thrush treatmentThrush ruins the lives of a huge number of peoplewomen of all ages. And, unfortunately, very often a woman simply ignores the problem, preferring to simply endure the unpleasant sensations. Or she goes to the pharmacy and buys some remedy that she learned about from an advertisement or from a friend. In the best case, if you are lucky, this way you can only suppress the disease and achieve the disappearance of symptoms, nothing more. And periodically the disease will make itself known again and again. Therefore, remember that the treatment of thrush requires a responsible approach.

Pills from thrush

If you want to get rid of thrush howas quickly as possible, pay attention to drugs for internal use. They are quickly absorbed into the blood and begin to act immediately - relief will come in 12 hours, and sometimes even earlier. There are many similar drugs, but the basis of any of them is the active substance fluconazole. It is this that makes the treatment of thrush the most effective. For example, you can try a very effective drug called Mikosysta. It is inexpensive, but the effect is simply amazing. Firstly, thrush recedes very quickly. Secondly, it provides complete protection of the vagina from re-infection with fungi that can get on the mucous membranes from other places - for example, from the intestines. In most cases, you will need only a single dose of Mikosysta - one ampoule of 150 mg. And only in rare cases may it be necessary to re-take the drug - usually after three days. If the treatment of thrush in this situation is not repeated, the disease will return again. The following drugs have approximately the same effect:

  • Flucostat.
  • Fluconazole.
  • Diflucan.
  • Mycoflucan.
  • Itraconazole.

However, as already mentioned above, the most reasonable thing would be if the drug is selected by a gynecologist. Who, in fact, should supervise the treatment of thrush.treatment of thrush

Candles from thrush

During thrush, irritation occurs, andsometimes inflammation of the vaginal mucosa. This means that treatment of thrush consists not only in destroying the fungi, but also in eliminating inflammation. And the easiest way to do this is with vaginal suppositories.

  • Candles with clotrimazole

Clotrimazole is very effective in suppressingfungi activity. Which, in fact, provoke the development of thrush. In small quantities, clotrimazole slows down the growth and reproduction of fungi, and in large quantities it completely destroys them. The course of treatment is 7 days.

  • Candles with pimafucine

Suppositories with Pimafucin act more gently, but also longer - the average duration of the course of treatment is about 14 days, no less.thrush treatment with folk remedies

Folk remedies for treatment of thrush

In addition to medications, you can tryTreatment of thrush with folk remedies. Of course, they can only be used as an auxiliary - and preferably after consultation with a doctor - but you shouldn't write them off completely.

  • Bath with chamomile

Chamomile has powerful anti-inflammatory properties.action, so it relieves itching and burning wonderfully. First, prepare a decoction: put three heaped tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers in a small saucepan, then pour a liter of water over them. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat and cover the saucepan with a lid. Boil the decoction until about a third of the water has boiled away. Then remove the saucepan from the heat and wrap it in a terry towel so that the decoction can steep properly. After five hours, strain the decoction using a gauze napkin or a special sieve. Before going to bed, wash yourself and fill a basin with three liters of water, add chamomile decoction. The duration of such a sitz bath is at least 30 minutes. Repeat the baths until the unpleasant sensations disappear.

  • Soda baths

In case the thrush is in acute stagestages, you can try a soda bath. Heat a few liters of water. While the water is heating, prepare a saturated soda solution - dissolve as much soda in a liter of water as will dissolve: in the end, you should have sediment left. Pour the solution (without sediment) into the bath and mix well. Duration of the bath - 10 minutes. Be prepared for the fact that there may be a burning sensation. After the bath, do not forget to rinse the genitals with cool water. Relief will come very quickly, but, alas, will not be too long - about three hours.

  • Kefir compresses

The fungus settles not only in the vagina, but also onmucous membranes of the external genitalia. And in this case, kefir compresses will come in handy. To do this, slightly warm up a third of a glass of any natural kefir - to about 37 degrees, no more, and prepare several gauze napkins. Wash yourself and lie down. Soak a gauze napkin in kefir and apply to the external genitalia. After about 10 minutes, change the napkin. In total, about 4 such approaches are needed.

  • Garlic syringing

Another very effective remedy isgarlic douche. It is done simply - peel one small clove of garlic, chop it very finely and pour a glass of clean water at room temperature. Infuse for several hours, then douche thoroughly. This procedure should be carried out once a day, for three days. To avoid the return of thrush, the treatment can be repeated in a week.

  • Douching with sage

If you feel a burning sensation, you can trysage douching. First, prepare an infusion - place three tablespoons of dry grass in a thermos, pour a glass of boiling water. After an hour, strain the infusion using gauze. Before going to bed, wash yourself and douche. Treatment should be continued until the discomfort disappears completely. In a word, treating thrush is not an easy task. But it still needs to be treated, so as not to earn a whole bunch of very unpleasant complications. You don’t want that, right? We recommend reading:

