paper wedding The second anniversary of the wedding is called paper. The material is unstable, easily loses its shape, tears, burns, so treat it with care and care, as with marital relations. Conducted together for 2 years brought together a husband and wife, taught to identify each other's needs, take care and build a joint life together. Romantic illusions were replaced by concrete plans and needs, the young family faced difficulties in forming a family budget, joint purchases, possible birth of a child.

Paper Jubilee of Family Life

For 2 years there was a grinding of the characters,the formation of a common system of values, a real awareness that both spouses work on marriage. This is a turning point in everyone's life, when the result of joint efforts is much higher than the sum of their disparate potentials. Spouses have learned to find compromises, to subdue selfishness, to share important and exciting, to let your soul mate into your heart. These first developments are still very fragile, touching, but in the future they can grow into a solid foundation of family relations. Therefore, it is important that the anniversary of the wedding is celebrated cheerfully and joyfully. It is worth to drop all the turmoil and quarrels, and focus on the fact that two people can make each other happy, so you need to give useful and pleasant things. paper tree of happiness

Traditions of celebration

Traditionally, the name of the jubilee is notonly in gifts, but also in the decoration of the hall. In the US, for example, paper garlands and multiple origami figures are popular. The latter bear a symbolic meaning too, because a simple piece of paper can make a real masterpiece, as well as from a union of loving people. Many competitions and entertainment on the holiday also have a similar background. "Family Letter" suggests that the spouses independently of each other answered questions:

  • that attracts in a partner externally,
  • what is the best character trait,
  • for which you especially love your husband / wife, etc.

If the couple could guess all the answersfriend, then the family is really strong. Some people expect to dress for the second anniversary of the heroes of the festivities and their guests in paper clothes. Many designers do not shy away from this idea and actively use the most incredible materials in their collections. Opponents of excessive extravagance should confine themselves to festive caps and hats made of paper. In Greece, the tradition of "dancing money" on a paper wedding is interesting. It consists in the fact that guests catch bills to the clothes of the spouses during the dance. A similar tradition exists in Hungary, with the difference that the wife takes off her shoes, where the one who wants to dance with her puts money until the shoe is full. A good tradition at the holiday can be a book of wishes. In a specially prepared album guests enter the congratulations of good and happiness to their spouses for the next year. Alternatively, the wishes can be placed on separate pieces of paper, which at the end of the evening will be gathered in garlands or strung on a tree - the "family tree of happiness." You can prepare in advance notes or video greetings, beautifully arrange them and present them for the anniversary. puzzle as a gift

Gift variants

A young family rarely needsadditional funds, so the most prosaic, but a welcome gift for a wedding can be money. You should give the optimal amount to keep the balance. Too much sum will confuse and put in an embarrassing position of spouses, a small one can offend. Money is best to give in a special elegant envelope or postcard, good, you can choose them for every taste. Look good and hand made gifts. Postcards "hand-made" can be ordered from the master or done by yourself. The modern possibilities of polygraphy also give a wide scope for creativity. You can give a young family:

  • photo,
  • portrait,
  • the calendar,
  • photobook,
  • poster,
  • Puzzle,
  • print on canvas, stone, pillows, T-shirts,
  • cartoon.

Today you can order from the masters of the photoshopstylized retro, old photographs, put any person on posters or posters of famous films, mount an amusing collage of scenes of family life and much more. Think of having an original and unique work at home will be pleasant for everyone, and similar services are universally available and inexpensive. Present for the anniversary can be a portrait of the couple. The work of a professional artist is more expensive, and the couple will have to pose, but who will refuse a real family portrait? If there is a great desire to make a surprise, you can order a portrait from a photo, for example, stylized to a well-known painting. gift Certificate

Leisure, romance and hobbies

Weekdays tend to repeat in their monotony, andbecause the couple are still so young and they want bright impressions, emotions, surprises. Why not give them the opportunity to relax and relax? There are a lot of options to offer:

  • tickets to the theater, cinema, ballet, circus, opera, exhibition, gallery;
  • the certificate for a jump with a parachute for extreme, diving, rafting, quest;
  • invitation to a romantic dinner, horse riding, excursion, SPA-salon, massage;
  • subscription to interesting newspapers and magazines, because in practice hands reach it very rarely;
  • tourist vouchers for the sea or a weekend at the lake;
  • gift coupons to your favorite store;
  • paid master class on dancing or decoupage.

Trying to give spouses something that they have not yettried, diversify their life will always be crowned with success. You can just invite a couple of bowling alley, nightclub, billiards or karaoke to have fun with might and main. Pleasant and slightly insane acts brighten up our lives, and a married couple should not lose the temptations available to young people. If none of the above options are not like, you can stay on the classic and always relevant gifts:

  • book - artistic, culinary, flower-care - depending on interests;
  • bedding set;
  • a beautiful set of wine glasses or other dishes;
  • Appliances;
  • a set of pajamas or slippers;
  • warm plaid;
  • picnic set.

Take advice on what to give on the second anniversary, and you will certainly pick up the best gift. The main thing is that it goes from the heart.

