obstructive bronchitis in adults Obstructive bronchitis in adultsoccurs very, very often. This disease is characterized by damage to the bronchial mucosa and an inflammatory process that affects the lung tissue directly. Due to the fact that the inflammatory process progresses, there is a steady violation of the normal process of ventilation of the lungs. This condition does not pose a particular threat to human health and life. But only in the event that the treatment will be selected correctly and started in a timely manner. It is about this disease that we will talk with today. After all, if a person has the necessary information, he can immediately take the necessary measures. After all, any delay can result in the development of various complications, including inflammation of the lungs.

Causes of obstructive bronchitis

As you know, there is no smoke without fire. And there is no disease, if there is no reason provoking its development. This is also true for obstructive bronchitis - there are a number of reasons that can lead to its development. Such reasons include:

  • Frequent colds

In the event that ARI, SARS and other coldsdiseases are your constant companions, do not be surprised if you are "visiting" sooner or later will regret the notorious obstructive bronchitis. Its development is promoted by the lungs weakened by constant colds, susceptible to any influences.

  • Diseases of the nasopharynx, influenza

And chronic diseases of the nasopharynx, and suchinsidious disease, like influenza, also have the most negative impact on the condition of the lungs and bronchi of a person. And they are very likely to provoke the development of obstructive bronchitis.

  • Smoking

What warns the Ministry of Health, it is known, probably,each smoker. But, unfortunately, very few people stop it. And very vain - smoking on the lungs is very aggressive. Nicotine and other combustion products contained in tobacco smoke have a strong irritant effect on the mucosa of the lungs. And obstructive bronchitis in this case is one of the most harmless complications.

  • Unfavorable ecological situation

Residents of large cities are more likely than rural residentssuffer from obstructive bronchitis. And this is not surprising, because the ecological situation in megacities leaves much to be desired. And polluted air is a direct factor provoking the development of such bronchitis.

  • Harmful working conditions

All of the above is true forpeople forced to work in harmful conditions. And this applies not only to miners and joiners who are forced to breathe coal and wood dust, but also workers in libraries, hospitals and polyclinics, hairdressing and paint shops - in short, all those people who inhale microparticles of any kind have no substances. For them, obstructive bronchitis is almost a habitual state, unfortunately.

  • Genetic predisposition

Unfortunately, heredity is written off from accountsit is impossible in any case. And if your parents have obstructive bronchitis repeatedly, do not be surprised if sooner or later it is diagnosed and you. Moreover - in such cases, the most common is the chronic form of the disease. treatment of obstructive bronchitis in adults

Symptoms of obstructive bronchitis

In order to turn to a doctor in time,you need to know the main symptoms of obstructive bronchitis. By the way, the doctor should be treated with the first symptoms - do not waste time. After all, the symptoms of bronchitis do not appear right away - about a week bronchitis can be completely asymptomatic. So, by the time the symptoms show themselves, the disease will be in full swing.

  • Shortness of breath and sweating

It is generally accepted that the main symptom of bronchitisis a cough. However, doctors say that this is not at all the case - first of all, obstructive bronchitis makes itself felt by the appearance of severe shortness of breath and sweating. Shortness of breath appears at the slightest load, as, indeed, and sweating. Sweat, as a rule, sticky and cold - most palms sweat.

  • Fatigue and weakness

Soon after the disease a person starts veryquickly lose strength - the slightest action is for the patient a serious load. It's enough to get out of bed and go have breakfast, and the sensation is as if a sick man unloaded a coal car. And without proper treatment, the condition will worsen before our eyes.

  • Coughing

But even without coughing, no bronchitis can do withoutchronic, no acute obstructive. The patient has a wet cough, sputum is usually not difficult. However, not everything is so simple - a cough so intense and exhausting that in a literal sense deprives a person of rest and sleep. Similar symptoms are observed if the bronchitis is acute. In the same case, if the disease has taken a chronic form of flow, the sick person complains of shortness of breath. As a consequence, there may be a shortage of oxygen - hypoxia. Of course, this phenomenon should be avoided, since it will be much more difficult to treat a person. obstructive bronchitis in adults

Treatment of obstructive bronchitis

As mentioned above, treatment of obstructiveTo ignore a bronchitis in no event it is impossible. Otherwise, acute obstructive bronchitis can result in inflammation of the lungs and even bronchial asthma. Therefore, it should be treated as soon as possible. And the first thing a person has to do is consult a doctor. The doctor will conduct a full examination and clarify the diagnosis - in fact acute obstructive bronchitis is not so difficult to confuse with many other lung diseases. And if this happens, the treatment will be chosen incorrectly. Referring to the doctor reduces this risk to a possible minimum. The doctor will select the appropriate course of drug therapy for you, which will help not only to stop acute bronchitis, but also completely get rid of it. It is not necessary to try to pick up medicines on your own - treatment on the advice of acquaintances or advertising can only aggravate the condition of a sick person. And in the best case, the disease will take a chronic form of the current. But also from a sick person depends largely on how effective treatment will be. First, for the period of treatment, it is necessary to eliminate any aggressive factors - exposure to polluted air, cosmetics, household chemicals. In addition, while treatment lasts, it is necessary to completely stop smoking. Of course, this is not so simple, but acute bronchitis often completely repels the desire to get a pack of cigarettes. Perhaps this is a great chance to quit smoking? After all, this habit does not add to anybody's health. Secondly - a diet at a time until the treatment lasts. Acute obstructive bronchitis has a significant load on the body, so the diet should be as gentle as possible. No overeating, fatty, fried, spicy and salty foods. Prefer soups, cereals and sour-milk products. In the acute stage of the disease, a sick person must comply with bed rest. However, as soon as his state of health improves, doctors recommend walking in the fresh air. Such walks have a noticeable positive effect on the well-being of the sick person - especially in the morning hours, when the humidity is high. By the way, about the humidity of air - inhalation with obstructive bronchitis create real miracles. In the event that you have a special inhaler, there will be no problems. But if it is not, do not despair - it is possible to use improvised tools, tested for years. For example, inhalation in pairs of the most common potatoes. To do this, rinse a couple of medium sized tubers, place them in water and cook until done. After that, cool slightly - about 50 degrees, bend over the pan and cover the head with a towel. Duration of inhalation - not less than 15 minutes. In the acute stage of the disease, inhalation should be carried out at least three times a day. In addition to potatoes for inhalations, you can use medicinal herbs such herbs as peppermint, chamomile pharmacy. Prepare the decoctions as follows - just put in a pan three tablespoons of dry raw materials, pour a liter of water and bring to a boil. The broth is ready, you can start inhalation. In the event that treatment of obstructive bronchitis was started in a timely manner, the predictions are very, very favorable. As a rule, the disease disappears irretrievably. To do this, strictly follow all the recommendations and prescriptions of the doctor, make sure that there are no negative effects on the human body. Still, try to stop smoking - after all, smokers account for about 80% of all cases of such a disease as acute obstructive bronchitis. Be healthy!

