waterproof lip linerThe roles in a woman's cosmetic bag have been defined for a long time:Mascara is the prerogative of eyelashes, lipstick is for lips, blush is for cheeks… And only cosmetic pencils are true all-rounders, as they are suitable for eyes, lips and eyebrows. With the help of this miracle product, you can make your look more radiant and expressive, and turn thin lips into seductive plump lips, just by using a transparent or beige lip pencil. We will dwell on the latter here in more detail. After all, no makeup will be complete without a precise and elegant lip line. It is known that the mouth plays an important role in our facial expressions, so it requires special attention. And for lip makeup, you need lipstick, gloss and, of course, a long-lasting lip pencil. The first lip pencils appeared on the market back in the 50s thanks to the legendary companies producing stationery, Stabilo, Conte and Faber-Castell. The formula for lip pencils was similar to the formula for eye pencils. The only difference was in the proportions of the ingredients: a long-lasting lip pencil has a higher content of plant waxes. There are people who think that creating a lip pencil is very simple, but in reality it is a real high-tech process. And basically, the formulas of lip pencils are improved following the progress in the production of lipsticks and foundations. After all, a natural lip pencil was created based on the formula of their recipes. Externally, lip pencils are divided into plastic and wooden. Wooden pencils are usually sold with additional accessories: brushes and brushes. The inconvenience of such a pencil is that, of course, they need to be repaired, and this is not very easy, even if you have a special sharpener. Much more convenient in this regard will seem to be retractable, plastic pencils. Since they do not lose their shape, are perfectly protected from any damage and the rod is quite easy to adjust. But if you are a supporter of regular all-natural lip pencils, then it is recommended to immediately buy a sharpener for them. Such pencils become dull very quickly (especially during their use). Just remember that the sharpener should be specifically for cosmetic pencils. This is one of the rules for choosing a lip pencil. If your pencil is automatic, then its lead will be easy and simple to extend.

What are the pencils for the lips?

  • Color pencil

The color palette here can be the mostvaried. The main thing is to choose the right shade of pencil to match the shade of lipstick. True, the shade of the pencil can be a little darker, but still must be consistent with the color scheme of the lipstick.

  • White pencil

White lip pencil is used tomake your lips sexier and more spectacular. If you outline your lips with a thin white line, going slightly beyond their border, and then shade and powder it a little, your lips will look bigger and more seductive.

  • Beige pencil

Light beige lip pencils to match your skin toneIt is good to use the same way as white lip pencils. In addition, such a pencil is good to use as a camouflage pencil. To do this, apply a thin layer of it to small skin defects and lightly powder. In addition, the beige pencil makes the skin around the mouth lighter, which adds volume to thin lips.

  • Colorless pencil

The colorless lip pencil was long awaitedproduct on the cosmetic market. Since its rather complex chemical composition and its properties are absolutely unique and are a real 3-in-1 product. Transparent lip pencil was developed in laboratories for several years, and many samples were tested until the quality required for this cosmetic product was achieved. The reason for the persistent development of transparent lip pencil was the ever-increasing love of women for lip glosses and liquid lipsticks in recent years. Lip gloss has become not only a fashion trend, but also an extremely convenient trend thanks to the packaging that allows you to carefully apply the gloss to your lips. It is not surprising that glosses have become a huge success. After all, only they can give your lips a real glossy shine. And everything would be fine, except for one “but” - Liquid lipsticks and glosses sometimes spread along the lip cracks, and, naturally, with age these cracks turn into almost deep wrinkles, which is why it is simply impossible to apply the gloss evenly - after about an hour, lip makeup begins to look rather untidy. Therefore, colorless lip pencils were invented and created - a necessary product that fixes gloss or liquid lipstick along the contour and does not allow it to spread. Why is the pencil colorless? And the reason is that sometimes it is absolutely impossible to match the pencil to the tone of the gloss. It happens that you spend a lot of time in the store, but you can’t exactly choose a lip pencil. And sometimes you just don’t want it to be noticeable at all. Now its unique chemical composition does not allow even bright lipsticks to spread on the lips, and if you use such a pencil constantly, the moisturizing, nourishing, wound-healing components noticeably reduce fine wrinkles around the lips.

  • Waterproof pencil

Waterproof pencil can only be washed offspecial cosmetics, which, as a rule, are marked "for waterproof cosmetics". A waterproof pencil has many advantages - throughout the day it perfectly preserves the line and color, and even such a variety of components of a normal working day as water, sandwiches and coffee do not in any way affect the original quality of the contour. Rain or, for example, snowfall also cannot spoil such waterproof makeup. Although, as already mentioned, in order to wash off a persistent contour, you will not only have to work hard, but also spend money on special cosmetics for makeup removal. In this case, there is also a limitation - if the skin of the lips is too dry, it is better not to use a waterproof lip pencil.

  • Silicone pencil

Silicone lip pencil with an unusualThe silicone pencil is great for correcting the lip contour. It creates a slightly matte line, fills in wrinkles and prevents lipstick or gloss from spreading. It is very practical. Since it is colorless, this pencil will match any shade of gloss or lipstick. In addition, silicone lip pencils are great for use in the summer and during vacations, as it is waterproof and will not spread under the influence of the sun and heat. The texture of these pencils is very delicate and slightly oily.

  • Shadow-pencil, lipstick-pencil

These lip pencils are convenient and easy to use.use, they do not need to be sharpened, it is enough to simply automatically extend the lead and slightly correct its shape with your hands. In various extreme situations, when you need to bring yourself into the proper form in a few minutes and with minimal means, just such lip pencils will become your lifesavers.

Choose a pencil for lips

How to choose a lip pencil is a question for everyoneженщин невероятно актуальный. А выбирать методом проб и ошибок – тоже не всегда годится, тем более что и затратно это порой. Лучше заранее изучить всю полезную информацию по тому, как подбирать карандаши для губ. Требования к карандашу для губ надо предъявлять самые серьезные. Итак, как выбирать карандаши для губ? Они должен быть и достаточно мягкими, для того чтобы не повредили кожу вокруг губ, и при этом не слишком жирными – контур не должен растекаться. Если карандаш слишком сухой, то он не сможет провести равномерную линию, вследствие чего контур может начать растрескиваться и сделает ваш макияж неопрятным и небрежным. Помните, что качество является основным критерием, по которому вы будете выбирать косметический карандаш. Более-менее полное впечатление о нём можно уже будет составить при внимательном изучении надписей на самом карандаше для губ или на стикере, то есть там должно быть указываться все, что необходимо знать о косметическом продукте: страна – производитель, срок годности, тон, активные компоненты, стойкость и дополнительный уход. Например, от покупки карандаша, на котором есть лишь восторженное описание и ничего больше, лучше воздержаться. Как правило, в состав всех современных карандашей для губ добавляют различные витамины, воск и масла в разных комбинациях и процентном соотношении. Если в составе карандаша есть витамины С, Е и алоэ вера, гидрогенизированные масла – касторовое, пальмовое, растительное, кокосовое – это будет гарантией дополнительного ухода за кожей губ и будет защищать ваши губы от пересушивания. А если в составе грифеля указывается большое количество разного воска — это указывает на то, что линия, проведенная данным карандашом, не растрескается и будет мягкой. Итак, назначение основных составляющих карандашей для губ: растительные экстракты и витамины отвечают за питание нежной кожи губ, масла – для смягчения кожи, воск для мягкости грифеля и термостойкости проведенной линии. Красящие пигменты определяют цвет карандаша. Грифель карандаша для губ может обладать разной толщиной. Если грифель небольшого диаметра, то такой карандаш предназначается для обозначения контура и только. Линия, проведенная этим карандашом, будет очень тонкой, так что растушевать ее у вас не выйдет. Обычно карандаши с тонкими грифелями не пользуются популярностью из-за их весьма ограниченного применения. А вот карандаши для губ с грифелями большего диаметра более универсальные, поскольку их можно использовать и как контур и как основа для нанесения помады или блеска для губ. Этот карандаш уже легко растушевывается и довольно часто косметические фирмы – изготовители выпускают карандаши с толстыми грифелями, идущие в комплекте с таким полезным дополнением, как маленькая кисточка, специально предназначенная для растушевки контура. Корпус карандаша для губ бывает из различных пород дерева или из пластика. Как уже говорилось, карандаши в пластиковом корпусе являются автоматическими, со специальным устройством движения грифеля. Довольно часто их выпускают двусторонними, то есть разных цветов. Это, конечно, удобно, но, если вы выбираете такой карандаш, не забудьте, что в его колпачке должна находиться маленькая точилка для грифеля. В противном случае через какое-то время грифель потеряет свою форму, и вернуть её будет нечем. Корпуса деревянных карандашей должны быть выполнены из мягких пород дерева, чтобы вы могли точить карандаш быстро и легко. Эти карандаши смотрятся более презентабельно, так как производители оформляют поверхности механического карандаша красками с добавлением золотистого блеска и перламутра или делают колпачок и карандаш серебряных и золотых оттенков. Цвет кончика карандаша должен соответствовать цвету грифеля. Если выбираете механический карандаш, то проверьте, как на нем держится колпачок, который должен легко сниматься, но одновременно хорошо фиксироваться, чтобы защитить грифель от разных повреждений. Разумеется, и для такого карандаша необходима маленькая точилка, она может находиться в колпачке, входя в комплект или просто продаваться отдельно. Выбирая цвет карандаша, надо ориентироваться на цвет губной помады. Также карандаш для губ может быть на тон темнее. Если же подбирать под блеск для губ, то карандаш нужно выбрать под оттенок кожи губ, а вовсе не под цвет блеска. Стойкость цвета карандаша должна указываться на стикере. Карандаши для губ бывают суперстойкими, стойкими и водостойкими. Про водостойкий карандаш для губ мы говорили выше, поэтому сейчас подробнее о суперстойком карандаше. Он будет отлично держаться на губах на протяжении 7-8 часов – это делает его незаменимым для дневного макияжа. Но снимать его также необходимо только специальной косметикой для демакияжа. Все прочие карандаши, у которых нет специальной маркировки, относят к просто стойким карандашам. Как правило, они могут держаться на губах от 4 до 8 часов. Смываются они легко, обычно косметическим молочком или любым жирным кремом. Длину карандаша для губ тоже стоит принять во внимание. Например, если карандаш нужен, чтобы делать макияж дома, то длина может быть любой. Но вот если своему карандашу вы отводите место в косметичке, то он должен быть подходящего для неё размера. persistent lip liner

How to use a pencil for lips: application rules

We all know that a pencil is greatmeans to make lips more expressive. You can even use it to correct the contour. But not everyone knows how to properly paint lips with a pencil to achieve the desired effect. So, the contour should be drawn with short light strokes, special attention should be paid to the center of the upper lip. To make it easier to draw an even line, put small dots next to each other and then just carefully connect them. Then shade the inside of the lips, and apply either lipstick or colorless gloss on top. But how to paint lips with a pencil so that they look more voluminous? Outline them inside the natural contour and mark the corners. If your mouth is too big, then apply the contour without bringing it to the corners of the mouth, and use lipstick of a darker color. And the drooping corners of the lips can also be raised with a pencil. Another question is how to use a lip pencil so that the color of your lips looks natural and beautiful? The most important thing is that your pencil should not contrast with your lipstick, because you shade the inner contour and leave the outer one clear, that is, to make your lips look attractive and natural, you can use two pencils: a muted one and a bright one. Draw the desired contour with the bright one, and shade it with the muted one. This greatly enhances the natural effect. In order to visually enlarge your lips, you need to outline the lower and upper lips slightly wider than their natural line. And to add plumpness to your lips, you need to shade them completely with a pencil, then apply a little lipstick or lip gloss in the center of the lower lip. Many women are also often concerned about the question of how to use white lip pencils? It's simple: if you outline your lips with a barely noticeable white line and shade it outward, then lightly powder and apply gloss, your lips will become more moist and spectacular, but at the same time their contours will be expressive and clear. Here's how to paint lips with dark-colored pencils for a spectacular evening make-up. In this case, a contrasting combination of light lipstick and a dark pencil of a suitable shade is very appropriate. Don't be afraid of this stylistic solution that came to us from High Fashion.

Overview of lip pencils of various cosmetics manufacturers

Lip pencils from Pupa

  • Pencil Pupa True Lips.The lip pencil pupa true lips contains special dermocompatible pigments, ideal for sensitive skin of the lips and natural antioxidant reagents that protect and preserve the skin. The comfortable and soft texture of the lip pencil pupa makes application easy and effectively emphasizes the contour of seductive lips. This pencil will give your lips a real satin matte finish. It stays on the lips well.
  • Glossy Lips pencil from Pupa.This large pupa lip pencil is practical and precise in lip coloring, has a shiny effect. It shimmers like liquid lipstick, is pleasant like a balm, has a fruity taste. This pupa lip pencil is presented in a palette of ten colors: from natural to light pink, from juicy red to purple.

Chanel Lip Pencils

  • Chanel lip pencil.Chanel lip pencil allows you to create a precise and perfectly finished lip covering. It perfectly emphasizes the contour of the lips, slightly correcting their shape. For example, with the help of such a Chanel lip pencil, you can make your lips more or less full. It has a creamy texture of the coloring pigment, the contour is conveniently and easily applied to the skin, reliably and lasts a long time. To care for the skin of the lips, the coloring pigment contains chamomile extract and vitamin E. In the Chanel palettes, lip pencils come with brushes for shading and sharpeners.
  • Le Crayon Levres by Chanel.This Chanel lip pencil has a soft velvety finish and easy shading, which gives the makeup perfect precision and completeness. It is used to contour the lips, emphasize or correct their curl. Gives a satin matte finish to the lips. Thanks to the silicones included in the composition, this pencil is easy to apply and stays on the lips all day long. The texture with highly purified oils has a certain creaminess, and the softening and soothing chamomile extract makes the application surprisingly soft. Vitamin E stops free radicals. This pencil has a brush for shading and a sharpener.

Lip pencils from L’Oreal

  • Color Riche Anti-Feathering Lip Liner &Sharpener. This lip pencil from L'Oreal is long-lasting and soft, and outlines the contour perfectly. It contains protective and moisturizing components: vitamin E and Omega-3, to protect the skin from drying out. It stays on the lips for a long time and reliably.
  • Contour Parfait.The L'Oreal Contour Parfait lip pencil has a creamy texture, making it easy to apply and creating a clear and even contour, allowing the lipstick to stay on the lips longer. The very soft, even melting texture seems to glide and draws a completely flawless line on the lips.

Bourjois Lip Pencils

  • Levres Contour by Bourjois.The bourjois lip pencil has a formula rich in mineral and plant pigments without impurities, consisting of natural components, which allows you to achieve a rich lip color and also protect them from negative effects. Rose extract moisturizes and softens, green tea extract has an antioxidant effect. The melting, soft texture of the bourjois lip pencil brings a feeling of comfort, incredible precision of application and, as a result, a perfectly outlined contour of your lips.

Maybelline Lip Pencils

  • Color Sensational.Maybelline lip pencil has a luxurious color that is easy to apply, extremely effectively emphasizes the contour and prevents premature erasure of lipstick. This is an advanced formula, which contains vitamin E, provides an absolutely comfortable feeling for the lips.
  • Hydra Extreme by Maybelline.This Maybelline lip pencil has a special formula with moisturizing ingredients that allow you to not only easily and simply correct the shape of your lips, but also care for them at the same time. The pencil is easy to apply and creates a flawless contour of your lips.

Lip pencils from Oriflame

  • Lip Perfection Pencil (Perfect contour).This Oriflame lip pencil will make your lip contour clear, soft and long-lasting. It is based on the technology of microsilicone pigments. Such microsilicones provide exceptional clarity and durability of the line and sliding, ultra-smooth application. The Oriflame lip pencil has a very soft creamy texture, allowing you to create a long-lasting lip contour. It doubles the durability of lip gloss and lipstick. The color does not lose its intensity for a long time. This pencil is easy to sharpen.

Lip pencils from Givenchy

  • Lip Liner pencil Givenchy, Waterproof.The Givenchy lip liner has a creamy, pleasant texture. It is enriched with waxes and vegetable oils that soften and nourish the lips. This Givenchy lip liner prevents gloss and lipstick from spreading. With its help, you can make your smile irresistible in just a few seconds. The Givenchy lip liner contains vitamin E and a waterproof formula. The pencil has a sharpener. It is extremely soft, draws perfectly, and is easy to sharpen. With the Givenchy lip liner, no snacks are scary - it has amazing durability.

Lip pencils from Guerlain

  • Guerlain Divinora Lip Pencil.This Guerlain lip pencil is extremely soft and has an oily formula. It creates a long-lasting and flawless contour without any problems. Saturated with coloring pigments, it stays on the lips for a very long time and serves to securely fix the lipstick. It protects and moisturizes thanks to special components: vegetable glycerides and cotton seed oil.
  • Crayon Levres by Guerlain.This Guerlain lip pencil is characterized by softness and tenderness. It perfectly corrects the lip contour, and with the help of such a pencil you can visually make your lips smaller or larger. It contains chamomile extract and vitamin E, which moisturize and nourish the skin of the lips, as well as silicone with coloring pigments, which facilitates easy application and color durability throughout the day. A luxurious color palette serves to create the perfect makeup, and with the help of a brush you can qualitatively and quickly shade the pencil or lipstick.

Lip pencils from Art-Visage

  • Art-Visage Classic lip pencil.The classic lip pencil Art Visage is used to easily create the perfect lip contour and prevents gloss or lipstick from spreading. It has a soft lead that delicately applies the contour to the sensitive skin of the lips. The pencil contains: aloe extract, which has a bactericidal and toning effect, maintaining the elasticity and smoothness of the skin; jojoba oil, which nourishes and softens the skin of the lips; vitamin E - an antioxidant that cares for and helps maintain the youth of the skin; natural refractory waxes that ensure high durability of the contour throughout the day; hypoallergenic component. The comfortable delicate texture of the lip pencil Art Visage, with a rich color, is easy to apply and does not stretch the delicate skin of the lips. Such a long-lasting rich color helps to correct the ideal shape of the lips.

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