Pregnancy is a great time for any woman. This is exactly the time when a woman should pay special attention to her diet, lifestyle and daily routine. Nutrition during pregnancy plays a very important role both for the woman herself and for the baby's future. How is it necessary to eat, bearing a child? Which products will benefit and which ones should be avoided during pregnancy?
Admissible weight gain
Very many women care about what is permissibleweight gain for the whole pregnancy? The gain in weight for all 40 weeks of pregnancy on the average should not exceed 9,5-12,5 kg. In this first 20 weeks of pregnancy weight gain should not exceed 2.5-3 kg. In this period, the norm is an increase of 500 g per month, but in the second trimester the norm is 500 grams per week. Thus, for 20 weeks of the second trimester, you can gain up to 10 kg. If the pregnancy is normal, then the increase in the body weight of the expectant mother occurs only as a result of the development of the fetus, the increase in the number of amniotic fluid, the uterus, the increase in blood volume, the increase in the mammary glands, due to the accumulation of fat. If you scored much more than 12.5 kg, then it's worth paying attention to your food. Perhaps, the daily diet includes high-calorie food. Excessive weight gain (more than 15 kg) and shortage (less than 4 kg) require in-depth examination. Nutrition plays a huge role, so your daily diet should be planned. It must necessarily include fresh vegetables and fruits, certain types of meat and dairy products. Some products will need to be excluded.
Coffee and tea during pregnancy
As a rule, we are the most loved and preferwomen, especially during pregnancy, tea. Just worth noting that tea lovers should give preference to green varieties of tea, because they are most rich in vitamins and nutrients than black. This does not mean that black tea does not have any useful substances. It is rich in various minerals, magnesium, theophylline, fluorine, potassium, phosphorus, calcium. Both black and green tea can improve the elasticity and permeability of blood vessels, have an excellent property of reducing blood pressure, have a beneficial effect on health and dental health. But still it is recommended to use tea not very strong or to dilute it with milk. In addition to green and black, there is also the rarest white tea. It contains enough caffeine, which allows you to calmly drink it, even in late pregnancy. It is also worth noting that white tea has a wonderful fortifying effect, has an antibacterial effect, strengthens the immune system, increases the body's resistance to various bacteria and even hinders the development of any cancer. White tea can have a beneficial effect on the external condition of the skin and on the activity of the cardiovascular system. By the way, during pregnancy, tea can not only be drunk. An excellent remedy in the fight against toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy are tea leaves. During bouts of nausea, they can just be chewed. Saturate the body with the necessary vitamins and iron is able to ginger tea or tea from the hips. In addition, ginger tea also has an antibacterial effect. Mint tea is an excellent relaxing and soothing effect, and a drink from chamomile flowers, which can be purchased at any pharmacy, will help to improve digestion. Despite all the benefits of herbal teas, treat them with extreme caution. It is recommended to consult before taking tea from your doctor. Yes, and use them in large numbers is not worth it, one cup of herbal tea a day is enough. Tea, like any other product, is good in moderation. Excessive amount of it is a lot of caffeine, which is able to penetrate the placenta and harm the child. Some herbal teas can also cause the uterus to tone up, which can result in miscarriage. The first trimester of pregnancy is considered the most dangerous. It is during this period that special attention should be given to food products. The composition of many herbal teas includes various herbs, the influence of which has not been fully understood. Buying even an ordinary herbal collection, get a specialist consultation. What should I say about my favorite coffee? Unlike tea, coffee is not recommended at all during pregnancy. If the future mother is not able to immediately abandon a favorite drink, it is recommended to gradually reduce the dose of coffee consumed, and then completely reduce it to none. As you know, caffeine exerts an exciting effect on the human nervous system, negatively affects the performance of internal organs and adversely affects sleep. Even one soaking a cup of coffee affects the kidneys by increasing the amount of excreted urine. Coffee raises blood pressure, removes calcium from the body, acts as a barrier to the digestion of nutrients and microelements by the body. If the pregnant woman simply does not represent her life without coffee, then the dose of the consumed beverage should not be more than 200 milliliters per day. For the sake of the baby's health, you can sacrifice your favorite food and drinks. you must take care primarily about your future child.
Salt consumption during pregnancy
During pregnancy, the whole system of feeding a womansignificantly differs from the usual diet. Nutrition during pregnancy is different, in the first place, because the expectant mother should eat for two. Food should be most useful and balanced. Until recently, salt was considered harmful to pregnant women's product. It is known that salt retains fluid in the body, which eventually causes swelling of the extremities. Modern doctors argue that salt intake is not only beneficial in moderation, but is also necessary during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that salt plays an important role in changing and renewing amniotic fluid. It is worth forgetting about salt-free diets, which are dangerous even for a healthy person, not to mention a pregnant woman. Of course, you need to consume salt in moderation. Do not lean too on salty foods, but eat the salt to taste. The most useful is sea or iodized salt, and they should give their preference. Marine and iodized salts strengthen the human immune system and normalize metabolic processes.
Juices, fruits and vegetables during pregnancy
The daily diet of a pregnant woman shouldbe sure to include enough fresh fruit and vegetables, as well as freshly squeezed juices. During the period of bearing the child, it is recommended to consume as much as possible food of vegetable origin. Ideally, it is recommended to eat about a kilogram of fresh fruits and vegetables in one day. In this case, it is not necessary to lean on citrus and exotic fruits, which can cause food allergy both in the mother and in the future baby. It is very useful to use fresh apples during pregnancy. Apples are able in the womb to protect the baby from the development of asthma. Among other things, apples contain a huge amount of useful vitamins, increase appetite, normalize the digestive system, remove cholesterol from the body, and boost the body's immune system. Grenades are very useful. They are able to quench their thirst, they help us a lot in case of stomach disorders. Grenades have a general strengthening effect on the body and treat atherosclerosis. Useful during pregnancy and pear. They have a remarkable diuretic effect, lower arterial pressure, relieve the body of swelling, reduce the deposition of salts and normalize the work of the heart. In the daily diet is included and Bulgarian pepper, especially red. He is able to strengthen the nails, hair and teeth of a pregnant woman and a future baby, saturates the body with keratin. The pumpkin has an excellent diuretic effect. It also has a natural laxative effect, is considered an excellent remedy in the fight against toxicosis. Beetroot plays a very important role in the formation of red blood cells of the child and mother. It removes radionuclides from the body, saturates the body with magnesium and stimulates the function of the intestine. As you know, women, and especially during pregnancy, it is very useful to consume folic acid or foods containing it. The melon is rich in folic acid, which also strengthens the nervous system, saturates the body with sucrose and glucose, significantly improves the condition of the walls of blood vessels. Grapes have excellent healing properties. He is able to have a beneficial effect on the immune system of the future baby, has a bactericidal effect. In the first trimester of pregnancy is very useful to eat cranberries. Cranberries are the source of a huge number of vitamins, needed for both mom and baby. All fruits and vegetables can be consumed both fresh and in the form of juices. Freshly squeezed juices will saturate the body with vitamins and nutrients, quench your thirst. The most useful during pregnancy are beet, carrot and apple juices. Pomegranate juice can significantly increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood, and juice from citrus cultures will improve the work of the digestive system. But do not strongly lean on citrus juices, which can cause an allergic reaction. It is very important to know that only freshly squeezed juices have a number of useful properties. It is better to forget about purchased juices, they contain a lot of preservatives, no such juices will bring any benefit. Any juice should be consumed in small amounts to avoid an allergic reaction.
Milk and dairy products during pregnancy
Since time immemorial, the benefit has been knowndairy products and milk, and especially in the period of bearing a child. Milk is primarily a source of calcium, which plays the most important role in the formation of the baby's bony system, its nails and teeth. In addition to calcium, milk and dairy products are rich in protein containing amino acids, milk sugar and a lot of useful vitamins. Very often pregnant women limit themselves to milk consumption, referring to the large amount of fat contained in it. This opinion is erroneous, because all the fats contained in milk are very easily absorbed by the body and quickly split. This suggests that it is almost impossible to gain extra pounds from milk. Of course, natural milk has a particular benefit, and not something that is sold in stores. It must be boiled to avoid any undesirable consequences. To milk is better absorbed, it is recommended to drink on an empty stomach in a warm form. It is equally useful to drink milk and before going to bed. You can add a spoonful of honey. Particular preference during pregnancy is to give the cottage cheese. Cottage cheese contains a lot of protein, methionine, which is indispensable in the process of fetal formation. Cottage cheese can be eaten at least every day. You can diversify it by adding fresh fruits, greens, sour cream and berries.
Seeds and nuts in pregnancy
Many carbohydrates, dietary fiber, vegetableproteins, fatty acids and vitamins contain nuts. They are very useful for the prevention of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases. Nuts have their minus - they should not be consumed in large quantities, they are slowly assimilated by the body. They should be very carefully and long chewed, you can even soak in water. If there is a tendency to constipation, it is better to limit yourself to eating nuts. If there are any signs of an allergy, it is better to exclude nuts from your diet. Particular benefit for pregnant women are walnuts and pine nuts. They also have a beneficial effect on the body during breastfeeding. Nutmeg should be excluded from its diet, as it can cause excessive blood flow to the internal organs, and this is very undesirable during the period of gestation.
Seafood and fish during pregnancy
Marine fish are the most rich in mineralsubstances and microelements. It is best to eat fish in a boiled form. A broth of fish is not worth using. Useful dishes from baked fish, which can be perfectly combined with various vegetables and herbs. During pregnancy, it is necessary to limit yourself to eating fried fish, which increases the burden on the kidneys and liver and is hard enough to digest. The most rich in proteins are seafood. Mussels are recommended to be used with extreme caution, because they can cause food poisoning. Seafood is very useful for pregnant women, which can be consumed without any restrictions. Especially sea cabbage is useful to women prone to obesity. It is necessary to limit its use only in the event that there are any diseases of the kidneys, gastritis, ulcerative bowel diseases. Doctors recommend to exclude during consumption of the child consumption of swordfish, king mackerel and shark. These fish contain an increased amount of mercury, which can cause serious harm to the baby's nervous system. Lovers of Japanese cuisine during pregnancy should limit themselves in the use of sushi and rolls. Raw fish, which is the main component of land, can cause serious damage to the health of the baby and mother.
Consumption of meat and oil during the carrying of the baby
For a pregnant woman, meat should only servesupplement to her daily diet. You can get enough of the necessary substances by consuming 100 grams of meat per day. The rest of the necessary protein is best obtained from other foods. Of all kinds of meat, the most useful is rabbit meat, which is dietary. Low-fat poultry meat, young veal and pork are probably the best option for a pregnant woman. You can eat meat with vegetables that perfectly match with the product and complement its taste. In late pregnancy, it is necessary to limit the use of meat. It is very important how it is cooked. It should be thoroughly roasted and steamed. Keep it in the refrigerator. And after any contact with raw meat, you should thoroughly wash your hands with soap and dishes that are in contact with it. The most useful oil for a pregnant woman is, perhaps, olive. It is an excellent prophylaxis for certain diseases. In addition, olive oil has a beneficial effect on the formation of the nervous system of the baby's future. It is able to prevent toxicosis, strengthens the immune system and perfectly fights with constipation. By the way, olive oil is considered an excellent means for preventing postpartum depression and stretch marks on the body. Sunflower oil can saturate the body with various vitamins, among which vitamin A, D, E, K, normalizes metabolism, improves skin elasticity and improves its appearance, fights brittleness and hair loss. Normal development of the fruit will help the butter, which must be consumed in small amounts. It is enough to have 100-150 grams of butter a day. But do not abuse butter, because it is very high in calories and can contribute to weight gain.
What foods should be avoided during pregnancy?
Some pregnant women choose for themselvesthe products that they use, while others resort to the help of a doctor who makes up an individual diet, given the pregnancy-related diseases or individual characteristics. However, there are also food products, the use of which is strictly contraindicated to all pregnant women. So, which products should you avoid? A pregnant woman should completely eliminate crackers and chips, crab sticks, any fast food products (cereals in bags, noodles), chewing gum, spicy, smoked and fried dishes, spices and seasonings, vinegar, strong coffee and tea, carbonated drinks, fatty varieties meat and fish, exotic fruits. Of course, it is necessary to completely eliminate the consumption of alcoholic beverages. So, pregnancy is a time when the body of a woman requires the most attention. This is the best time to stop bad habits. Smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs during pregnancy can cause irreparable harm to the health of the baby. This is the most beautiful time for sports. You do not have to do sports professionally, there should not be any special loads. Be engaged in dances, swimming, aerobics - in general everything that can bring pleasure. Nutrition during pregnancy plays a special role. It is important to understand that nutrition should be balanced and rational. It is better to eat food up to 6 times a day, but in small quantities than eat 3 times a day, but in large portions. It is right to eat, eat only healthy foods, including fresh fruits and vegetables, dietary meat, dairy products. From some (even loved) foods during pregnancy will have to give up. you must clearly understand that some foods can harm your child's health.