how to increase self-esteem What makes each of us maximallyattractive to others? Appearance? Security? Deep knowledge? No. Unfortunately no. Of course, and money, and spectacular appearance, and developed intelligence are not the last place in the issue of attractiveness. But all this will not work if the girl does not like herself. Surrounding subconsciously read information about her low self-esteem and reflexively begin to treat the young lady the same way she treats herself. How to increase the self-esteem for a girl, so that those who are nearby, began to perceive her with respect and love?

How to learn to respect yourself?

Practically each of us has periods whenwe are unhappy with our appearance, manner of behavior, features of character, level of knowledge and other far-fetched flaws in our own personality. During these periods, we lose confidence in ourselves and our own development opportunities in the future. It seems to us that we are unable to arouse sympathy and love. Well, is it possible to sympathize with this unattractive person, whom we see in the mirror? And her nose is not perfect, and her hair is not luxurious, and her smile is somehow dull, and wrinkles are already appearing in her eyes ... And we are not witty with wit, and the costumes of our dear ones - once and twice, and the prospect of a good career does not loom. Well, who will respect and love us, so imperfect? Familiar? I think that is familiar to many people. Is such a judgment true about yourself? Yes and no. Yes, because at the moment, those around us perceive this way. No, since we ourselves created all the prerequisites for the appearance of such a perception, because we do not like ourselves now. What does it mean to love yourself? It means accepting oneself positively, without negative emotions aimed at self-destruction. See your own personality, as a harmonious creation of nature, which has all the possibilities for happiness and success in everything. Understanding that true beauty is our essence, and it is unique and perfect, that's what it means to love yourself. Do not think that love for yourself is tantamount to extreme selfishness. Self-love is a respect for one's own person, opening the way for us to the future. To become happy and successful, you need to appreciate yourself in the present, cultivating self-esteem. Each person is unique and in its own way remarkable, and we simply do not have the right to not love this person in ourselves. How to learn to respect and love yourself? It is necessary to try to favorably accept your own shortcomings and look at yourself in a new way, awakening fresh desires. There are no people without shortcomings. For those who know how to love themselves, these shortcomings are harmoniously combined with virtues, thus creating a self-sufficient, worthy of love and respect, a person. Without love for ourselves, we will not look like such a person either in our own eyes or in the eyes of others. how to increase your self-esteem

Theoretical knowledge

How to increase self-esteem for a girl? First of all, you should love your appearance and learn to admire yourself always, in the morning and in the evening, at any time of the year. You need to feel love for yourself no matter what our height, weight, eye color, face, nose, thigh and waist shape ... We are a creation that is unique, not like others, and uniqueness is something that remains especially valuable in any age. Therefore, do not look for disadvantages in your appearance. The surrounding people do not pay attention to them, if the girl behaves independently and confidently. And confidence and independence are based only on the love of the fairer sex to yourself. Otherwise, the question of how to increase a woman's self-esteem will not be solved. In order to love yourself, you should remember that any of us is beautiful. Because every girl is exceptional. This exclusivity creates a combination of its shortcomings and advantages, both external and internal. Well, let's imagine that we are made up of some virtues. Do we still retain our uniqueness? Hardly. Because the ideal is something that is universally recognized, standard, because it is boring and somewhere already full of nausea. Much more interesting and multifaceted person, who has both pluses and minuses. It is imperfections that give our image a charm, bringing in it a zest and a note of charm. They make us original, mysterious, unpredictable. And what could be more interesting than a woman full of secrets? She wants to learn again and again. How to increase self-esteem for a girl? To fall in love, along with their own shortcomings, their feelings, desires, emotions, aspirations and impulses. All this is born in our soul, and, therefore, is worthy of respect and love. Their experiences must be accepted, not suppressed. This will help to manage them, gaining confidence in their actions. In order to know how to love yourself for real, you should remember that our inner world is not ordinary. And this eccentricity will certainly appear externally, if we allow it, respecting ourselves. In the absence of self-esteem, we will not only be closed by a stone wall from the outside world, but also destroy our inner world. And this is unacceptable. After all, our essence is nothing but a gift from above, is it possible to destroy it? No, self-love does not mean an attempt to justify all of your actions. That's just such an excuse and demonstrates the lack of self-esteem. Far from always we act correctly and beautifully, and, of course, we can not pretend to a good attitude of others if we show disregard for them or something offend them. Such things must be realized and eradicated their cause. Since you can truly love yourself only when you understand that "everyone has the right to be wrong." The main thing in this case is to be able to understand where is wrong and why, and try to eliminate all the prerequisites for such wrong in the future. After all, we respect ourselves! Why allow yourself to fall face in the mud? If we love ourselves, then without difficulty we will find the reason for doing something in some way unseemly. Well, here, for example, we did not perform some kind of work on time or were late for an important meeting. Of course, you can justify yourself by the fact that on the roads of traffic jams, someone detained us, something unforeseen happened and so on. No, of course, all this takes place to be. Once, well, twice. If we constantly delay the execution of the order and everywhere and always late, we must look for the cause in ourselves, not traffic jams or unexpected events. And try to eliminate this cause. Since it is rather difficult to raise a woman's self-esteem with a disdainful or, albeit condescending attitude towards others. And it is, with the irresponsibility of a lady, that's exactly how it will be. To respect ourselves, we must learn to appreciate what is given to us by nature, while constantly improving it. Narcissism and self-love are two different things. Narcissism means selfish self-admiration in all situations. Self-love - understanding of your mistakes and trying to correct them. Because if we love and respect our own personality, we will not allow it to cause contempt in people and, especially, contempt. A narcissist does not count with others, a self-loving person always tries to look dignified. Since to love yourself for real and allow yourself to give others an excuse for ridicule and neglect is impossible. Self-love and self-respect are always there. What does it mean to love yourself? A loving girl takes care of her health. This allows her to feel good and be cheerful and active. And cheerfulness and activity are great help on the way to success. Loving yourself means respecting your destiny in this world, enjoying every event in life and discovering new sources of such joy, no matter what happens. Self-love is a desire to maximize the realization of one's own talents and abilities and a constant search for ways of this realization. In other words, the answer to the question "How to increase self-esteem?" Will be the development of love for yourself, for your aspirations, for your essence, for your dreams and for your place in life. No one but us can take this place. if we respect ourselves. Well, and if not ... Then the destined man destiny (and this is always there) will go to another, and success will be unattainable, and happiness will be on the sidelines. how to increase a woman's self-esteem

Practical tips

There are several postulates that determine the scheme of how to learn to respect yourself and love for real. They are the following rules:

  • You can not hate or despise yourself. This is unnatural, because it contradicts the nature that created us;
  • Always, in any conditions, one must dream of love, of success, of happiness. Dreams not only allow you to see yourself in a better light, but also are able to be realized;
  • We must try to develop all the forces of sexuality. Sexy girls enjoy the extreme attention of the stronger sex, and this is a great incentive for increasing self-esteem;
  • You should not be too lazy. Laziness contributes to despondency, which significantly reduces the level of respect for oneself;
  • You can not envy anyone. The feeling of envy drains our energy, preventing the realization of the inner potential. It is better to try to transform the energy of envy into the energy of one's own development;
  • Search for a life update if it seemsboring and monotonous. You can begin to master a new profession, go on a trip to unknown places so far, get acquainted with new people, find new hobbies. Otherwise, internal stagnation will significantly reduce self-esteem;
  • You should always try to look carefully, stylishly, and, at the same time, quite simply and modestly. This allows you to feel confident and worthy everywhere;
  • Remember about sports - well-being anda beautiful figure is capable of instantly increase self-esteem. And it's not at all necessary to spend hours in the gym - even simple exercises that are performed regularly will be beneficial.
  • We need to improve everything that surrounds us, creating the most pleasant environment for ourselves. In such a situation, respect for oneself not only grows stronger, but grows with incredible speed;
  • It is necessary to love what we are doing. If some business does not bring pleasure, then you need to change it to another occupation;
  • In everything, one must try to be sincere and free in expressing one's feelings. Compression and lack of freedom create complexes of inferiority, not at all conducive to the development of self-love;
  • Life needs a full life, enjoying its beautyand versatility. Do not be afraid of change. You should always strive to learn something that is still unknown, whether it's cooking, knitting, traveling, learning languages ​​and so on.

These simple tips help not onlydwell on their own shortcomings, but also to maintain charisma and youth for a long time. Will follow them - no exercises that allow a woman to increase self-esteem, you just do not need. Women with low self-esteem begin to grow old very early, and what can be more unpleasant than premature old age? The old makes us convinced that we are ugly, clumsy, fat, stupid, at last! This is unacceptable, because youth is already passing pretty quickly. How to increase self-esteem for a woman, if psychologically it is difficult to rearrange her? For example, when we complex because of excess weight, we find in our environment a few ugly, devoid of charm, thin. Are they more attractive than us? Of course not! And how much is around nice pyshechek, at a glance at which men just melt! So, the excess of kilograms does not affect the level of sympathy of the stronger sex. If we believe that nature has not rewarded us with high intelligence, we will think about whether all the familiar girls are developed in this respect? Intellect shines in general, not every person. Nevertheless, many, far from being the most intelligent, girls seem charming and sweet. And even frankly manifested by their stupidity is perceived as a charming naivete, simply conquering the hearts of men. Why? Yes, because these girls love themselves as they are. And they do not need psychological exercises and psychological counseling to stop hating themselves. Neither natural beauty nor developed mind will help a girl to become happy if she does not love herself. Do you want to increase self-esteem? Remember - her promotion begins first of all with love for yourself. Internal complexes must be eliminated, throwing them out of the soul, as an unnecessary trash. Is it difficult to do this? Let's start with changes in the outside world. We will make furniture reshuffle in the house, we'll sort things out and without regret we'll take out old clothes, utensils, some papers, bubbles, the remains of cosmetics. This stuff gets littered not only by the house, but also by our personal space. Clearing it, we will make room for new thoughts and new events in life. If the old ties are oppressed and do not allow to get rid of the complexes, we will try to get rid of them and make new acquaintances. Let it be one or two people, the main thing is that they evoke positive feelings in us. And we communicate with these people as much as possible, because positive is the best way to increase your self-esteem? The most important thing in the matter of loving oneself is the belief that we are unique and that every person in life should be happy. Why should we voluntarily give up our happiness and success? It's not enough that there is someone about us thinking! Everyone is impossible to like, so let them think whatever they like. In life, only the way we perceive ourselves is important. And the opinion of outsiders, though, remains an outside opinion. To our destiny it has nothing to do. Because, by respecting ourselves, we are able to create it ourselves! We advise you to read:

