In the modern world, with a fairly developedThere are diseases in medicine that cannot be cured. The most common disease that has claimed a large number of lives is HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). In Russia alone, about 800 thousand people are carriers of this infection. Among the infected people are men, women and children. This virus is terrible for everyone, but it is most dangerous for women, since they have a higher risk of infection and can pass the infection to a child. HIV symptoms in women manifest themselves with some differences. Therefore, at the first doubts about your health, you should immediately consult a doctor and get tested.
Can I get HIV by everyday means?
The more dangerous the disease, the more afraid a person isthoughts that he can get infected with it. HIV is transmitted through contact of the mucous membranes of a healthy and sick person (sperm, blood, cervical mucus). This virus is not spread by everyday means. Another common question is whether HIV is transmitted through a kiss. Doctors give a negative answer. The probability of getting infected in this situation, in the absence of wounds in the oral cavity and on the tongue of both partners, is zero.
Groups at risk of infection with the virus
The following population groups are at high risk of HIV infection:
- drug addicts who use drugs by injection (through the needle of a syringe);
- women and men during unprotected sexual intercourse, as well as practicing oral and anal sex;
- Children whose mothers have HIV positive status;
- doctors who, by their specialization, are in contact with infected people or tissues (laboratory technicians, gynecologists, obstetricians, surgeons);
- people who need blood transfusion;
- people leading an immoral lifestyle.
In most cases, HIV is transmitted through needle sharing among drug addicts and sexually during unsafe sex.
Symptoms of the presence of the virus
A woman has a higher risk of acquiring HIV.Therefore, you should always monitor your health and not do anything rash. If a circumstance occurs that makes you doubt your HIV status, you should take a blood test (enzyme immunoassay detects the presence of antibodies to the virus). But by nature, HIV does not manifest itself in the first days. In most people, antibodies appear 3 months after infection, in others - after 6 months. Therefore, a 100% result will only be after six months. Before this period expires, you should pay attention to your well-being. Symptoms can be detected after a few weeks, or you can go 10 years without feeling any deviations from the norm. The first symptoms manifest themselves as:
- increased lymph nodes;
- excessive sweating at night;
- lethargy, drowsiness and fatigue;
- lack of appetite;
- severe depression without a cause;
- presence of a constantly elevated body temperature.
Without undergoing specific therapy to combat the virus, the infection will progress, the immune system will weaken and health will deteriorate. Symptoms of complications of the disease may appear, such as:
- vaginal infections;
- the presence of anomalies in the analysis of the smear;
- the appearance on the labia majora of herpes, warts, ulcers;
- red spots on the body;
- white patches on the oral mucosa.
Even if a woman has these symptoms, they are notconfirm the presence of the virus. Such painful manifestations may be signs of other infections (ARI). Therefore, do not panic. In the six-month period from the day of the alleged infection or the appearance of symptoms, you should avoid sexual and other contacts during which you can transmit the infection to a healthy person, you cannot be a donor and it is advisable to postpone pregnancy.
Life after infection
If preliminary and confirmatory testsIf you have been diagnosed with HIV, you should not take extreme measures. Modern medicine allows you to live with such a diagnosis and have the same rights as healthy people, but undergo treatment. A woman who does not have children must understand all the responsibility. The presence of HIV does not prohibit you from having a child. Healthy children are born to people with HIV, and, in addition, scientists are looking for a way to cure HIV in newborns. During pregnancy, a woman is prescribed antiretroviral drugs. They reduce the viral load to such a level that with a normal pregnancy and uncomplicated birth, the child is born healthy. Women are prohibited from giving birth on their own, since the highest percentage of children become infected during childbirth. They undergo a cesarean section. Also, mothers cannot breastfeed their children for the same reason. A person with such a diagnosis needs to communicate correctly with healthy people. You cannot endanger others. If a woman decides to become pregnant naturally, she is obliged to inform her partner about her condition. Otherwise, it is a crime in Russia as well, and is punishable by law (Article 122 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).
Way from HIV to AIDS
All HIV-infected people should be monitoreddoctors and undergo therapy to combat the virus. If the disease is detected in a timely manner and measures are taken to treat it, then such a person can live for decades. If HIV is not treated, it develops into acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). This is the last stage of the disease. Other infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, meningitis, and herpes develop against the background of AIDS. Any infection (even a cold) in AIDS patients leads to serious consequences, since their immune system is not able to cope with bacteria and viruses. AIDS can be fatal, there are more than 100 thousand such cases in Russia. HIV is one of the most dangerous diseases of the 21st century. A cure for it has not yet been found. Therapy only slows down and stops the development of the infection. Therefore, you need to take care of yourself and your health. Avoid contact with drug addicts, try to have an intimate life only with regular and proven partners, sex should be protected. Don't be embarrassed to ask your partner to get tested for HIV or AIDS. Don't do anything reckless that you'll regret for the rest of your life. Your health is in your hands. Take care of yourself.