tomato soup with seafood The recipe for cooking traditional for us soupknows every mistress, but in almost every family there are own culinary secrets, thanks to which fish soup is especially tasty. But Indonesians, Italians and Spaniards are preparing their ears. True, in our understanding their dish looks rather exotic. First, it is based on tomato puree. And secondly, in addition to traditional fish in a tomato soup put a variety of seafood. A special aroma is due to a rich combination of dried herbs and spices. In any Italian restaurant you are sure to be offered to enjoy the unusual taste of such a national dish and will be pleased to give a recipe for its preparation. But if you do not know the language, you will hardly understand what the temperamental smiling Italian chef is talking about. But after reading this article, you will surely be able without difficulty to make tomato soup with seafood is not worse than him. tomato soup with seafood

Tomato soup with seafood according to the classic Italian recipe

Strange as it may seem to us, but inItaly does not have soup, which we used to call an ear. Yes, yes, with all the abundance of fish and seafood in the national cuisine of this country, the traditional first course is not for us. But the Italian chefs came up with their own variation on this topic. The recipe for their soup is very interesting, and anyone can prepare it with a certain set of products. Ingredients:

  • Sea fish (any) - 200 g
  • squid carcass - 1/2 pieces
  • shrimps royal - 4 pieces
  • mussels in the shells - 8 pieces
  • Canned tomatoes (in own juice) - 200 g
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • olive oil - 2 tablespoons
  • wine dry white - 100 ml
  • dried basil - 1 pinch
  • dried thyme - 1 pinch
  • Dried mint - 1 pinch
  • Oregano Dried - 1 pinch
  • black pepper - to taste
  • bay leaf - 1 piece
  • parsley - 2-3 sprigs
  • salt sea - to taste

Cooking method: This recipe, although considered a classic, but it does not restrict you in choosing a fish. Therefore, you can safely buy the one you love most, provided that it is marine. Fish should be washed, if necessary, cleaned and removed from it all bones, leaving only tender fillets. This is what you have to prepare in the first place. Take a small pot, pour in about 500 ml of water, put the fillets and put on fire. When the soup boils, continue to boil it for 15 minutes. Then strain it, and put the fish on a plate and cut into small pieces. Tomato soup with seafood, if using shrimp broth as its basis, will be no less delicious. And do not necessarily cook for this shrimp themselves - it is quite possible to get rid of their shells. Simply pour these inedible parts with water, cook for 15 minutes and strain the resulting broth. You can put fish heads and tails into it during the cooking process - this will make your soup base even more fragrant and saturated. As you can see, the recipe allows the chef to experiment in search of ideal taste combinations. Defrost the remaining seafood and wash them under running water. Pay special attention to mussels. Squid just cut into rings. In a deep saucepan pour the olive oil and, while it is warming, peel and chop the garlic. Slightly fry it, flavoring the oil, and catch. Put the mussels and squid rings in a sauté pan and cook over a high heat for 2 minutes. Now pour in the dry wine, add the spices and mix. You need to evaporate for a couple of minutes, not longer. Dip tomatoes for half a minute in boiling water, and you can peel off them without much effort. Since you need tomato puree for soup, you need to grind vegetables with a blender or crush it through a meat grinder. Both methods will quite successfully accomplish this task. When it's winter outside, and the tomatoes on the shelves look too unnatural, you can use canned home-made tomato juice, but at the end of summer and until late autumn, it's better to cook this soup from natural tomatoes. Particular piquancy is given to him by pieces of the pulp that comes in. Put tomato puree in a sauté pan with seafood and put out a little, just 2-3 minutes. Then add there slices of fish and broth, in which it was cooked, bay leaf, salt and pepper. Stir all the ingredients and cook after boiling for 3 minutes over a low heat. Perfectly combine with tomato soup small garlic croutons from white bread. Make them quite simple. Slice the loaf into slices of arbitrary shape and size. Grain the garlic clove, crush it thoroughly and combine it with olive oil. Pieces of a loaf put on a baking tray, drizzle them with the resulting fragrant mixture and dry in the oven until a mouth-watering golden crust. Ready tomato soup with seafood pour on plates, sprinkle with fragrant greens of parsley and serve together with domestic garlic croutons. tomato seafood soup

Tomato soup with white fish and prawns

No less delicious is soup with tomatoes andseafood, if you cook it in the form of mashed potatoes. Special toning notes will be given to him adding cognac and cream, and the aroma of oregano will spread throughout the apartment, giving your loved ones the anticipation of a delicious dinner. If your family likes everything unusual and interesting, such a soup is sure to become a frequent guest at a home dinner. Ingredients:

  • tomatoes large and ripe - 6 pieces
  • shrimps peeled - 400 g
  • white fish fillet - 300 g
  • vegetable broth - 3 cups
  • Butter - 2 tablespoons
  • olive oil - 2 tablespoons
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • Oregano Dried - 1 teaspoon
  • cream 33% fat - 1 glass
  • cognac - 2 tablespoons
  • salt, a mixture of peppers - to taste

Cooking method: Wash the fish fillets and boil in a little water for 10-15 minutes. Lay it on a plate and cut it, and quite large. Now, prepare the basis for the soup. Tomatoes dip into boiling water, carefully peel them off and finely chop. In the saucepan pour olive oil, warm up and put out the pieces of tomatoes. Garlic, grind, chop and along with dried oregano, send to tomatoes. Pour in the saucepan vegetable broth and cook all ingredients about 15 minutes under the lid on low heat. Ready basis for the soup pour into the bowl of the blender and turn it into a puree. In a clean saucepan, put 2 tablespoons of butter and fry the shrimps in it for 3 minutes, which must be defrosted beforehand. Add cognac to them and evaporate for about a minute. Pour the mass from the blender into the same saucepan and let it boil. Then enter there cream, salt, pepper to taste and warm up properly. Ready soup pour on plates, putting in each serving a few pieces of white fish. The recipe for this first dish is very simple, and the result will be admired even by the most sophisticated gourmet. tomato seafood soup recipe

Tomato soup with seafood cocktail

If you love Italian cuisine, then it's easymust pay attention to the recipe of such a first dish, as this soup. If only because to buy ingredients for him in our time will not be difficult. A seafood cocktail can easily be found among frozen fish in any supermarket, and squeezing juice from ripe tomatoes is quite simple, even in the absence of a modern juicer. Ingredients:

  • seafood cocktail - 250 g
  • onion - 1 piece
  • sweet pepper bulgarian - 1 piece
  • large tomato - 2 pieces
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • tomato juice - 350 g
  • egg - 2 pieces
  • saffron - 1 teaspoon
  • Provencal herbs - 1 teaspoon
  • dried basil - 1 teaspoon
  • lemon juice - 1 tablespoon
  • olive oil - 2 tablespoons
  • salt, pepper black ground - to taste

Cooking method: Seafood cocktail thaw. If there is no time for this, you can speed up the process with the help of boiling water. Just give them your squid, shrimp and other ingredients of the package, and then rinse them well. Defrost the frozen seafood in a saucepan, pour 2 cups of water, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes, no longer. If there are squid in your cocktail, it is better to reduce the cooking time to 3 minutes, otherwise they will turn into rubber. Peel onion and garlic and chop. In the frying pan pour olive oil, it is better to take quite a bit. When it warms up, quickly fry onion and garlic sliced ​​and put it in a saucepan with seafood. With 1 tomato, peel, remove the seeds from the pepper. Vegetables chop and also send to fry in a frying pan. It is better to do this by practically not adding oil. After 1-2 minutes, place pieces of tomato and pepper in a saucepan. Then pour in the tomato juice and put the fresh tomato cut into pieces. The skin from it needs to be removed. At this stage it's time to add dried herbs and spices. When the soup boils, turn off the heat and continue cooking for another 5 minutes. Then pour the lemon juice, salt and season with black pepper. At the final stage of preparation in a separate container, whisk until homogenous 2 hen eggs and enter them into tomato soup, stirring thoroughly. Now cover the pan with a lid and leave it for 5-7 minutes. The recipe provides for the mandatory insistence of soup, as this will make its taste richer and brighter. Everything, you can pour on plates and enjoy. recipe for tomato soup with seafood

Tomato soup with seafood called "chiopino"

This first dish is different from manydensity and variety of ingredients in its composition. Nevertheless, the preparation recipe is difficult to name, although it has many stages. And even if you are a beginner culinary and do not yet feel very confident in the kitchen, be sure to try to make an Italian chiopino. Its taste is really worth the time spent in the kitchen. Ingredients:

  • tomatoes canned in own juice - 850 g
  • onion - 2 pieces
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • parsley - 1 beam
  • broth fish - 1 liter
  • prawns royal peeled - 750 g
  • scallops - 750 g
  • Crab meat - 150 g
  • cod fillets 750 g
  • mussels without shells - 18 pieces
  • Butter - 200 g
  • wine white dry - 350 ml
  • water - 1 glass
  • basil dried - 1,5 tablespoons
  • Thyme Dried - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Oregano Dried - 1/2 teaspoon
  • bay leaf - 2 pieces
  • salt - to taste

Cooking method: Onion and garlic, peel and chop along with parsley. In a large saucepan put the butter, send it into this sliced ​​and cook until the onion is soft. Canned tomatoes turn into a puree and together with the juice pour into the same pan. Add to them a broth, wine, water, put a bay leaf and dried herbs. All these ingredients mix well, bring to a boil and leave to simmer on low heat for half an hour. Cod fillets and seafood rinse. Cut the fish into small pieces. After the specified time, put it all in a pan with the future soup, let it boil and continue cooking for another 7 minutes. Try and, if necessary, season with salt. Serve this fragrant dish of tomatoes and seafood better immediately, while it is hotter. Therefore immediately decompose the soup on plates, because it is impossible to spill it because of its inherent density. Fresh white bread with a crispy crust, cut into large slices, sprinkle with olive oil and eat. Enjoyment is guaranteed! Whichever recipe for soup with tomatoes and seafood you choose, the taste of this most interesting first dish will not leave you indifferent. This applies not only to lovers of Italian or Spanish cuisine, but also those who prefer more traditional food in our country. After all, just trying something unusual, you can clearly determine your own culinary preferences and discover new horizons. Of course, it's much easier to go to a famous restaurant and try the masterpieces of local chefs: and you do not have to spend time in the kitchen, and you do not need to wash dirty dishes. But you will not be able to fully understand the dish served to you. To do this, you need to participate in the process of creating it from start to finish, languish in anticipation of trying and worrying about how successful it will turn out to be. So do not be afraid to get acquainted with the kitchens of different countries and learn how to prepare traditional dishes for them yourself.

