causes of rash in the child Some parents face the situation,When a child has a rash on his back. Thus the child almost always complains that the back strongly itches. In any case, with such a symptom it is necessary to contact the pediatrician, but every parent should know what the rash on the back of the child may be related to and what it can mean. Diseases that can be accompanied by a rash on the baby's back can be quite a lot. But there is a list of the most common diseases, which, as a rule, are borne in childhood. These diseases can be divided into several groups: infectious diseases; skin diseases; allergic reaction. The article will help you at least tentatively put a preliminary diagnosis (although this is a doctor's task!), To identify possible causes of the rash and assess the severity of the child's condition. This knowledge can help you, on the one hand, not to lose vigilance in the event of a serious illness, and on the other, not to alarm before time. However, remember: do not self-medicate a child and be sure to call a doctor! on examination at the pediatrician

Skin diseases in the child

Let's start with the most innocuous group of diseases. To them it is possible to carry a pancake. Especially this disease affects infants. Symptoms of the disease are as follows: a small pinkish rash appears over the body of the child (in particular, on the back, chest, neck and other places where there are sweat glands). The cause of the disease can be either insufficient care for the child, too tight swaddling, overheating. You can cope with the chalk yourself. First of all, you need to wash your baby with soap and water, change clothes and clothes and make sure that the baby does not lie in wet diapers for a long time, do not sweat. You can use baby powder in places where there is a rash. Henceforth, a number of rules must be followed: to give the baby's skin breathing, to use creams with a non-greasy texture. If suddenly a child sweats, you should immediately rinse it and change it: this will help prevent the emergence of sweating. To be afraid of this disease it is not necessary is not an infectious disease and, as a rule, quickly passes. The next disease does not fully apply to skin diseases, but many parents are scared of it no less - these are insect bites. Often, mosquitoes attack the child at that time of year, when they are either still, or do not already think: late autumn or early spring. Bites on the child's body appear as spots of pink or red hue. They appear on open areas of the body, including on the back, if the child slept on its side. By themselves, mosquito bites are not dangerous, unless the child has allergies on them. The general mood and condition of the child remains the same: he is cheerful and active. Bites are accompanied by a slight itch, which does not interfere with the baby. If the child has a severe allergy to bites, which is accompanied by severe redness, swelling and itching, it is possible to give the child an antihistamine (for example, suprastin) and treat the bites themselves with special creams (fenistil gel, psyclobalzam). treatment of a rash in a child

Allergic reactions

Due to different factors, the child canthere is an allergic reaction, which is accompanied by a rash. Unfavorable ecology, products, the same insect bites, washing and other hygiene products, bed linen and fillers (feather, fluff), vitamins, medications - allergy can be on anything. Allergic rash among children is a very common phenomenon. Allergic reaction appears on the skin with red spots of irregular shape, itching. Spots are like a nettle burn and occur very quickly after contact with an allergen. And the spots can appear anywhere, but often their eruption is observed on the back. All this can be accompanied by a disorder of the stomach, scabies, lethargy or, conversely, arousal. Usually rashes are not dangerous by themselves and harm to the health of the child does not bring, but on condition that allergens are detected and eliminated. Otherwise, from a relatively harmless state, it can go into a really dangerous phase: swelling of soft tissues (lips, eyes, neck), suffocation. In this case, an urgent hospitalization of the child is required. If you find an allergic reaction in the child, give it a sorbent (the simplest is activated charcoal, a smecta, a filter) and an antihistamine (eg fenkarol, suprastin). On the skin, you can apply fenistil-gel and moisturizer. If possible, restrict the child's contact with the allergen. And do not delay visiting a dermatologist, a pediatrician or an allergist. allergy treatment

Infectious diseases for children

It is infectious diseases that are the mostDangerous from all three groups of diseases, accompanied by a skin rash in the child. These include chicken pox, measles, rubella and others. Let us consider in more detail each of these ailments.

  • Chicken pox (chicken pox)

Chickenpox manifests itself in the form of small specks,which after a few hours pass into the stage of bubbles filled with a clear liquid. Small bubbles are located on the back, chest, neck, abdomen and limbs. A couple of days later they burst, crusts are formed. The treatment is that the bursted bubbles must be lubricated with green or potassium permanganate (a saturated color solution) until the crusts fall off. They can not be ripped apart; they must fall away. They leave no traces. Chickenpox is a very contagious infectious disease, so contact with the patient guarantees almost 100% that a child who has not yet had chickenpox will become infected. It's good that chicken pox is sick once in a lifetime and it's better if the child gets it just in childhood: adult people endure it extremely hard, up to a lethal outcome.

  • Rubella

In this disease, the rash appears not only inback, but also throughout the body. Although it is on the back, it is most expressed. The rash is a small patch of pale pink, almost the same size, fit tightly to each other. Within 4 days, it usually passes without a trace. Rubella is also accompanied by an increase in lymph nodes in the occipital part and mild symptoms of ARI. Children under 1 year are recommended to get a vaccine against rubella, and special treatment in case of infection is not prescribed. However, it should be borne in mind that a rash with rubella is similar to measles, so an infectious disease intervention is necessary to correctly diagnose it.

  • Roseola

This disease is also called "suddenexanthema "or" sixth disease ". It is accompanied by a high temperature, which lasts 4-5 days, while the overall well-being of the child remains normal. Then the temperature drops, and the rash spreads throughout the body. It has a gentle pink color. After the rash has appeared, the child does not pose a threat to infect other children. At the temperature of the child give antipyretic drugs, so the rash is taken for an allergic reaction to medications.

  • Vesiculopustulosis

The disease is manifested by precipitation of pustularpimples of small size. They are manifested mainly on the back, and also the limbs, the head of the child, are affected. The pimples inside are filled with liquid. When they burst, they infect the skin areas that are nearby. It turns out a vicious circle. Therefore, it is important not to allow secondary infection: when the vesicle bursts, it immediately needs to be treated with zelenok or manganese. Around the pimples, the skin can be treated with alcohol to prevent secondary infection. When the child is ill, you can not bathe.

Dangerous infectious diseases

There are some diseases that require immediate medical attention, medical treatment and mandatory hospitalization of the child.

  • Scarlet fever

Scarlet fever is affected once in a lifetime. The disease is very contagious, so if you find out that someone is sick with scarlet fever in your kid's environment, be on the lookout for the next 7-10 days - it is through such an amount of time that the disease manifests itself. It begins with a very high fever and a sore throat, sore throats. The tongue is first densely coated with a white coating, then it becomes shiny and red. The rash appears a few hours after the onset of the disease and is located on the back, limbs, and in the folds of the skin it is usually more dense. The rash is shallow and has the appearance of points. It passes in a week and a half, after which the foot and palms begin to flake off, the skin remains rough and dry. The disease is considered serious, as it can lead to complications in the kidney and heart. It is treated only medically with antibiotics. In addition, hospitalization is prescribed.

  • Measles

The first sign of measles is a rash of large size andbright color. She appears a few days after the baby has contracted. First the rash appears on the neck and face, and after 2-3 days spreads on the back and the rest of the body. Measles is accompanied by high fever, a sharp cough, runny nose, redness and a sharpness in the eyes, often photophobia. At the beginning of the disease on the mucous membrane of the cheeks appears a rash, similar to semolina. As long as there is a rash on the body of the child, it is dangerous to others. Usually on the 4th day the rash passes, and the child does not pose a danger to others. The danger of measles is, of course, not only in the rash, but in the fact that it can lead to serious complications: measles pneumonia and bronchitis, in extreme cases - meningoencephalitis.

