causes of allergy on the face Allergy on the face is a manifestationreactions of the body to a variety of irritants. Signs of allergies can also be different, ranging from rashes to dangerous swelling and toxic shock. Treatment for allergies can include taking medications, many of which are so-called folk remedies - these are masks, ointments, tinctures.

What is an allergy?

All allergic skin rashes can beare caused by several reasons. This is due to the fact that allergies are the body's reaction to irritants in the external or internal environment. As a result, skin rashes appear - hives, dermatitis, swelling, etc. The reaction in the form of rashes and swelling can be immediate or appear gradually, gaining strength. The main causes of allergies are:

  • houseplants, animal wool, poplar fluff;
  • chemical household products (powders, insecticides, oil paints, solvents);
  • causes are also found in food, a rash canarise from honey, eggs, strawberries, coffee, chocolate and other. It is often correct to determine from what exactly acne arose on the skin is very difficult, but this depends on the treatment;
  • essences (flavors, fragrances and other substances that are part of shampoos, soaps, decorative cosmetics);
  • often acne occurs afterare prescribed for taking various medications (antibiotics, iodine drugs, painkillers, bromides). When rashes appear on the skin, doctors immediately recommend that they undergo an examination in order to determine which medicines have such an effect;
  • many creams and medicines that contain in the composition of vitamin A, aloe, hops, honey.

When an allergy appears on the face, what to do must be decided based on the reasons for its occurrence. But allergic manifestations are different, and the means for their successful treatment may also differ.antihistamines

Symptoms of allergic reactions

The manifestation of allergic reactions can be very different:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • allergic conjunctivitis;
  • urticaria (pimples, rashes, etc.);
  • edema (the most dangerous is the swelling of Quincke);
  • atopic dermatitis (the occurrence of itchy rashes, manifested in different ways, but not similar to nettle burns, often these are inflamed pimples, small spots, etc.);
  • contact dermatitis, in which the allergy on the face is manifested by contact with the allergen;
  • anaphylactic shock. This is the most dangerous condition, in which there is a loss of consciousness, a drop in pressure and so on. In this case, special means of treatment, urgent hospitalization are required.

Practical advice from specialists: medication

Acne and rashes on the skin of the face especiallyare unpleasant because they are very noticeable. For many, redness and inflamed spots cause great discomfort, such signs not only spoil the appearance, but also cause itching. But swelling is dangerous in other ways too - they can become a formidable warning that Quincke's edema may develop - the most dangerous syndrome that requires immediate hospitalization and appropriate therapy. Doctors recommend treatment such as intramuscular and intravenous injections of antihistamines: claritin, diphenhydramine, suprastin and others. But such methods, capable of eliminating allergies, are usually used during exacerbations. All drugs are used orally, i.e. it is enough to put a tablet of the drug under the tongue to relieve the symptoms. But if swelling of the face and eyelids is observed, it is best to use treatment such as subcutaneous injections of adrenaline solution or hydrocortisone hemisuccinate. A simple chamomile cream with azulene, which has an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect, helps if pimples and redness appear. Skin rashes, pimples, can be treated not only with medications, but also with herbs. But we must remember that treating allergies is a long and very complex process, eliminating only one rash is not enough, often in order to completely remove all manifestations, you can spend several years.cleansing the skin of the face with sour milk

How to cope with allergic rashes?

Allergy treatment is aimed atto dampen all the symptoms, this method is called hyposensitization, it consists of a large complex of therapeutic measures aimed at reducing the reaction of the patient's body to foreign bodies existing in it, including toxins, which are the reason for the appearance of skin rashes, swelling, itching, inflammation, etc. Such treatment often also involves the introduction of tiny doses of the allergen. The body spends some of the substances intended to fight the allergen, that is, subsequently the reaction becomes weaker, the amount of such substances returns to normal, skin rashes, swelling and other manifestations of allergies and symptoms gradually pass and no longer bother. But in addition to drugs, treatment is possible with other methods. We offer several practical tips that will help remove skin rashes, minor swelling, redness of the eyes, skin rashes and acne:

  • skin of the face should be cleaned with sour milk, in which the cotton swabs are moistened;
  • after that you have to wash yourself with water, which is best filtered out. Soap and other cleansers should not be used;
  • now the skin and all areas where there is a rash, it is necessarywipe with a prepared solution of boric acid with a small concentration or a weak infusion of string, sage and chamomile. Dampened gauze for 15 minutes is applied to the place where the pimples appeared.

Folk remedies

Allergies can be treated using various methods,Often, instead of drug treatment, folk remedies are used to get rid of this disease and its symptoms. Some of the most effective are considered to be home-made remedies from mint, horseradish, tar and sulfur. We offer several very effective recipes that help get rid of allergy symptoms on the face using improvised means (be sure to consult a doctor before using!).

  • How to treat allergies with tar and sulfur. To make an effective ointment that will cause the symptoms of allergy to recede, take 3 grams of regular sulfur, which must be ground into powder, 100 g of interior fat, which must be melt in a water bath. Now two tablespoons full of tar (you can buy in a drugstore birch) pour into a mug, add melted fat, sulfur powder and put the mug on the fire (so it's best to make a remedy in a metal mug or bowl). Boil the mixture for about 3 minutes, then cool. Places where there was a rash, we grease with the received product for the night, in the morning a site of a skin on the face is carefully washed out by usual water with soap. It is recommended to continue this treatment for about 3 months.
  • To treat an allergic rash it is possible and with the help ofhorseradish. To get a remedy that softens the affected skin on the face, grate the grater on the grater, squeeze the table spoon of juice, mix it with a full spoonful of sour cream. To insist the received means it is necessary day-two, then it is possible to start to put on preliminary washed up face for the night. Repeat this procedure should be 2-3 times, after which the symptoms of allergies recede. This same tool is also great for treating severe acne in the home.
  • When there are signs of allergy, you canuse masks of mint, for which two tablespoons of dry mint should be filled with the same amount of heated water. We get a gruel, which must be heated before use. Apply gruel to the areas where there are signs of allergy, left for 20 minutes, covered with a cloth or gauze.
  • When using folk methods againstallergies on the face, it is necessary to remember that it is not possible to treat it with external means alone, since they relieve external symptoms without touching the internal causes of the lesion. Often, an allergy is a reaction to toxic substances accumulated in the body, therefore, along with compresses and masks, it is necessary to use the means prescribed by the supervising doctor, enterosorbents, and, if necessary, adhere to a hypoallergenic diet. The allergy that has appeared can be a consequence of a hereditary predisposition, the accumulation of toxic substances in the body, a reaction to any external irritants. It manifests itself in the form of various symptoms, but most often it is a rash, redness of the eyes and swelling of the eyelids, rhinitis, although in especially severe cases serious signs are also possible: swelling that requires medical intervention, hospitalization. Allergies can be treated with a variety of methods, including medication and folk remedies (lotions, masks, etc.), but it is important not only to remove the rash on the face, but also the reasons why the rash appeared on the skin.

