collagen facial mask Time does not stand still, and every woman is too youngor late thinks about how to preserve youth and beauty for as long as possible. Modern cosmetology offers a huge number of tools and methods to combat aging. One of them is a collagen face mask that can be made both in the salon and at home.

What is collagen?

Collagen is a substance that isbetween muscle fibers and the cells of various organs of many living organisms. It is located in the ligaments and tendons, as well as on the surface of skin cells and in the intercellular space. Collagen consists of body and skin proteins. In the human body, this is the most common protein, accounting for about 30% of the total number of proteins in the body of any mammal. Therefore, the role of collagen in the life of the body can not be overemphasized. A careful study of collagen, scientists began in the 30 years of the last century. It was then discovered that this element is directly related to the aging process. Due to insufficient synthesis of collagen, the condition of hair and nails deteriorates, joints suffer, and the elasticity of the vessels decreases. The lack of collagen leads to cellulite. This problem is familiar to almost every woman, not even suffering from overweight. However, the skin condition depends most of all on this element. Insufficient synthesis of collagen leads to the fact that it loses its elasticity and elasticity, resulting in wrinkles.

Why is this substance necessary for the skin?

To understand how collagen affects the processesaging, it is necessary to know about the natural processes occurring in the skin. It consists of the epidermis, dermis and hypodermis. The epidermis is the uppermost layer. It is responsible for maintaining moisture in the skin. The bulk of the collagen from which the tissue fibers form is located in the dermis. Here new cells are formed and capillaries grow. Hypodermis, the deepest layer of the skin, affects the preservation of heat and the protection of internal organs. In the hypodermis are the glands that produce collagen. At a young age, collagen fibers are updated from time to time, and there is a periodic moistening. However, in case of violation of these functions, the skin rapidly loses its elasticity and elasticity, beginning to hang. With age, damaged collagen fibers accumulate, folds and wrinkles appear. The skin of the face is stretched during laughter, sleep, crying. The main reason for this is time. After 30 years, the production of collagen is already decreasing, and with the onset of menopause, its quantity decreases by 30%. A great influence on the condition of the skin of the face is exerted by external factors. Negative impact on the production of collagen is an incorrect way of life and a polluted environment. However, proper facial skin care promotes more effective synthesis of this substance. The main signs of a lack of collagen are the appearance of non-wrinkles, in particular, nasolabial folds. When it occurs, you must immediately begin to support the skin with collagen from the outside. pleasant collagen face mask

What are the kinds of this wonderful substance?

There are many cosmetic products based on collagen. The price and effectiveness of their actions are different. It depends on the variety of the substance presented in the product.

  • Collagen of animal origin It is isolated fromcartilage and skins of large cattle. The molecules of this collagen are very large and incompatible with the human dermis. Because of this, he is unable to penetrate deep layers of the skin. Collagen of animal origin is extracted in a relatively easy way. Therefore, it is part of the inexpensive masks and creams. However, such cosmetics can also benefit. Their use helps protect the skin from moisture loss.
  • Vegetable collagen Because collagen isprotein of animal origin, the term "plant collagen" is not entirely correct. To be more precise, they are vegetable proteins, for example, hydrolyzed wheat protein. They contain in their structure collagen-like elements. Therefore, a similar effect on the dermis. However, the effectiveness of cosmetics, which make up this type of collagen, is much higher than those that contain proteins of animal origin. This is because the molecular weight of plant-derived collagen is very small. Therefore, it easily penetrates deep layers of the skin. Not all companies can afford to harvest vegetable collagen, as this is a very complex and time-consuming process. Because of this, the cost of products containing this most valuable protein is quite high. But the results after its application are more effective.
  • Marine collagen It is extracted from the skin of fish. It is gaining popularity in comparison with collagen of animal origin due to high efficiency. The cost of this product is high, which is due to the complex technology of its extraction and storage. Marine collagen is very unstable to external factors. It breaks down when exposed to low temperatures and foreign elements. Therefore, special conditions and equipment are required for the production of cosmetics containing marine collagen.
  • However, this substance is closest to the bodyhuman and therefore able to penetrate deep layers of the skin and effectively combat the violation of collagen synthesis. Hence it is obvious that the high cost of the product is fully justified.

    What are the ways of saturation with collagen of different layers of skin?

  • Collagen injection This is one of the mostpopular rejuvenating treatments offered by beauty salons. Such injections restore collagen fibers destroyed with age. The procedure is that the required amount of substance is injected under the skin. For such injections, collagen of animal origin is used. And it does not correspond to the structure of the human skin, because of what is quickly removed from the body. Therefore, such injections should be given every 6 months. However, this does not detract from the merits of the procedure. After injections with collagen, wrinkles are noticeably reduced, the immune system is stimulated and the efficiency of the synthesis of substances necessary to maintain the elasticity of the skin is increased. Such positive results explain the popularity of collagen injections among women of different countries. However, one can not help remembering that the injections can have negative consequences, for example, inflammation and loss of sensitivity at the injection sites. Therefore, to carry out this procedure, you need to carefully choose the prestigious salons and experienced professionals.
  • Collagen in tablets, food additives andfood This method is suitable for those who for some reason are afraid of injections or are simply afraid of them. Tablets do not work as effectively as injections, but their use also gives positive results. Nutritional supplements, which include collagen, significantly improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails. Preservation of youth and beauty is facilitated by the use of collagen-rich foods. These include all types of meat, fish, especially salmon, salmon and chum.
  • Mask and cream based on collagen This is the mostavailable means for skin care. You can use them yourself, without resorting to the services of beauty salons. The effectiveness and cost of these funds depends on the collagen of which origin is included in their composition. Masks have proven themselves in skin care better than creams. Due to the fact that the percentage of collagen in them is much higher.
  • Types of collagen masks and their composition

    There are several varieties of collagenmasks according to the way they are used: powdery, on a fabric basis and jelly-like. Powdered masks must be prepared in a special way before use. More on this later. Masks on a fabric basis are now more popular, since they are much easier to use. Jelly-like masks are a novelty in cosmetology. They are also sold ready for use. In addition to collagen, such cosmetic masks include various active components that contribute to the improvement of the positive effect. Most often they are added vitamins, hyaluronic acid, essential oils, ANA-acids and extracts of medicinal plants. This mask contributes not only to tightening the skin, but also to its hydration, clarification and elimination of inflammatory elements. The final result depends on the active substance in the mask adjacent to the collagen. Especially popular among women are placental-collagen masks. Collagen in combination with the placenta produces an even more powerful rejuvenating effect and helps maintain the elasticity and elasticity of the skin of the face. useful collagen face mask

    Indications and contraindications for the use of collagen masks

    The collagen mask has an undeniabledignity among all other skin care products. It is suitable for all skin types and ages. It is successfully used by both thirty-year-olds and ladies of old age. Collagen masks are recommended for women who need to improve the synthesis of this substance. Those who have the first wrinkles, and the skin lost its freshness and elasticity. They are especially useful to owners of dry and sensitive skin. The collagen mask has a huge number of advantages. But it, like any other cosmetic for the face, has a number of contraindications. It can not be used if the skin has inflamed patches or cuts, even minor ones. Before applying the mask, you should wait for the complete healing of wounds. Caution should be used collagen facial masks and women prone to allergic reactions.

    How to apply collagen masks?

    The collagen mask is very simple to use. It can be done by any woman, without resorting to the services of cosmetologists. First of all, before the procedure, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the skin of the face from make-up and contamination. Decorative cosmetics is completely removed with a cotton swab dampened with milk for makeup, selected according to the type of skin. Then the face should be thoroughly washed to remove the debris. For better effect from the application of the mask just before the procedure, it is recommended to perform a deep cleaning - peeling. The scrub will relieve the skin of the face from the keratinized particles that may interfere with better penetration and assimilation of beneficial active substances. The peeling procedure before applying the mask will double its efficiency several times. Light facial massage will also increase the effectiveness of the collagen mask. However, it is not necessary to do it, especially if you do not have the necessary skills. The method of applying a mask depends on what kind of mask you chose. The collagen mask on a fabric basis is a napkin impregnated with a special composition containing all the necessary components. It just superimposes on the peeled face and neck. Powder mask is prepared immediately before application. The instructions detail how to do this. As a rule, a special serum is supplied with the powder mass. These 2 components are mixed in ceramic or earthenware, and then the finished formulation is applied to the face. The gel-like collagen mask, like the tissue-based agent, is already sold ready for use. It is applied to clean skin with a thick layer. The amount of time that the mask should be on the face depends on each product individually. Basically, the duration of action of such a cosmetic product is from 15 to 35 minutes. After the mask is applied to the skin, it is advisable to lie down and relax, you can turn on relaxing music. After the specified time, wash the contents with slightly warm water. At the final stage of the procedure, apply a moisturizing cream suitable for your skin type. Collagen face mask is done once a week. Women with special problems associated with a lack of collagen, you can use this cosmetic and more often, 2 - 3 times a week. Such a mask will not cause any harm to the skin of the face.

    Where to buy a quality mask?

    Collagen masks are freely sold in pharmacies,cosmetic and online stores. However, choosing them, give preference only to quality products. It is better to buy collagen facial masks at proven sales points or from representatives of cosmetic concerns. Low-quality cosmetics will not only not give the expected effect, but also harm your appearance.

    How to make a useful mask at home?

    Women who, due to some or othercircumstances can not or do not want to buy collagen masks in stores, they can easily prepare a similar cosmetic product right in their kitchen. The basis of it will be food gelatin. And it, as you know, is produced from animal skins and cartilages. In other words, it is the same collagen. Masks based on gelatin there is a huge variety. And the result of the procedure depends on what components will be added to them. You can easily prepare rejuvenating, moisturizing, nourishing, smoothing and whitening masks. Degrading mask Dissolve gelatin by following the instructions on the packaging. After swelling, melt the mass in a water bath. The resulting liquid is mixed with 1 tablespoon of yogurt or yogurt of any fat content. Owners of oily skin is recommended to add 1 teaspoon of wheat flour. Women with dry skin instead of kefir, it is better to use milk, and instead of flour - crushed oatmeal in the coffee grinder. Leave the finished mass until completely cooled. Before applying the mask, apply a moisturizing cream. During the procedure, take a calm pose, try not to talk and do mimic movements. Keep the mask on your face until it completely dries. You can take it off with a sponge soaked in warm milk or yogurt. You can use simple water for this too. Rejuvenating Nutritional Mask Prepare gelatin in the same way as in the previous recipe. Add the banana pulp and mix well. When the mass cools, apply it to the skin for 25-30 minutes. Then gently remove the mixture with a cotton swab and rinse your face with warm water. For such a mask, you can take any other fruits in accordance with the type of skin. Owners of oily skin is better to take strawberries, grapefruit, red currants, cherries or pears. Well moisturize apricot, persimmon, avocado and melon. Therefore, these fruits will be useful to women with oily skin. Also in collagen masks based on gelatin, you can add orange, kiwi, mandarin, peach, grapes and other fruits. They all contain skin-friendly acids and vitamins, which in combination with collagen produce a wonderful anti-aging effect. Whitening Mask Scrub the fresh cucumber on a fine grater. Mix 1 tablespoon vegetable pulp with a mixture of 1 teaspoon of gelatin prepared. Apply the mask to the skin and leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with water at room temperature. The skin after applying this mask looks fresh, pigmentation and redness disappear. Moisturizing mask for dry skin This mask is prepared on a glycerin base. Dissolve 2 teaspoons of gelatin, add to the liquid 2 teaspoons of glycerin, diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1. Also pour in 2 teaspoons of honey. The resulting mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for a week. It should be enough for several procedures. The duration of the mask is 15-20 minutes. After that it must be washed off with warm water. refreshing collagen face mask

    How exactly does the collagen mask affect the skin?

    Collagen mask positively affects the skin on several levels. She is:

    • deeply moisturizes the skin;
    • accelerates the processes of cell regeneration;
    • activates metabolic processes in the dermis;
    • corrects and tightens the contour of the face;
    • retains the elasticity and elasticity of the skin;
    • prevents the formation of wrinkles in the forehead and nasolabial folds;
    • slows down the aging process;
    • cleanses the derma from toxic substances.

    The collagen mask is certainly notmiracle cure. After a single application, all wrinkles and irregularities will not disappear. However, regular use of collagen-based facial care products will make your skin look fresh and radiant, and you will retain beauty and youth for years to come.

