Spathiphyllum is a plant of the family of aroids,native to the countries of South America, Polynesia and East Asia. And if you pick up spathiphyllum the most suitable place in the house or apartment, then the plant can blossom blossom all year round. Blooming spathiphyllum begins at a fairly early age of a green pet, already six months after planting it. In general, the genus Spathiphyllum today includes about forty-five species of plants without a stems that have short rhizomes. Some of the subspecies are very decorative and perfectly fit into the urban interior. However, flower growers often face such a problem as leaf drying. Why this happens and how to solve the problem, we will discuss today.
General characteristics of the spathiphilla
Where did this name come from? In translation from the Greek "sleeping" means a veil, and "phylum" is a leaf. Indeed, the veils of this plant, which in their shape can be both oval and lanceolate, resemble leaves; Similarity is further strengthened by the prominent vein passing through the middle of the veil, from which the thin lateral veins depart. The sparrow fillet of the spathiphyllum widens at the base. The inflorescence of the spathiphyllum is a cob located on an elongated stem. On average, the plant can bloom for several weeks, and sometimes all the year round. In general, flowering, as a rule, begins in the spring. After it is over, the blanket should be removed, and the flower stem cut as low as possible. Spathiphyllums are valued for incredibly beautiful leaves and for an expressive flower. In addition, this plant is not very demanding to care, but it requires frequent spraying and regular watering. The most popular species is spathiphyllum, which is abundantly blossoming, having an underground stem and leaves up to twenty centimeters long and five to six centimeters wide. The color of the plant is bright green, and its leaves are pointed at the ends in shape. Obolnolotsvetuschie spathiphyllums have peduncles up to twenty-five centimeters and a white, slightly concave veil. Another species - spathiphyllum pleasant, which in its appearance is similar to the previous version. However, there are larger leaves (the width of the leaf is ten centimeters, and its length is twenty-five centimeters). In addition, the veil has a light green color. The plant, smaller in size (the width of the leaf is five centimeters, the length is fifteen centimeters), is Wallis's spathifillum. Initially, the veil is white, but over time it becomes rich green. The flowering period is spring-autumn.
Proper care for spathiphyllum
Spathiphyllum develops well only in the warmth,When the temperature ranges from twenty-two to twenty-six degrees; However, in order for the flowering to be lush, the plant needs a rest period. It will be enough two to three weeks and temperatures within ten to fourteen degrees, while you need to limit watering. Remember that the plant can not stand drafts. Spathiphyllum prefers scattered, but rather bright light. In summer, make sure the flower is shaded from the direct rays. Ideal for a bright place and a small penumbra. In the winter, the lighting should be good - spathiphyllum should not suffer from its lack. It is necessary to follow certain rules of watering. The plant should be watered abundantly in the period from spring to autumn, in winter, slightly reduce the amount of liquid. Remember that the soil should not be over-dried, but there should be no excess of liquid near the root system. Spathiphyllums love good moist air. For this, it is important to periodically wash and sprinkle leaves and flowers using warm water. Do not forget about fertilizing the plant. Throughout the time from March to the end of September, weekly feed spathiphyllum specially developed for this purpose, fertilizers. In the composition of such feeding should not be lime. If spathiphyllum actively blooms in winter, then feed it with such fertilizers every four weeks. Spathiphyllums need periodic transplants. From year to year in spring, plants are transplanted into larger pots. However, too large pots are also not needed. Use this soil for transplantation: sod soil (two parts), leafy soil (one part), peat land (one part), humus (one part) and sand (one part). In the soil does not hurt to add a little perlite and coal. Add good drainage to the bottom of the pot. How does spathiphyllum proliferate? This is due to the division of the bush during the spring transplant. Try not to injure the roots again. In the process of division, you should not tear the roots with your hands - gently, using scissors, cut them. After the division is completed, do not water the plant for a couple of days, just spray the leaves so that it does not feel "thirsty".
So that troubles do not take you by surprise
As with any plant, the spathiphyllum hastheir problems in growing. The first and most important of them is dried leaf tips. Why do the leaves dry? Most likely, the reason is in excessively dry air or low temperature. In the same way, excessive watering can also occur. To increase the humidity in the room, spray the plant more often. If it has suffered from cold, move the pot to a warmer place. In case you have flooded the plant, remove it from the pot and dry it thoroughly with an earthen lump. After taking all necessary measures, the tips of the leaves should gradually return to their previous state. Why else can there be problems with foliage and flowering? Perhaps it's all about weak growth, which can be inhibited by the damage to the scabbard or spider mite. In addition, spathiphyllum is affected by aphids and mealybugs. The mealybug can be seen with the naked eye over the sugary excretions on the plant, which is also called honeydew. Usually this pest affects the roots of the spathiphyllum. How to prevent the manifestation of the killer? Regularly inspect the plant, especially during the off-season. Follow all the care rules mentioned above. If the mealy mildew still infected the plant, then it will be necessary to cut off all the affected parts in time and collect the pests. Use special insecticides that are absorbed by the root system and subsequently spread across the tissues of the plant. Such drugs kill parasites that suck out the cellular juice of the spathiphyllum. In addition to the fact that the tips dry, the leaves themselves may become very stained. This is due to over-dried air, which often takes place in urban apartments. Do not forget that this plant comes from the tropics, where the humidity is optimal. But in our houses the plant is more than uncomfortable, and therefore your task is to provide the spathiphyllum with comfort and good conditions. Regular spraying and watering - that's what this plant needs. As soon as you notice that the spathiphyllum is drying, begin to strengthen the complex care for it. Many growers recommend to arrange spatifillum shower, which allows the plant to look simply amazing. However, if the room is cool, then such procedures should not be abused. Otherwise, not only the leaves will suffer, but also the roots. Sometimes the plant dries because of poor quality or improper feeding. For some reason, many people are used to think that if planting a plant in a special soil, then it does not need additional nutrients. Unfortunately, this is a common misconception. The soil "gives" the plant vitamins and trace elements only the first time. Then, when these stocks run low, spathiphyllum needs additional nutrition. If it is not provided, the tips will dry out, and the flowers will wither. However, an overabundance of food can also negatively affect the growth and flowering of the plant. If spathiphyllum is overfed, then the output in this situation is the stabilization of feeding. Fertilize the plant with less volume portions, then its appearance will soon be normalized. Sometimes the leaves of spathiphyllum dry because of the overabundance of irrigation. Often, watering the plant with all the care, the growers are carried away and do more harm than good. Even if it seems to you that the flower has dried and it should be well watered, it is necessary to stop, because the reason for this very drying of the leaves can be in decay of the root system, which was unnecessarily watered and provoked. If the soil is too waterlogged, it is better to transplant the flower. In that case, you can still save him. If the transplant is not carried out on time, the spathiphyllum will soon die. As you can see, there are many reasons that can cause dryness of the leaves. It is very important to observe the plant every day and to ensure that it is not exposed to pathogenic parasites and harmful external sources. If spathiphyllum is still ill, then you need to accurately calculate the cause and start rescuing the affected plant as soon as possible. Having provided the spathiphyllum with a decent care, you will grow a delightful decorative plant that will decorate your house!