paths in the garden with their own hands Passion for landscape design is veryis popular among gardeners. More often flower beds, alpine hills and lawn come to replace beds. Ponds and fountains are arranged on the sites, decorative wells and gazebos are being built. And, of course, among all this man-made splendor are paved paths and paths. Paths in the garden are needed, first of all, for the convenience of movement. But they can also decorate it, make an additional note in the aesthetic symphony of the garden. For their construction you can hire masters, and you can make paths in the garden with your own hands. Tracks can be made of wood or stone, brick or concrete. The technologies for their laying are similar in many respects, and it is quite possible for any owner of a plot to construct garden paths by himself. It is important only to plan them correctly, choose the right material and get down to business.

We plan the garden paths

In order for the tracks to blend in harmoniously withgeneral style and architecture of garden plots, they must be properly planned. Both visually and functionally the garden is divided into several zones. The main task of paths and paths is to facilitate the way to garden buildings, beds and flower beds. Depending on its purpose, the tracks must have a different width, length and shape. How to calculate the width of the garden path? The main "highways" lead from the gate to the house and from the house to other frequented buildings (kitchen, gazebo, toilet, shed, pool). Their width should be from one to one and a half meters. Tracks, which have to go less often, you can do less - half a meter, meter. And quite narrow (no more than half a meter) - the paths between the beds. Counting the length, you do not have to particularly philosophize. It will determine the distance to the destination (unless you are a supporter of workarounds). But with the form the situation is somewhat different. If, by arranging a garden, you adhere to a certain style, then the shape of the path in the garden should be solved in the same style. So, for example, for a classic English or Japanese garden, straight paths are appropriate. If the style of your garden can be called landscape or rustic, then it will organically look winding and winding paths. But most often garden paths are laid along the already traversed path. And its geometry is determined by encountering obstacles (or lack thereof). Therefore, the shape of the track in this case it is better not to change - you will still walk the way you are used to. So, your plans are in order, and then the most difficult choice is to be made. beautiful paths in the garden with your own hands

We choose the construction

Track coverage determines its device. Tracks can be monolithic, bulk and cobbled. Here everything depends on your preferences, means and physical abilities. Monolithic tracks are made of cement, concrete and asphalt. They are durable, durable and reliable. But! If you make paths in the garden yourself, then think carefully before choosing this method. It requires certain building knowledge and skill. Therefore (in order not to have a deplorable result), do not experiment. A more suitable way for self-organization of garden "highways" - bulk. Tracks can simply be covered with sand, wood mulch, gravel, pebbles or rubble. Of course, this method also implies the use of building rules. But it is quite feasible even without the involvement of specialists. And, finally, the most common way today is paving. That's where there is a frenzy of your fantasies and artistic ideas! Pave the path can be a natural (or artificial) stone, and wood, and paving slabs, and bricks. So in the end, choose?

Choose the materials

Natural materials - stone, wood, gravel andsand. Sand is the most accessible material. The tracks from it turn out beautiful and neat, but not for long. At least once a year, these tracks have to be updated. Stone is considered to be the best material for garden paths. An expensive aristocratic stone is granite, basalt, marble and porphyry. The tracks laid out from it look rich and thorough. But they have a significant disadvantage - they become very slippery in the winter. Under the tracks of such a stone, it is necessary to lay electrical heating systems. The lower the degree of slip (as well as the price), the stones are different. It is sandstone and limestone. The natural stone is sold in the form of a limestone and cobblestone. From other materials it is distinguished by a great variety of textures and a rich palette of colors. But, unfortunately, because of the high price it is not available to everyone. More reasonable prices for gravel, crushed stone and gravel. For the tracks of these materials, you should choose smaller stones, and on the roadside make a reinforcement. They (unlike the same sand) do not require frequent renewal, but are not very pleasant for bare feet. The tree is a special material, "alive and warm". It is used in the form of logs, logs, sawdust and mulch. Sawdust and mulch are poured in layers and compacted. Spilas are digging into the ground, and the boards are stacked on logs (logs). The main drawback of the tree is that it dehydrates from moisture. You can buy excellent modern materials from wood - decking and garden parquet. They are more durable, but also more expensive. Artificial materials - paving slabs, bricks, rubble stone. Sidewalk tiles are very diverse in form and quality. Like an artificial stone, it is easy to use, and therefore very popular in the construction of tracks. Brick can be called an ideal material. It does not fade, it is durable and frost-resistant. It is easy to fold geometric patterns from it. As you can see, different types of paths in the garden are determined not only by the way of their arrangement, but also by the materials for covering. The quality of garden "highways" largely depends on the coverage. The longevity of tracks is also affected by technology. comfortable walkways in the garden with your own hands

Building Technologies

We will not elaborate on the process of laying tracks in our garden - there are textbooks for this. However, let us dwell on the common points for any technology.

  • Foundation. This is most important for road construction. Under any path a drainage layer is necessary. Drainage will not allow water to accumulate and thereby protect the coating from damage.
  • Trench. For any garden path, it is necessary to excavate a trench, into which the foundation will be laid. In addition, the trench for the track must necessarily be treated with herbicides. This will not allow the weeds to conduct their active destructive work and insult your aesthetic taste.
  • Borders. They not only improve the appearance of the track, but also protect it from blurring and sprawling to the sides.

These are all common technological requirements. But for each type of track there is a special technology. And for qualitatively building it is necessary to study it. Then you can if not become a builder, then at least control the process with knowledge of the case.

Decorative design

And in conclusion I want to recall the decorativecomponent garden paths. In the fairy-tale path of your garden, any path will turn flowers. Plant along the paths of curb colored multi-annuals, unpretentious variegated hosts or a hedge. And to make the garden even more beautiful, organize the lighting. To do this, you can arrange garden lights on solar batteries on the roadsides. Such a backlight will create a fabulous effect, making the garden path an almost magical path. When choosing a cover for a walkway, think how it can be used for decorative purposes: lay out in the form of an ornament or a mosaic, combine with a grass cover, add rigor and geometry. In any case, the decorated paths in your garden will be not just pedestrian crossings, but a harmonious element of the garden, fairy trails. Do you remember which way Ellie went to the Emerald City? On the road from the yellow brick. But someone built it ... We advise you to read:

