why the orchids fall flowers Orchid is known for its great varietyPaints and amazing in the form of delicate flowers. Their beauty conquers the hearts of even those who are deeply indifferent to the beautiful world of the flora. For some time now, these tropical flowers have become popular with florists and in colder northern latitudes, which thanks to modern care products have the opportunity to have this plant at home. But some mistresses sometimes complain that with proper care and attention the orchids still fall out of flowers. Why is this happening?

Possible causes of color loss in orchids

In fact, orchids are absolutely not capriciousplants, although many amateur flower growers are afraid of the possible complexity of care and frighten off, negating the desire to have such a beautiful flower at home. But with proper care (in accordance with certain, but easily satisfiable conditions of detention), the orchid will reward its mistress with beautiful flowers for all work. The key to this success lies in the practical experience and patience of the florist. The reasons why an orchid dumps its flowers, in fact, may be several: possible stress, rearrangement of the flower pot or moving the hosts, insufficient lighting of the room, excess or lack of sunlight, hypothermia or overheating of orchids, drafts in the room, unsystematic watering of plants and low air humidity. At the first signs, when the first flowers were discarded or buds wilted, a good florist should analyze the situation to help the flower heal. What could be the reason that the flowers fall?

Age of the blooming orchid

First of all, by purchasing an orchid withblossoming buds, it is necessary to inquire when it bloomed. Because if the orchids are suddenly discarded, this phenomenon can simply be related to the end of the life of the bud. Some species of orchids bloom a little more than a week, and others from three months or more. Do not forget that this plant, like all living things on earth, is subject to the natural aging process.

Insufficient lighting

In the process of caring for any kind of orchid pledgesuccessful growth and flowering is properly chosen lighting of the room. If the lighting in the room is insufficient, then the orchids will begin to fade buds and petals first, and then the flowers will fall off. Buying already blooming or blooming orchids, one must bear in mind that in shops lighting is much better equipped than at home. Once in the new environment without the usual light, the orchid will drop flowers and unblown buds. The further the pot with the orchid from the window is located, so, accordingly, less sunlight it will receive. An essential obstacle to obtaining light such a delicate flower is even thin tulle, especially in the autumn-winter period of the year. All these nuances the mistress must take into account and try to choose in advance the most optimal place for the permanent stay of the orchid, so as not to injure the plant once again with forced rearrangements and not to provoke an orchid to dump flowers. Flower growers should be aware that there are cases when the flower stalk appears at the end of summer, develops to buds by October, and suddenly it suddenly turns dark outside - rain or snow. At this stage, the development of the bud stops abruptly, and the slow drying of the peduncle is also possible. This plant is very sensitive to lighting, because the internal chemical reactions of flowering occur only with a certain amount of sunlight. fall flowers at the orchid

Overheating of orchids

In summer, on the contrary, an orchid is requiredprotect from direct rays of the sun, that is, hide it in the shade of other plants or set for a light curtain. A flowering orchid is best cleaned from the window. The summer sun can be too bright for this flower, and too hot sun rays will act on it fatal. There are cases of burning flowers and buds. In addition, the orchid in summer is at risk of complete wilting, as the roots of the plant sometimes cease to receive moisture necessary for normal life, and inevitable dehydration occurs. During the heating season, the orchid may suffer from hot air blasts emanating from the heating batteries. In this case, too, the flowers and the unblown buds can dry out. A pot with an orchid should be placed so that the flow of hot air can be avoided. In this case, we must make sure that the branches with the peduncles do not hang, and the more so they do not touch the battery. It is recommended that the pot with the flower be pushed closer to the glass, and the hot battery covered with a wet towel.

Low air humidity

If the air is too dry, there is a threatdrying out easily vulnerable fabrics of blossoming flowers and buds, and one day you will find that almost all the flowers of your favorite orchids have fallen. If you do not want to see such a picture, then in no case do not allow that in the room where the flowerpot is located, the humidity of the air was lower than necessary. To maintain the necessary humidity in the immediate vicinity of the plant, air humidifiers are recommended. If you do not have such a device, you can place pallets with wet sand, expanded clay, peat or other suitable material on the windowsill. Under the influence of winter sunlight, sand is heated, which leads to the evaporation of water and increase of humidity around the orchid. If you simply spray the air around the flower to increase its humidity, you should take only filtered water for this.

Subcooling of orchids

Subcooling is so sensitive to the slightestDifferences in plant temperature, like an orchid, can lead to undesirable falling of leaves. This can happen if you are carrying an orchid from the store home in the cold winter, or if the temperature is set incorrectly in the room where your flower lives. You should know that a delicate orchid packed in cellophane and paper can be in the frost for no more than 15-20 minutes. A draft can also cause hypothermia, to which the orchid will immediately react by dropping flowers. The risk of a cold draft in the winter is particularly high. When ventilating the room, be sure to take care that the pot with the orchid is not in the draft, the consequences of such a mistake will be disastrous not only for flowers and buds, but for the whole plant as a whole. The difficulty is that this tropical flower, though very heat-loving, but very badly suffers stuffiness. So, for an orchid it is required to constantly aerate the room. Ventilate the room should be even in cool weather, but it should be done with extreme caution. In summer, it is recommended that the orchid be ventilated periodically to the balcony or to the street.

Neighborhood of an orchid

Orchid is a real sissy; it is practically nottransfers the nuts, bananas, apples and tomatoes located near it because of the ethylene released by them. Destructive effect on the state of the orchid and the nearby bouquet of fading flowers. This neighborhood provokes rapid aging in the plant and loss of flowers and unopened buds. Therefore, the florist should be aware of such an unusual reaction of the flower to certain types of nuts, vegetables and fruits. And if there is an orchid in the room, such neighborhood should be avoided.

All kinds of stressful situations

The cause of the sudden stress of the flowercan serve as a change in the situation, for example, moving from the store to the apartment. Or the discrepancy of the conditions in which it is located, the conditions in which the orchid should be kept. For example, poor lighting or an incorrect room temperature. As a result, from the received stress, the plant can begin to wither, and then do not be surprised that once the plant suddenly fell and leaves and flowers. For an orchid that does not tolerate a change in habitat, it is better to immediately choose one permanent place. But it should be oriented around the world. However strange it may sound, the orchid prefers the eastern or western direction, that is, the window should go out to any one of these parts of the world. Other directions orchid does not like, so they should be avoided.

Wrong irrigation of orchids

If the soil in the pot with the flower is constantlyoverdried, it means that the orchid is not watered often enough. If the soil is too moist, then the flower suffers from an excess of moisture. Illiterately selected regime of orchid irrigation will be reflected in the beginning on the damage to the root system of the flower. As a result of such watering, the roots of the plant will begin to dry or rot, this depends on how much water the orchid receives. As a result, an insignificant fraction of the root system will remain, which will not be able to provide the entire flower necessary for normal life activity. In turn, the plant will begin to redistribute moisture from the flowers and buds to more important organs of life - in the stem and leaves. Due to such a natural process, flowers and buds will firstly wither and fall, and then the whole plant will also fade. An experienced florist determines the time of irrigation by touch. When you touch, you should feel a light, pleasant soil moisture. Soil should not be wet or dry at all. If you constantly water to allow that the soil was either too dry or too moist, then the plant faces imminent death. And one more important detail - the water, which is watered the plant, should be slightly warm.

Mechanical damage

Different points and spots of black, browncolors or generally transparent may appear on flowers or unopened buds in case of mechanical damage. It should be remembered that it is easy to injure delicate petals of an orchid when transporting, accidentally dropping a pot or damaging a flower with pets. Therefore, the hostess should be very careful and protect the orchid from similar injuries. The cause of this kind of spots and spots on buds and flowers can also serve as careless watering of the plant. Watering an orchid with bright direct sunlight, you can accidentally leave a few drops of water on buds or already blossoming flowers. These droplets will be enough to cause sunburn with subsequent spots on the petals of the orchid. Such mechanical damages provoke stinking, wilting and shedding of flowers and plant buds. And, unfortunately, they are not subject to any treatment. orchid dumped flowers

Gray rot

This fungal disease, which is manifestedespecially on buds and orchid flowers. First, small watery spots appear, which then turn into depressed, dead spots of characteristic brown color on petals and buds. Simultaneously, in any part of the plant, gray-dirty-colored stains may appear that contain ash deposits. If you hold a hand on this touch, slightly touching the plant, you can see that it is well washed. This pathogen of fungal disease can reach the root system of the flower. After the orchids fall petals, the flower will gradually begin to wilt, and then die. Without taking up the treatment of plants on time, you risk losing orchids forever. The flower grower should know that the spores of the fungus are transferred to the hands, clothes and are simply transmitted through the air. The reasons for the appearance of gray rot are found in the non-observance of the temperature regime, improper irrigation, insufficient ventilation of the room, overfeeding with nitrogen-containing fertilizers, high humidity and in watering with poor-quality water. When this disease occurs, it is required to isolate the diseased orchid as quickly as possible from other flowers and immediately to treat it.


This insect, appearing on an orchid, beginssuck the juice out of it and at the same time inject poisonous substances into the plant. As a result, the orchid weakens, its growth and development begins to slow down. The first symptoms of damage to the plant by these insects are easy to notice. The leaves of an insect-infected orchid begin to turn yellow or red, and then the flowers of the plant fall off. Also sticky drops appear on the leaves on both sides and a characteristic "cotton" bloom of white. With a large lesion of the plant with a mealybug, the buds and flowers are deformed, and the leaves can acquire a marble shade. The insect quickly appears on an orchid that is weakened or overfed with nitrogen. At the first signs of the appearance of a mealybug on the plant, the orchid must be immediately isolated from other neighbors. Then mechanical cleaning of the flower from the insect is required. Usually the parasite lives among orchid leaves, in peduncles, flowers and buds. The leaves of the plant can simply be cleaned with a cotton swab. And peduncles, flowers and buds will have to be cut. A new orchid grower should not panic and worry if a newly acquired orchid suddenly begins to shed flowers. Better just try to analyze: why this happened. what caused the flowers to fall? Only by finding out the cause of the disaster can you help your flower to recover. Everyone who decides to have an orchid at home quickly becomes fans of an exotic ornamental plant. Over time, many growers begin to collect various varieties of tropical flowers. And with proper and patient care, the majestic orchid will constantly present its mistress of amazing beauty and shape with flowers.

