diet with superficial gastritis The concept of "gastritis" is collective, itIt is used to describe various inflammatory processes in the stomach. Gastritis can be chronic and acute. In turn, the forms of chronic gastritis are superficial and atrophic. Superficial gastritis is a disease of the stomach in which the mucous membrane is affected, but there are no other lesions (the tissues of the duodenum and the stomach itself are not affected). Such gastritis can be strong, moderately and mildly expressed. To treat superficial gastritis is required at the initial stage, as it quickly acquires a chronic form. To avoid this, you should pay attention to a healthy diet. nutrition with superficial gastritis

Superficial gastritis: diet

Of course, the treatment of any gastric diseaseit is impossible without special diets. If a doctor prescribes a diet for superficial gastritis, then it should be adhered to without any relief, otherwise it will not bring the body any significant benefits. Superficial gastritis can be healed, but even a rare deviation from the diet can delay the recovery period. If you suspect a disease, you should consult a gastroenterologist, who will diagnose, prescribe treatment and recommend nutrition, which will be effective with superficial gastritis. Diet for superficial gastritis is prescribed depending on whether the acidity of gastric juice is increased or decreased. So, if you have a superficial gastritis, you should stick to the following food:

  • The food should be regular. Take a little food (5-6 times a day), it is important to develop a habit of eating at about the same time.
  • It is desirable to eat in a relaxed atmosphere, and most importantly, slowly.
  • Food should not be very cold or, conversely, hot.
  • It is worth to give up some products. From the liquid - alcohol, coffee and carbonated water, from meat products - smoked fish, different sausages and fatty meat, and from vegetables should not eat cabbage, radish, spinach and sorrel. Also it is necessary to limit yourself in bread of coarse grinding. Remember that food should be easy.
  • It is allowed to eat non-fat fish (for example, hakeor cod) and meat (rabbit or chicken), milk and sour milk products (kefir and sour cream), cheese, vegetables (other than unwanted ones), fruits and juices from them (except grape).
  • At a superficial gastritis it is not necessary to ignore porridges. For example, rice will be an excellent side dish, and oatmeal can be consumed for breakfast in combination with honey or dried fruits.
  • Every day you need to drink about eight glasses of mineral water. In order to "start" the stomach, drink one glass in the morning before breakfast.
  • Also it is necessary to forget for a few months about fried, smoked, salty, spicy, sour, sweet food, all kinds of spices and seasonings.

With superficial gastritis it is necessary to drawattention to the protein diet. Products with a lot of protein are white fat-free meat, egg whites, fat-free veal and beef, soy milk and tofu (these products contain vegetable protein), dairy products (either fat-free or fat content up to 2.5%). Remember that proper nutrition is the key to success. correct diet with superficial gastritis

Traditional methods of treating the disease

Only folk remedies are unlikelyit will be possible to cure gastritis, but in combination with a strict diet and prescribed medications they will help to cope with the disease more quickly. It is also recommended that you consult with your doctor about the following treatment options and make sure that you are not allergic to these plants. Decoctions and tinctures from plants:

  • Infusion of plantain

Prevents the appearance of pain in the stomach, as well asremoves the pain that has already appeared. To prevent the infusion is taken by a third of the glass after eating, and to relieve pain, you need to drink half a glass. Prepare the infusion as follows: two tablespoons of this medicinal herb (plantain can be used both fresh and dry), you need to pour half a liter of boiling water in the thermos, insist 24 hours, then drain. And store the infusion preferably in the refrigerator in a glass container.

  • Sea buckthorn oil

You can find it in any pharmacy, and you need to apply for half an hour before a meal of 1 teaspoon.

  • Propolis

Another useful substance that can be taken not only with superficial, but also other forms of gastritis. Propolis (8 g each) should be eaten every day before breakfast for a week.

  • Burdock

A burdock leaf can also help in the treatment of gastritis,because its root has an anti-inflammatory property. Decoction from the root of burdock (100 grams) should be drunk 1 week before eating. Then it is advisable to take a break for several days and repeat the course again. A recipe for broth is: you need to clean and grind the roots (about 20 g), add half a liter of water and keep on the fire until boiling. Cook it in enamel ware. After boiling, drain the broth and add to it 2 tablespoons of honey. The broth will be useful for 2 days after cooking, then it loses its healing properties.

  • Infusion of St. John's wort

Nausea, often accompanying gastritis, will pass,if you take this infusion. It should be prepared this way: 1 cup of boiling water is taken for 1 spoonful of dry grass. All this is insisted in the thermos several hours. To drink infusion it is required on three glasses two times a day.

  • Infusion of dry wormwood and St. John's wort

This infusion is intended at the time of reductionappetite, take it every morning (1 tablespoon). To prepare this infusion, you need 1 spoonful of grass and a liter of boiling water. First you need to heat the thermos, then add the ingredients and insist for 24 hours. Next, the infusion should be filtered and added a few spoons of honey. Keep refrigerated.

  • Broth of a dogrose

Will help get rid of superficial gastritis onearly stage. Such a broth can not be stored, since already a day after it will not be of use. Therefore, you need to cook it for one day. Method of preparing the decoction of rosehip: its fruit (about 2 tablespoons), it is necessary to pour 1 liter of water in enameled dishes. Then put the dishes on fire, bring to a boil, lower gas and boil for another 15 minutes. Next, you need to wrap the pan with the decoction in a warm towel for two hours, then strain it. A few spoons of honey, added to the broth, will benefit. The drug should be taken within 24 hours.

