Techniques for working on yourselfToday, more and morepeople come to the understanding that all our problems, all our troubles and incidents, failures in personal life or career, health problems, we create all this heap for ourselves OURSELVES. And if you understand that you yourself are the source of all your problems, then you have taken the first step towards freedom from these problems, towards freedom in general. What is freedom? Freedom is an internal category, and no material goods will give you freedom. Internal freedom is independence from your complexes, beliefs, values, fears, limitations and other nonsense that we have accumulated over the course of our lives. Freedom from ourselves. And now the good news)) Now there are many effective techniques that allow you to solve all your problems INDEPENDENTLY. You will not need any, neither a teacher nor a guru. You can do everything yourself.All you need to do is find a book (just enter the name of the technique in any search engine), read it and work on yourself. The following techniques are good for a start: ETF – the technique of emotional freedom. Based on the principle of influencing the meridian points on the body. Solves problems of a psychological and physiological nature. BSFF – Be Set Free Fast – a deprogramming technique. The author of this technique is psychiatrist Larry Nims. It is well used in the initial stages of working on yourself. It also solves problems of a psychological and physiological nature. Turbo-Gopher is a new technique that leads to a complete transformation of the personality. The author is Dmitry Leushkin. By using any of these techniques, you take responsibility for everything that happens to you, so before using any technique, think carefully)) We recommend reading:

