apples in caramelCaramel apples are a very popular dessert,which is quite easy to prepare, because it does not require any very unusual or unavailable ingredients. The best thing is that here you can always replace some components with others without much damage to the quality of the final product. Preparing to write this material, I tried to familiarize myself with detailed information on the topic. It turned out that there are many options for making caramel apples. Basically, they are all more or less similar, differing only in details. When analyzing many recipes, I concluded that all our housewives are undoubtedly creative people, so each one tries to make her own contribution to the tried and tested recipes. And this is right. Creativity should be welcomed. And all our readers can be advised to treat the proposed recipes not as dogma, but as a guide to action. Dare and create! If you want to make caramel apples, the recipe will help you with this.

Recipe #1.  Just caramel apples

Necessary products:

  • apples (3-4 pieces),
  • sugar - 150 grams,
  • lemon juice - 1 tablespoon

Preparation:Wash and dry the apples thoroughly, insert wooden sticks (kebab skewers work great). Pour sugar into a saucepan, add lemon juice and put on medium heat. The sugar should dissolve slowly so that the caramel does not become too dark. As soon as the mixture turns into a thick honey-colored syrup, reduce the heat and begin dipping the apples in the caramel. Place the finished products on a plate greased with vegetable oil (otherwise the apples will stick). The dessert is ready. Enjoy. Note: you can add food coloring - you will get very bright and beautiful apples. A great dessert for a child's birthday.apples in caramel recipe

Recipe #2. Chinese Caramel Apples

First option Necessary products:

  • solid apples (4-6 pieces),
  • lemon juice (1-2 tablespoons),
  • flour (4 tablespoons),
  • starch (1 tablespoon),
  • proteins 2-3 eggs,
  • 150 ml of milk,
  • 1 cup of sugar,
  • sesame

Method of preparation:Peel the apples, cut them, remove the seeds and sprinkle with lemon juice to preserve the color. Prepare the batter. To do this, mix the flour with the starch, pour in the milk, egg whites, mix thoroughly until smooth. Let the dough sit for 15-20 minutes. Heat the oil in a saucepan or deep fryer. Dip the prepared apple slices in the batter, fry in boiling oil, place on a paper napkin and leave in a warm place. Dissolve the sugar in water (about 150 ml) and cook until thickened, until the syrup turns brown. Dip the fried apples in caramel, arrange in greased bowls and sprinkle with sesame seeds. There should be a bowl of ice water on the table: before eating, the caramelized apple slices should be immersed in cold water so that the caramel becomes crispy. Second option Products:

  • apples,
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar,
  • 1 protein,
  • a tablespoon (with a slide) of flour,
  • vegetable oil for deep-frying,
  • butter,
  • sesame

Method of preparation:Peel the apples, remove the core and cut into large slices. Sift the flour, add the egg white and enough cold water to make a smooth dough (the consistency of thick sour cream). Dip the apples in the batter and deep-fry until golden brown. Heat the frying pan, add a little butter, add sugar and heat over low heat. When the mass caramelizes, put the apples in the frying pan and stir them so that they are covered in caramel, sprinkle with sesame seeds. Serve on a dish greased with butter. Enjoy!

