tea mushroom care The tea mushroom enjoys popular love alreadylong, long years. That, however, and not surprising - care for him is very simple, and the drink turns out not only tasty, but also useful. But if you first encountered a tea mushroom, caring for it can cause a lot of questions. And this is perfectly normal - one person simply can not know everything. Fortunately, these gaps in knowledge are easily eliminated. As already mentioned, tea does not require special care, as it is not whimsical: it can withstand various temperature fluctuations, feeds on any sugars, adapts quickly to changes in conditions of detention. The tea fungus has huge internal resources, it reproduces well. However, certain rules must still be observed. And it's about them that we will not talk now.

Care instructions

So, what needs to be done to make your tea mushroom comfortable and successful?

  • Oxygen

Normal life of the tea mushroomis possible only if there is free access of oxygen. That is why in no case it is unacceptable to cover the dishes with the lid in which your tea mushroom lives.

  • Mushroom container

But cover it, so that garbage and dust do not get into it,it is necessary - for this you can use a folded in several layers of gauze. Yes, and the dishes themselves should be transparent, it is good for letting out the sun's rays - it is very convenient to use an ordinary three-liter jar. But pay attention - in spite of the fact that the tea mushroom needs light as much as the air, avoidance of direct sunlight should be avoided. You can, of course, do with a three-liter jar, but ideally there should be two - one will be a home for the tea mushroom, and the second will be useful for storing the beverage directly. Infusion needs to be drained regularly - in the summer time once in three days, and in the winter - once in five days. Infusion can be stored very, very long - about two to three months. The main thing is to store it in a tightly closed container and exclusively in the refrigerator.

  • Hygienic procedures

A tea mushroom is quite a living organism. So, hygienic procedures are also necessary for him - the truth that purity is a guarantee of health, in this case is more urgent than ever. Be sure to rinse the kombucha in clean water at room temperature approximately once a week in winter and twice in summer.

  • Water temperature

A very important factor is the water temperature -it depends on her health of the tea fungus. Ideally, the water temperature for the kombucha should be 25 degrees, so try to keep the jar in a warm place. And if the temperature drops below 16 degrees, the fungus is likely to die very soon. First there will be insanely beautiful blue-green algae, which will eventually kill the mushroom.

  • Preparation of the solution

In order for the fungus to develop properly, itsit is necessary to contain not in ordinary water, but in a special solution of black tea and sugar. Preparing the broth is very simple - already spit the tea leaves once again pour boiling water (one liter for three tablespoons), cool to room temperature and carefully strain with a tea strainer. Dissolve sugar in water - two teaspoons per liter of water. Please note - the sugar must completely dissolve, otherwise the tea mushroom will not be very comfortable. But this, unfortunately, is a very widespread problem - many people pour sugar directly into the jar. As a result, a grain of sugar burns a mushroom and it gradually dies. And all care for the tea mushroom will go wrong. how to care for a tea mushroom

Reproduction of a tea mushroom

If you decide to start breeding yourtea mushroom, you need to read the following information. You can hear the advice of simply picking off a mushroom from the mushroom, but you can not do it in any case. A new mushroom will hardly grow, but the old one will seriously suffer and may die. The tea mushroom multiplies by a layered daughter film, which is located on top - in simple terms, the top layer of the fungus. It is separated quite simply - but neatness is necessary to observe nevertheless, in order not to damage the tea mushroom. Separate the film and place in ordinary warm boiled water - there the young fungus must remain for a while. During this period of adaptation, taking care of the tea mushroom is necessary with an adjustment for youth. Neither tea solution, nor sugar, but this period is unnecessary and even harmful. It's enough just to pour a little boiled water and keep the jar in a warm place. And one more thing - it is difficult to say why, but the fact remains - the young tea mushroom simply adores flies that lay their larvae in it. Therefore, always cover the jar with a gauze cloth, otherwise the mushroom will simply die. And all because of a simple oversight. The period that is necessary for the daughter film to become a full-grown tea fungus is approximately one month. So you can easily gift everyone with a tea mushroom - you can easily grow a new one for yourself. how to make a mushroom

Benefits of a tea mushroom

So, the preparation of a tea fungus is understandable, as well asthen, as for him to look after. Finally I would like to recall in a few words what is so useful for the tea mushroom. After all, his dignity is not only in a pleasant taste. So, let's figure out how the tea mushroom can be used with maximum benefit for your body:

  • Headache

Headache is a real scourge of modernrights. And very few people know that only half a cup of tea mushroom infusion replaces an analgesic pill. And if you will drink every day in the morning on a cup, most likely the headaches will stop you from vexing. And it is noticed that the tea mushroom cope even with such misfortune as a migraine, which is capable of poisoning life to anyone.

  • Colds

High fever, stuffy nose, sickThroat - the tea mushroom rushes to the rescue. If you have a sore throat - rinse it with a slightly heated infusion of the tea mushroom, if the nose is stuffed - every two hours, bury by drop of infusion. And you can cope with the temperature by drinking a glass of hot infusion. To enhance the effect, you can add natural honey to the infusion - of course, only if you have not previously had an allergic reaction to bee products.

  • High blood pressure

For hypertensive patients, the fungus is practicallypanacea. Numerous observations indicate that regular daily consumption of the tea fungus only stabilizes the pressure in a month. And the infusion can even relieve the attack of hypertension - as soon as the pressure has risen, drink a small sip of a glass of tea mushroom infusion and rest for at least 15 minutes.

  • Increased immunity

Useful properties of the tea fungus is veryhave a positive effect on the state of the human immune system. Yes, and in the offseason, the tea mushroom will have to come in handy - most likely the flu and cold will bypass you. By the way, during the mass epidemics of acute respiratory infections and flu, the tea mushroom will become an excellent preventive remedy - twice a day (in the morning and in the evening) rinse your nose and rinse your throat with tea mushroom infusion. It has a powerful antibacterial property and will not allow viruses to penetrate the body. In a word, if you do not already have a tea mushroom in your kitchen, it's time to put it there. The time you spend on caring for the fungus will pay off with interest. We advise you to read:

