About the harmful effects of tobacco on the human bodyand especially on the female body, probably, no one needs to be told. Therefore, timely treatment of tobacco addiction is simply necessary. We all know that smoking leads to infertility, worsens the condition of internal organs and skin, destroys the cardiovascular system. A person becomes irritable, inattentive, memory problems appear and much, much more. And knowing all this, people still continue to reach for a cigarette time after time.
Harm to smoking for our body
For women, smoking has more serious consequences.consequences than for men. Unlike a woman, a smoking man harms mainly only himself. And a smoking woman is responsible for at least herself and her future offspring. How can a smoking woman give birth to a healthy child? Lighting your first cigarette in early youth or as an adult woman is not particularly difficult, but giving up the bad habit will entail a huge and long-term work on yourself. Today, there are many ways to help you quit smoking. But the effectiveness of tobacco addiction treatment will bring results only if you are determined to work long and hard on your bad habit. Tobacco addiction is not only a physical need for the body to receive nicotine, but also a psychological addiction. Nicotine is a drug that, like any other, enters our brain along with the blood and has a depressing effect on the nervous system. It will take a long time to restore the internal organs. Nicotine addiction is formed in the following way: nicotine, entering the blood, enters the brain and excites nerve cells. Nicotine becomes a doping for our brain, due to the absence of which the brain refuses to work at full capacity. This is the most important part of psychological addiction.
Modern methods of fighting smoking
The drug method is considered veryeffective and efficient. Drugs with nicotine replacement therapy are very popular. Patches and chewing gum can be purchased at a store or pharmacy. Tablets will be prescribed to you by a doctor. When taking medications, a smoker experiences a feeling of nicotine overdose and a feeling of disgust for cigarette smoke, which forces him to reduce the number of cigarettes smoked. And then comes a complete refusal of tobacco. The doctor monitors the treatment. This method allows you to first get rid of physical and then psychological addiction. Acupuncture is considered one of the really effective ways to quit smoking. Acupuncture is the effect on biologically active points of the body with thin needles. Since smoking is an acquired reflex, it is recorded in one of the areas of the brain and when certain points on the human body are affected, the smoker's reflex disappears. And another valuable feature of the method is that with the help of acupuncture, physical dependence on nicotine passes. This treatment is carried out by a specialist. The psychotherapeutic method is aimed at reducing the psychological craving for tobacco, as well as working with the personality itself. If you have enough willpower and persistence, you can successfully quit smoking thanks to this method. Well, a fairly well-known book by Allen Carr "The Easy Way to Stop Smoking" can help you. You can also use the help of a specialist with individual or group lessons. Substitution therapy using an electronic cigarette as an example Such a cigarette is not much different from a regular one in appearance. It is a plastic tube filled with electronics and consists of a replaceable cartridge containing an aqueous solution of purified nicotine. When using an electronic cigarette, the smoker does not absorb harmful substances that are in regular tobacco and tobacco smoke, and, accordingly, does less harm to his health. But we do not treat with electronic cigarettes, physical and psychological dependence on smoking remains. In order to obtain a therapeutic effect, complex treatment with the use of a psychotherapeutic method is necessary. Scientists still do not have a unified opinion on the benefits and harms of electronic cigarettes. We have considered only some methods. There are many more methods, such as breathing exercises, hypnosis, traditional medicine, etc., which are aimed at helping to combat smoking. If you are determined to quit smoking and take control of your body, all that remains is to choose the method that is right for you!