pills for abortion Sometimes circumstances develop in this way,that pregnancy is undesirable. One can argue for a long time about the moral side of this issue, but the fact remains: sometimes a woman decides that pregnancy must be interrupted. For this, she must have an abortion. Abortion is the artificial termination of pregnancy for up to 28 weeks. After 28 weeks, the fetus is already capable of living outside the maternal womb, so abortion after this period is strictly prohibited. All abortions are divided into two groups: early, conducted until 12 weeks of pregnancy, and late - from 12 to 28 weeks. In our side only early abortions, made at the request of women, are allowed. Later abortions are made strictly for medical reasons.

Types of abortion

Today in modern gynecologythere are several types of artificial termination of pregnancy, depending on the individual characteristics of a woman's health and, of course, primarily on the gestational age:

  • Vacuum extraction. Among women, a similar method of abortion is known under the name of a mini-abortion. When it is carried out, the fetus is removed from the uterus under the influence of the strongest negative pressure created by the special apparatus. To produce this type of abortion is possible only at the time of pregnancy, not exceeding six weeks.
  • Surgical abortion. During surgical abortion, scraping of the uterine walls is performed, in order to remove the fetus and placenta. It is produced at any gestation period up to 12 weeks.
  • There are also some other ways to interrupt pregnancy on a long term, for example, artificial childbirth. However, they will not be mentioned in this article.

    Medication abortion

    In recent years, the increasing popularity ofwomen get medical methods of abortion. Interruption of pregnancy in the early stages of tablets is the safest. For medical abortion, a woman, under the strict supervision of a gynecologist, accepts special pharmacological drugs intended for abortion. Tablets for abortion are effective only for 49 days from the date of the onset of the last menstrual period. Such popularity of drug abortion is justified. Tablets for abortion have a number of advantages:

    • Infertility. With drug termination of pregnancy, there is no effect on the mucous membrane of the uterus. Therefore, the risk of subsequent development of secondary infertility is extremely low, which is especially important for young women who have not yet given birth.
    • Complications. Artificial termination of pregnancy is always accompanied by a risk of developing various complications, such as subsequent inflammation, trauma to the cervix and its mucous membranes. When conducting medical abortion, the risk of any complications is extremely small.
    • Hospitalization. Tablets for abortion allow an abortion, not hospitalizing a woman in a hospital. And recovery after a similar abortion is much faster than after a surgical procedure. A woman can go to work the day after the abortion.

    abortion of pills

    Technique of medical abortion

    In order to artificially interruptpregnancy, in Russia, certain drugs are used that do not enter into free sale. The principle of their action is the following: due to the high content of hormones, tablets lead to the death of the embryo, then provoke increased uterine contraction and rejection, and expulsion of the fetus from its cavity. The procedure for conducting a medical abortion is carried out in three stages:

  • Examination of a woman. Before starting a medical abortion, the doctor should carefully examine the woman. To do this, an ultrasound will be performed, during which the exact duration of pregnancy will be established, as well as a gynecological manual examination. After the doctor is satisfied that there are no contraindications to a medical abortion for a woman, he will introduce it to the principle of the drug. After that, the woman will have to sign special papers confirming that the woman is familiar with the technique of conducting medical abortion and gives her consent to it.
  • The abortion itself. A woman should take the pill, then within 4 to 5 hours she should remain under the supervision of medical personnel, after which she can return home. Expulsion of the fetal egg can begin in two to three hours, and maybe even in a few days. The very expulsion of the fetal egg is accompanied by heavy bleeding.
  • Inspection inspection. Two weeks later, a woman should come to a checkup for a doctor - a gynecologist. This examination is extremely necessary in order to make sure that the fetal egg was expelled from the uterus cavity in full. If this does not happen, which is extremely rare, to avoid complications, a woman is shown to scrape the uterine cavity in order to remove the remains of the fetal egg.
  • Contraindications to medical abortion

    However, for all positive features, the drug set also has a number of serious contraindications to its use. These include the following states:

    • Suspicion that a woman has an ectopic pregnancy.
    • Serious kidney diseases, especially renal and adrenal insufficiency.
    • Long-term treatment with corticosteroids.
    • Diseases associated with bleeding disorders.
    • Acute inflammatory diseases of female genital organs.
    • Presence of a woman with uterine fibroids.

    If a woman suffers from one of the abovediseases, carrying out of medical abortion of pregnancy can most negatively affect the state of her health and lead to unpredictable consequences.

    Complications of medical abortion

    However, we should not forget thatpills for abortion are inherently an abortion. And very rarely, but still possible a number of complications. As mentioned above, abortion with pills is done on an outpatient basis, so a woman will not be under the watchful eye of a doctor. So, it is she who should pay close attention to her own well-being. Interruption of pregnancy by pills can lead to the following complications:

    • Continuation of pregnancy. However, the probability of this does not exceed 1%.
    • Strong pain in the lower abdomen.
    • Intensive bleeding, especially caused by incomplete removal of the fetal egg.
    • Nausea, vomiting. In this case, repeated use of the drug is possible.
    • Very rarely, but still, fever, chills and weakness are possible.
    • Violation of the hormonal background.

    Do not forget to have a consultation with a doctor after the abortion for contraceptives so that you do not have to deal with the problem of unplanned pregnancy in the future. We advise you to read:

