why people talk in their sleep Your husband told you that you whispered to him tendernessin a dream, but you about that - no sleep or spirit? Or, perhaps, your child talks a lot and loudly at night, and you do not know what that would mean? Or maybe you listen to what your sleeping spouse mumbles, hoping to find out some of his secrets? You can even go further: try to ask a question to a sleeping person who is saying something, and do not be surprised - perhaps you will even get an answer, even if it's monosyllabic. But do not flatter yourself: this answer was not conscious, and it is unlikely that it contains even a drop of truth. And the one on whom you conducted the experiment, then do not remember what he said to you there. Chattering through a dream can be quite amusing. Maybe you are talking at midnight with non-existent interlocutors. Or a member of your family unconsciously has nightly conversations. What is this - an innocent feature or a sign of some serious disorder? Why do people talk in their dreams and what does it have to do (and should it?) Do? At us you will find answers to your questions and learn both about the causes of this phenomenon, and about how you can get rid of such a disorder. why people talk in their sleep

Why do people talk when they sleep?

No one can say for sure why time fromtime someone starts talking at night. And although there are discrepancies in the statistics, it is still known that about sixty percent of people at least once in their lives said, without waking up. So what happens to us when we sleep and talk? Is this normal? The phenomenon, when someone is talking in a dream, is called doubtfulness. You can find another term - a dream. Which, in fact, is one and the same. The somnilocks fall into the category of sleep disorders, which include parasomnia, sleepwalking, enuresis and nighttime fears. Talking in a dream is a harmless phenomenon for most people, and usually it is not considered a medical problem. As a rule, the "chatterbox" himself does not feel any discomfort; rather, the inconvenience is experienced by a person who sleeps with him in one room. First, sometimes lying next to someone who speaks, you have to listen to something that sounds vulgar or even obscene. Agree, it will not be very pleasant for you when you suddenly hear from your husband, even a sleeper, expressions that he never uses in your presence, leaving them for a purely masculine environment. And secondly, it's not at all pleasant to wake up in the middle of the night from someone's conversation, even if it's the most innocent words. In general, "talkers" usually say no more than thirty seconds in one episode. But some people interrupt their quiet sleep many times during the night with conversations. Such speeches can be exceptionally eloquent, but can be an inarticulate and indecipherable mumbling that can not be deciphered. It may not even be words, but simply individual sounds. It is usually believed that a sleeping person talks to himself; but sometimes it seems from the side that he is engaging in dialogue with someone. He can whisper, and maybe scream. And when you sleep next to such a restless "neighbor", then you risk not enough sleep more than when he snored! Who talks more often in a dream? As we have already said, many people talk in a dream. Half of all children between the ages of three and ten are talking about something in a dream; but from adults only about five percent "like" to talk after they go to bed and fall asleep. Such conversations can occur from time to time, and every night. So, a survey of more than two thousand families showed that every tenth child talks more often in sleep than one or two times a week. It is also reliably known that girls talk as often as boys, and women are subject to nocturnal conversations at least men. Experts also believe that the drumming can be transmitted "by inheritance". When, how and why do people talk in a dream? Somnilokia, as a rule, can occur during two different stages of night rest: during the second stage of slow sleep, when speech is simply a stream of thoughts not accompanied by dreams, and during a stage that is accompanied by rapid eye movement (this stage is characterized by active dreams ). During the slow stage of the sleeper, it is easy to wake up (sometimes even the speaker himself wakes up from the sound of his own voice), whereas at the stage it is rather difficult to wake him up at the stage. When this is done, the person awakened will not remember what he just said. And even during the fast stage, accompanied by dreams, the conversation is more often than not connected with the plot of his night visions. Of course, conversation in a dream can be connected with the dream itself. We can talk about what we dream about, and we can conduct a dialogue with the interlocutor, who came up with our dormant imagination. On the other hand, experts are sure that we could see one thing in a dream, while speaking about something else. Conversations in a dream can vary in frequency and intensity, which is influenced by many factors. For example, drinking alcohol before bed. There may also be more complex factors - such as high fever, emotional stress, taking certain medications and some basic sleep problems, such as apnea. Well, as we have already mentioned, hereditary predisposition. All this can in one way or another cause you or your loved one to have a dream. How to treat conversations in a dream? Do not attach special importance to what you hear from a sleeping person. These are just lovely nonsense! The words of a sleeper are not at all a reflection of what is happening to him in life. And you can not believe the myths that claim that you can find out all the secrets of a sleeping husband by overhearing his unconscious revelations. Like, a person sleeps to himself, having weakened control over himself, and does not even suspect that at this moment he gives himself away with his head. Be deceived! What your sleeping husband says (if he says, of course) has nothing to do with reality. And even in dreams he does not have what he talks about at night! He does not even remember what he was talking about. Moreover, when any violator of the night rest to tell that he was talking in a dream, he will be quite astonished - he has no idea that he has such a habit! Do not worry about your close person chatting at night, even if he does it in full voice. If it's a child, then just look at it and make sure it's safe. Now you already know that there is nothing terrible in such conversations. And when talking in a dream can be cause for concern? Only when you feel too broken and not rested during the whole day (when you talk at night) or when conversations in a dream are accompanied by other disorders, for example, sleepwalking. If you feel sleepy every day, then you need to contact a specialist who will help you find the best algorithm for correcting the situation. why a man talks in his sleep

How is this disorder treated?

Before going to the doctor, talk with family, withwhich you sleep in the same bed or in the same room. It will help you prepare for some specialist questions. For example, a doctor will be interested in how often you talk in a dream and how long you have started to do it. Do not be surprised if you learn from your parents that you spoke at night as a child! And do not forget to tell the expert about it. Currently, it is believed that there is no particular need to conduct any testing, with which one could explore people's conversations in a dream. Nevertheless, the doctor can prescribe an appropriate examination, for example, polysomnography, when you have signs of a combined disorder. In itself, a drunkenness rarely requires treatment; nevertheless, it can be a sign of more serious disorders or diseases that really need to be treated. If there is a person in your family who often disturbs others with nocturnal sounds or other sleep disorders, then you should know that there are some things that can reduce the frequency and intensity of unpleasant episodes:

  • First of all, it is necessary to make sure that the speakerat night a family member gets enough rest. After all, it is possible that sometimes he interferes with sleeping himself, or perhaps he generally sleeps too little, and his body does not have time to restore his resources.
  • Minimize all factors that can cause stress or raise anxiety level in your loved one. Stress can increase the likelihood and severity of carotid disorders.
  • Keep a constant rest regime, go to bed and get up in the morning always at the same time.
  • Do not eat heavy food just before bedtime.
  • When a close-talker in a dream or a child shows signs of intense anxiety or fear, try to gently reassure him, if necessary.

Some specific drugs or methods, withwhich can be completely eliminated from doubt, does not exist, and there is no special need for them. But when you take into account what is listed in a few lines above (most importantly - to avoid factors that cause stress and reduce the level of lack of rest at night), you can significantly reduce the likelihood of restless sleep and talking in the middle of the night. In addition, you might be great to help maintain a special diary. This would allow the person who suffers a concussion, or his doctor, to identify those problems that cause a violation of falling asleep. When going to see a specialist, start to make regular recordings within two weeks. Write down as much as possible when you went to bed, how long it took you to fall asleep when you woke up in the morning and remembered your nightly awakenings. Be sure to record what medicines you took these days and at what time they were drunk. What else is worth writing down? How many drinks did you drink containing caffeine, how many and when? Did you take alcohol? Did you have to be nervous? Did you go in for sports, walk in the street? The more information is recorded, the easier it will be to find the stimulus that prevents you from falling asleep peacefully and without problems. And on the other hand ... Well, you talk at night - and talk to yourself on health! Tiraches are spoken in a dream by your loved one? Well, let him speak out, I'm sorry, or what? If only you did not interfere with sleep. After all, talking in a dream is not a disease, they do not carry any threat to life and health. So you do not have to worry - you'll sleep better! We advise you to read:

