Absolutely every woman wants as long as possiblestay young, charming and attractive. To do this, many representatives of the fairer sex, succumbing to numerous commercials, buy up the entire range of various cosmetic products in stores, and also visit various salons. But in order to look young for many years, you need to ensure a full supply of sufficient nutrients. Vitamins for facial skin, containing the necessary elements, will help preserve your natural beauty for a long time. The appearance of human skin directly depends on the work of internal organs, which participate in many vital processes of the whole organism. And vitamins, in turn, ensure tissue renewal. Therefore, correctly selected products will give an excellent result: you will again shine with your former naturalness and beauty. So, today we will consider several types of vitamins that are necessary to improve facial skin.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is one of the mostcommon and essential useful elements. If there is a deficiency of it, the skin on the face becomes dry and begins to peel. Among other things, it prevents the appearance of psoriasis, smoothes wrinkles. Vitamin A is found in many vegetables (carrots, cabbage, tomatoes, pumpkin), fruits (peach, avocado, blackberry, sea buckthorn, papaya, melon, apricot, plum), as well as various greens, legumes and mushrooms. From animal products, you need to eat cottage cheese, sour cream, milk, butter, eggs, fatty fish, pork or beef liver. In order for this vitamin to be better absorbed in the body, eat it with fats, for example, vegetable or olive oil. If for some important reasons you do not eat the above products, then be sure to replenish your vitamin A reserves with various cosmetic complexes, for example, creams with a high content of it.
Vitamin C
Many vitamins prevent the formation ofcancer cells. This list also includes vitamin C. It causes the formation of collagen, which is responsible for the elasticity and firmness of the skin. In addition, vitamin C has anti-inflammatory properties, thereby promoting the rapid healing of various injuries (abrasions, wounds) and strengthening of blood vessels. The main signs of vitamin C deficiency in the body are constant drowsiness, fatigue, poor appetite, dry and flaccid skin. Unfortunately, our body cannot produce it on its own, so it is necessary to replenish the lack of C with the help of certain products. First of all, these are all citrus fruits, especially oranges. Of the vegetables, it is worth eating bell peppers, potatoes, sauerkraut and cauliflower, radishes and various greens. Fruits with a high C content are kiwi, apples, black currants, walnuts, viburnum, rose hips and cranberries.
Vitamin E
But vitamin E is simply essential for facial skin,because thanks to it, cell renewal occurs much faster. In addition, it creates excellent protection from ultraviolet radiation on hot spring and summer days. Products that contain a sufficient amount of vitamin E are sunflower, peanut, flaxseed, cottonseed, corn and olive oils. As for the main animal sources of vitamin, these are boiled eggs and salmon.
Vitamins of group B
Many foods contain vitamins.group B, the main thing is not to forget to diversify your diet. Vitamin B1 slows down the process of early skin aging, B2 provides a healthy color, B6 prevents skin diseases, and B9 protects against the negative impact of external environmental factors. Vitamin B3 or PP is actively involved in cell regeneration processes, helping to improve the appearance, health and protective functions of the skin. It is found in cheese, milk, poultry, tuna and salmon, pork, lamb and beef, prunes and sesame.
Vitamin D
Formed under the influence of sunlight,Vitamin D significantly slows down the aging process of the skin, preserving its youth and tone for a long time. A large content of D is found in seaweed, butter, fish oil and cod liver.
Vitamin F
Vitamin F is a complex vitamin complex forimproving facial skin, consisting of fatty acids. It promotes rapid restoration of skin cells and maintains their smoothness. First of all, F is contained in unrefined oils of vegetable origin: corn, peanut, flaxseed and soybean.
Vitamin K
Vitamin K fights various types of edema,freckles and pigment spots, accelerates blood clotting and wound healing. It can be obtained by eating foods such as tomatoes, carrots, green peas, rowan berries and green leafy vegetables.
Other vitamins
- Beta-carotene protects the skin fromthe action of ultraviolet rays, effectively acting in combination with vitamin E. The greatest amount of beta-carotene is found in carrots, but it can be replaced with sweet potatoes, watermelon or papaya.
- Biotin is the basis for skin cells. It is often part of a variety of vitamin B complexes. The lack of biotin causes scaling, itching, and sometimes even contributes to hair loss. The products in which it is contained are oatmeal, rice, eggs and bananas.
- An important element is zinc, which prevents the appearance of acne and other skin diseases. The maximum quantity is contained in green tea, liver and beef.
- The formation of collagen is facilitated by silicon, which can be obtained from cherries, strawberries, raisins, figs and apricots.
All the above vitamins can be purchasedin any pharmacy in the form of tablets and capsules. But remember that synthesized complexes differ from natural ones, first of all, in that they can cause allergic reactions. There are also harmful products for the skin, accelerating its aging. First of all, these are semi-finished products, canned food, as well as too salty and smoked food. In order not to expose your skin to premature aging and deterioration of its appearance, you need to monitor your diet, including more and more fresh vegetables, fruits and greens, as well as various meats and fish in your daily diet. Remember that when choosing a cosmetic product to improve the skin of your face, you should not chase creams that contain too many vitamins. The result of oversaturation causes allergic reactions or simply turns out to be ineffective. Regularly take care of your health, eating right and following a regimen, and then the skin of your face will shine with natural beauty. We recommend reading: