causes of allergies in the hands Well-groomed hands are a business cardany self-respecting person. There are cases when even having a perfect manicure does not save the situation. One of them is hand allergy in any form of its manifestation. People increasingly turn to doctors with this particular problem. There are several reasons for its occurrence, as well as methods of treatment. The reactions of manifestation are also different, everything depends on the specific case. The immune system reacts instantly to the appearance of various kinds of irritants in the body, this is immediately reflected on the skin. Hands are protected from the harmful effects of the environment much less than other parts of the body. Therefore, dermatitis first appears on the hands. The main forms of its manifestation are itching, swelling, redness and dryness of the skin, rashes, blisters and other eruptions.treatment of allergy with a special cream

Causes of allergy

Skin rash is the main sign of developmentcontact, allergic and chronic dermatitis, which can manifest themselves in varying degrees of severity. Most often, the causes of dermatitis on the skin are detergents, low-quality perfumes and cosmetics, as well as medications. Constant stress, increased fatigue, diets or overeating are a kind of catalyst for rashes on the hands. All this is accompanied by discomfort, burning and pain. The appearance of painful blisters, in place of which weeping cracks later form, greatly complicates the treatment of the disease. Especially if ulcers form on the fingers, directly in the bend area. Severely neglected allergy on the hands turns into eczema. And drug dermatitis threatens serious complications in the heart, liver and kidneys. If you have been inattentive to your health and have developed chronic eczema, then the classic symptoms of allergies will manifest themselves in a more severe form. Itching and burning will intensify, cracks in the skin will become deeper and more painful. Insomnia and nervous disorders may occur. Therefore, you should not postpone treatment of dermatitis at the first signs of its appearance. A rash that occurs as a result of mechanical, chemical or physical impact on the skin is a manifestation of the contact form of dermatitis. It can appear on healthy skin, but is usually hereditary. Such dermatitis should be treated taking this fact into account. Nervous system disorders or hormonal imbalance are also possible causes of allergies on the hands. This form is called neurodermatitis and has all the same symptoms. It is most often localized on the elbows and fingers, accompanied by severe itching. This is a chronic disease, requires constant monitoring and individual treatment. Fungal diseases are another reason for the appearance of a rash. The symptoms of the disease are almost the same as with allergies. Redness, painful blisters, oozing cracks - all this looks unaesthetic. Fungus first appears on the toes, and then moves to the hands. In case of such a disease, you should immediately consult a doctor.treatment of antibiotic allergy

How to cure an allergy

Before you start treating allergies,It is necessary to determine its severity. In case of mild contact dermatitis, it is enough to identify and eliminate the source causing irritation on the hands. If the disease manifests itself in a more severe form, this will not be enough. It is necessary to consult a dermatologist who will select an individual treatment. During treatment, antihistamines are prescribed that relieve symptoms such as itching and swelling, if necessary, a sedative is added. At the same time, it is recommended to take medications that remove the allergen from the body. It is impossible to treat dermatitis without using external ointments, creams, herbal baths or lotions. They help relieve pain, improve the condition of the skin. Non-hormonal ointments are safer for the body, but are ineffective if the skin allergy is too strong. In such cases, you should not object to the appointment of hormonal-based drugs. A rash caused by a fungal infection should be treated with antibiotics, antifungal drugs and ointments. It should be remembered that a skin rash of this nature is not only unpleasant to others by its appearance, but also very contagious. Therefore, it must be treated by strictly observing the rules of hygiene.

