lose it completely. Of course, in this case, a person is no longer able to fully work, so he will necessarily receive disability of the I group. The reason for this is arachnoiditis.

Precautions after the disease

In addition, the first year after a personsuffered an arachnoiditis, he must observe certain precautions even if the state of health does not suffer at all. So, for example, in the event that a person has problems during the course of his illness with coordination of movement, or epileptic seizures, during the first year he should refuse to work in dangerous conditions. Such conditions include work at an open fire, at a height, on transport and near dangerous mechanisms - a certificate that a person has suffered arachnoiditis will give the right to easy labor. All patients with an arachnoiditis, without exception, should try and refuse to work in unnecessarily noisy rooms, in conditions significantly different from the usual atmospheric pressure - for example, an airplane or a mine. All these factors can become provocative - lead to the re-emergence of arachnoiditis. In addition, one must beware of various infections, at least the first year after the disease. Otherwise, the risk of developing a repeated disease with arachnoiditis is very high. Of course, this is not so simple, but this measure will help to avoid many problems. By the way, repeated diseases are much more difficult, and the risk of complications in this case is not higher. The best way to avoid these or other infections to date is a general strengthening of the immune system. This can be done independently, but it is much more reasonable to contact a doctor - an immunologist who will carefully assess the condition of a person. If necessary, a series of studies will be carried out, including a blood test. Based on the findings, the doctor will select a special course of therapy that will help to improve the immune system to a large extent, increase the body's resistance to various infections. This measure is very useful for any person, and for a person who has suffered such a serious disease as arachnoiditis - especially. In conclusion, I would like to recall once again - of course, arachnoiditis is an unpleasant disease, which for a long time dislodges the sick person, as well as his relatives. However, this is not an excuse to get upset - timely treatment for medical help, careful compliance with all prescriptions of the doctor and his recommendations will help cure such a disease as arachnoiditis of the brain.

