Oak bark from sweating Sweating is one of serious trouble,lying in wait for a person. And no wonder - an excessive amount of sweat brings a lot of trouble. Spots on clothes in the field of armpits, wet palms, unpleasant smell of legs - an unpleasant prospect, is not it? And if increased sweating of the hands and feet is rare, then the situation is much worse with the armpits. Of course, there are a lot of different deodorants antiperspirants, which promise an instant effect. However, this does not always happen - despite the slender rows of deodorants on the shelf, the armpits continue to sweat. And here it is worth trying folk methods of treating sweating underarms. Such methods of treatment are not small. But today we will talk about the bark of oak. Oak bark from sweating is used by people for many centuries - the recipes, as they say, are time-tested. However, remember that before you start treatment, be sure to visit a doctor. Rarely enough, but still there are cases when excessive sweating of the armpits is caused by this or that disease. And only after permission of the doctor can begin treatment with bark of oak.

Broth of the bark of oak

One of the most common means isdecoction of the bark of oak. For its preparation, you need five tablespoons of chopped oak bark, one liter of water and an enamel pan. Oak bark can be harvested independently. To do this, remove the top layer of the bark, spread it in the sun and leave it for a few days. If the weather is not sunny on the street, the bark can be dried in an oven, preheated to 200 degrees. If you are not happy with the prospect of harvesting the bark yourself, you can go the easier way - to get a bark in the pharmacy. Be sure to crush the bark of oak, place five spoonfuls in an enamel saucepan, pour one liter of water. On a slow fire, stirring constantly, bring the broth to a boil. After that, cover and cook for 30 minutes. Turn off the fire, wrap the pan with a thick terry towel and leave to infuse for two hours. The broth should be filtered with gauze cloth, pour into a glass container. After the broth completely cools down, place it in the refrigerator - otherwise it will lose all its healing properties. Do not cook more than one liter of broth - it can only be used the first three days. Then the effectiveness of treatment is reduced at times - it is better to cook fresh. The decoction is as follows. In the morning, after a shower, rinse your armpits with decoction of the oak bark. During the day, also try as often as possible to wipe your armpits with this decoction. If you have such an opportunity, try not to use any deodorant for the period of treatment. Of course, for those who work, it will not be easy. But nevertheless it is necessary to minimize the use of any cosmetic means. And once a day make lotions - moisten two gauze napkins, attach them to problem areas and leave for half an hour. Change the wipes as they dry out. It is best to make gadgets before bed, but it is possible and at any other time convenient for you. Treatment should last at least one month. Although, of course, you will notice the effect much earlier, but do not stop treatment in any case. Otherwise, the sweating will very quickly return. According to those who tried this recipe on themselves, the problem of increased sweating disappears for about six months. Oak bark from underarm sweating

Therapeutic paste from the bark of oak

With a very strong sweating it is worth tryingmore radical way of treatment. For the next recipe, you will need 200 grams of dry oak bark, five tablespoons of any natural honey, a liter of water, a glass container and an enamelled pan. Crust the oak bark thoroughly and divide into two equal parts. One part is placed in an enamel pot, pour one liter of water and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil. After that, reduce the heat and cook until half the water volume is boiled. Do not cover the pan with a lid, of course. After the water is boiled, wrap the pan with a towel and leave to stand for several hours. After this, strain the broth with gauze cloth and pour into a bottle, which you need to store exclusively in the refrigerator. The second part of the crushed oak bark is placed in a glass container, add honey, mix everything thoroughly - you should get a homogeneous mass. It should also be stored in a closed container and only in the refrigerator, no more than one week. By the way, pay attention - the broth is stored for no more than three days, so you will have to cook it twice. The treatment itself is as follows. In the morning, after a shower, rinse the underarm area with a decoction of the bark of oak, and also try to wipe the skin with this decoction during the day. Before going to bed, you must take a shower and apply a thick layer of paste from the honey and oak bark to your skin. Leave the paste for half an hour, then rinse thoroughly with running water. After this, make a lotion - soak two gauze napkins in the broth and attach to the underarm area, for 20 minutes. The duration of such treatment is two weeks. As a rule, even the strongest sweating disappears. Please note - this remedy for sweating is strictly contraindicated to those people who previously had cases of an allergic reaction to honey or any other products of beekeeping. Moreover - in any case, it is worth the test. To do this, apply a small amount of paste on the elbow and leave for two hours. If the skin does not turn red and it will not itch, you can begin treatment for sweating. oak bark from sweating of the palms

Oak bark and lemon juice

Another excellent way to treat sweatingoak, or rather, oak bark - a decoction with lemon juice. It is prepared almost exactly as in all previous recipes. Place in the enameled container five tablespoons of chopped oak bark, pour half a liter of water, boil for 30 minutes. After this, strain the broth with gauze cloth and cool. Squeeze out the lemon juice and mix it with the already cooled decoction of the oak bark. Store the resulting broth only in the refrigerator, no more than three days. This broth should be wiped the area of ​​the armpits at least five to six times a day, and at night make compresses. To do this, moisten in the decoction of the oak bark two gauze napkins and attach them to the armpits for 20 minutes. After that, rinse thoroughly with plenty of running water. The duration of treatment is two weeks. Take care that there is no irritation. If you feel a burning sensation or other uncomfortable sensations, or if you get reddening of the skin, wash off the broth with water as soon as possible and apply any moisturizing cream. Further treatment with such a tool you can not continue. As you can see, getting rid of excessive sweating is real. The main thing is systematic, because the "raids" of the result will not be achieved. We advise you to read:

