sunburn face On the street with might and main shines a warm warm sun andalmost all are happy to expose the skin to the sun's rays. Someone prefers to sunbathe in the country, someone in the village has a grandmother, and someone tries to leave closer to the sea. However, wherever you prefer to spend summer days, do not forget about the rules of safe sunburn. Otherwise, you risk getting sunburn. Many people do not take sunburn seriously, they do not start treatment. And this attitude often turns into serious complications for human health. Helping with sunburn is extremely important for the health of the affected person. This is exactly what will be discussed in this article. The very first thing you need to know in order to avoid the occurrence of sunburn, is what exactly causes their appearance. Many believe that burns are due to the strong heat that we feel on our skin. However, this is not the case at all - sun burns, unlike thermal burns, do not result from exposure to skin at high temperatures, but from exposure to ultraviolet rays. That's why quite often there are cases of sunburn in skiers who spend a long time under the rays of the winter sun. With yet another confirmation, for sure, each of us came across at least once - the appearance of sunburn after a long stay on the beach in cloudy weather, when the sun is not visible. The fact is that clouds do not allow to get to the ground by the sun's rays, but they are not an obstacle to ultraviolet rays. And what to say about those cases when women come to rest to the sea? Of course, every woman just dreams of returning from rest, becoming the owner of a luxurious bronze tan that will cause admiration and envy of all girlfriends. And women try to spend the maximum amount of time on the beach, making a fatal mistake. With this line of behavior very quickly, instead of the expected bronze tan, you will notice reddening of the skin and pain at touch, you can feel heat or chill, as the most important function of the skin, which ensures a full and correct heat exchange, is broken. If you notice these manifestations, immediately eliminate any sun exposure on the skin and begin treatment. Do not ignore the symptoms of burns and do not continue to sunbathe, as this will greatly worsen the skin condition. Begin the treatment of sunburn immediately, without delay, because it is not an innocuous scratch. A sunburn may sooner or later age the skin, causing the appearance of fine wrinkles, provoke the development of a person's chronic allergy to the effects of sunlight. In particularly severe cases, recurrent sunburn can even trigger the mechanism of skin cancer.

Treatment of sunburn

To date, mankind knowsa huge number of a variety of ways to treat burns, both traditional methods and recipes of traditional medicine. And often folk remedies for sunburn help no less effectively than the medicine for sunburn, purchased at the pharmacy. sunburn treatment

General recommendations for sunburn

So, you or your loved ones have a sunburn. Such a state causes serious, uncomfortable sensations in the affected person. First aid should be provided immediately. That's why everyone should know what to do with a sunburn. If you are annoyed by a painful sensation, for a while they will help to remove a cold shower. The length of time of relief largely depends on how much the severe burn was received by a person. In some cases, the pain may disappear on the clock, and in some, alas, only for a minute. Pay attention to the water temperature - it should be cool, but, by no means ice. Otherwise, you risk in addition to a sunburn to get a cold or, worse, pneumonia. For people who received a sunburn, there is a kind of "rule of three NOT":

  • Do not wash the affected skin with soap and shower gel. This will only further dry the skin and significantly increase pain.
  • Do not use cosmetics that containits composition of alcohol. The use of such cosmetics can lead to the appearance of chemical, in addition to sunburn, as the protective functions of the skin in this state are significantly reduced. In addition, alcohol also contributes to the evaporation of the skin that is so necessary at the moment to moisture.
  • Do not lubricate the skin with any oily creams and ointments - this will also significantly worsen her condition.
  • Most optimal for sunburnuse cosmetics containing in its composition an extract of aloe. Such cosmetics will not only cool your skin, but will also help to remove the inflammatory reaction. Aloe itself has a very strong anti-inflammatory property. In the event that you are faced with the occurrence of sunburn, pay special attention to your drinking regimen. The body is currently in a weakened state and, as a result, very quickly loses moisture. It is necessary to consume a very large amount of liquid to maintain a normal water-alkaline balance in the body. In such cases, the ideal beverages are:

    • Green chilled tea, preferably not in sachets.
    • Ordinary weakly alkaline mineral water.
    • Any juice with the addition of drinking water at the rate of 1 part water and three parts juice.
    • Pomegranate juice. It is worth discussing it in some detail. Pomegranate juice is a powerful antioxidant, effectively combating free radicals, which are released when getting a sunburn. In addition, pomegranate juice also has a strong anti-inflammatory effect on the burn sites. Thus, if you drink a lot of pomegranate juice, you will be able to cope with the effects of sunburn a little faster. However, it should be borne in mind that pomegranate juice has a negative effect on tooth enamel, so dentists recommend drinking pomegranate juice through a tube and rinse your mouth after eating it. Also, pomegranate juice is contraindicated for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

    It is also very important to eat right duringtreatment of sunburn. Try to include in the diet of fresh vegetables and fruits. They contain a huge amount of vitamin C and vitamin E, without which the process of healing and regeneration of the skin is simply not possible. In the same case, if for some reason you do not want or can not eat fresh vegetables and fruits, you need to take chemically synthesized vitamins C and E. They can be purchased in almost any pharmacy. In the same place you can buy any pharmacological preparation, made on the basis of the active substance ibuprofen. The intake of ibuprofen not only removes the inflammatory reaction on the skin and normalizes the body temperature of the sick person, but also significantly reduces the intensity of painful sensations. Pay attention to your clothes. Do not wear those models of clothing that tightly adhere to the skin - it can injure the sun-damaged skin. The most optimal will be loose clothing made either from very thin and soft cotton or from silk. In no case can not wear clothes made from coarse or synthetic materials - this will only strengthen the already existing skin irritation. In the event that the consequence of a skin burn is the emergence of skin peeling, you should immediately start moisturizing it. You can do this in several ways. However, if you do not accept the use of traditional medicine, you will benefit from various moisturizing lotions for the body, which are on sale a great variety. Apply them to the damaged skin at least 6 times a day, and in general - the more often, the better. In no case should you try to remove the "scraps" of exfoliating skin yourself. The harder you pick it, the more intense it will continue to peel. You just need to wait patiently - the peeling will go away by itself. The only thing you can do on the condition that you do not have pain sensations is to use a body scrub, preferably enriched in vitamin A. In that case, if the sunburn is extensive, it penetrated deep enough inside the skin, and the injured person complains for nausea, dizziness and high body temperature, he needs to seek medical help without delay. In difficult cases, it is only the physician who can adequately assess the condition of the sick person and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

    Popular ways to treat sunburn

    remedy for sunburn As mentioned above, there are severalvery effective ways of treating sunburn with the help of traditional medicine. If you have a sunburn, first aid is just necessary. Below are the main folk recipes:

    • Compresses from milk and fermented milk products.

    Most often with sunburns are usedsour cream and yogurt. Dairy products will not only relieve inflammation and soothe pain - the milk proteins contained in them create an invisible protective film that does not allow moisture to evaporate. This virtually eliminates the possibility of dehydration of the skin and, as a consequence, the process of recovery and healing of the skin is much faster. To achieve therapeutic effect, kefir or sour cream should be applied to the skin every 1.5 to 2 hours, without rubbing into the skin, but simply spread evenly over its surface. For such medical compresses it is desirable to use kefir or sour cream of the highest fat content.

    • Raw potatoes.

    Another favorite means of escape fromThe consequences of a sunburn is ordinary potatoes. To do this, you need to thoroughly rinse under running water several potato tubers (depending on the area affected by the skin), peel them from the peel and grate on a fine grater. After this, the resulting gruel should be evenly distributed over the areas of damaged skin and leave for 15 to 20 minutes, then take a shower and dry without resorting to a towel.

    • Raw egg white.

    A simple chicken egg will help to eliminatepainful sensations with sunburn in a matter of minutes. To do this, you need a few chicken eggs - their number depends on the area of ​​skin lesions. Beat the eggs, carefully separating the yolks from the proteins. After this, lightly whisk with whisk or mixer proteins and very gently spread them over the affected skin. Leave the protein until it begins to dry out. Once you begin to feel the feeling of tightening the skin, take a shower and rinse off the egg white. After the skin is slightly dry, apply a moisturizer to it.

    • Kasha from the leaves of aloe.

    To prepare the next remedy forsunburn you will need leaves of arborescent aloe and fresh milk. Pass through the meat grinder 10 leaves of dendritic aloe, add a little milk into the slurry and mix thoroughly. The resulting gruel must be applied to sunburned areas three times a day. Applying the gruel, leave it on the skin for about half an hour, then rinse thoroughly with running water and treat the skin with a moisturizer or lotion. In the event that soon after applying the mush on the skin you feel a burning sensation, or other uncomfortable feelings, immediately stop the procedure and do not repeat it more. The course of treatment can not be stopped immediately, as soon as pain disappears. Continue treatment until complete healing of the skin.

    • Decoction of chamomile.

    Decoction of ordinary chamomile is veryeffectively removes skin inflammation and accelerates the healing process of the skin. Preparing the broth of chamomile is extremely simple. Dry inflorescences of chamomile must be filled with water and calculate one tablespoon of raw material per one liter of water. Bring the broth to a boil, then cook over low heat for about five minutes. Let the broth brew for about an hour, then strain through gauze. Chamomile broth should be used for lotions, which must be done every three hours.

    • Cubes of milk ice.

    Another good way of how to treatsunburn, is the use of milk ice cubes. They are prepared very simply. Drip into the milk of eucalyptus oil at the rate of 5 drops per 100 ml. milk, pour the milk into ice molds and place it in the freezer. After the milk freezes, use cubes to rub the affected skin. Such a measure not only will additionally moisten the skin, but also cool it, relieve pain.

    • Ointment from honey and aloe.

    The next ointment from sunburn will helpsignificantly accelerate the healing process, even the most severe damage to the skin. For its preparation, you need to pass a few stalks of arboreal aloe with steep boiling water, then remove the skin from them and pass through a meat grinder. The resulting gruel should be mixed in equal proportions with any natural honey, put in the refrigerator for about half an hour, then evenly apply to the skin lesions with ultraviolet rays. Leave the ointment on the skin for about an hour, then rinse under running water, dry the skin with a towel and allow it to dry completely naturally. After that, apply to any clean, dry skin any moisturizing balm from sunburn.

    • Mask of sour cream and lemon oil.

    In the event that you have a sunburn facetreatment by the folk medicine will very quickly bring you considerable relief. Preparing this mask is not difficult. For its preparation you need to buy lemon oil in the pharmacy. Add in 100 grams of sour cream 10 drops of lemon oil, mix thoroughly - your moisturizing mask is almost ready. Apply it to the scorched face, leave it for about 15 minutes, then rinse with plain water.

    • Mask of fresh cucumber.

    If you have a sunburn of the nose, you are effectivelywill help an ordinary slice of fresh cucumber. It must be applied to the nose every half hour for at least 10 minutes. Do not forget to cut a fresh slice of cucumber each time. The main ways of how to cure a sunburn with folk remedies are described above. However, in no case forget that before you try to use any of the listed tools, you must be absolutely sure that the injured person is not allergic to any of the constituent components of the recipe. Also remember that folk remedies for sunburn can not be used to treat children.

    Prevention of sunburn

    Of course, it is much more effective not to allowthe occurrence of sunburn. To do this, it is necessary to exclude the exposure of dangerous sun rays to the skin. To do this, follow a few simple rules:

    • Try to limit your stay to the extent possibleon the street, especially under the sun, from about 11 am to 3 pm. If you are not sure whether it is safe to be on the street at the moment, you can take advantage of a little folk cunning: look at your shadow - in case the shadow is less than your height, the sun is still dangerous.
    • If you avoid appearing on the street at this timeit is impossible, before going out, it is necessary to take a number of protective measures: wear closed clothing, a hat. In addition, do not interfere with dark sunglasses.
    • If you have pale skin, try not to be exposed to sunlight - use umbrellas or sunbathe in the shade, no matter how strange it may sound.
    • Remember that water tanning occurs much faster - remember this, while on the beach.

    Sun protection means

    what to do with a sunburnNowadays in the cosmetic departments of shops andpharmacies can be found a large number of different means of protection against ultraviolet rays. Buying such a tool, pay attention to the manufacturer, giving preference to well-known manufacturers. Remember that all sunscreens are divided into groups in terms of protection from exposure to ultraviolet rays. For each person the necessary different protection from sunburn:

    • For people who have light skin and red hair, sunscreen products with a protection index of 30 are intended.
    • For people who have naturally pale skin, protective means are designed with a protection index of 20.
    • For people who have a swarthy skin tone, there is enough money with a protection index of 15.

    In order to protect the full extent ofperformed their function, it is necessary to follow certain rules for their application. Sunscreen should be applied to dry skin about an hour before the expected exposure to the sun. Despite the fact that many manufacturers declare that their funds are not afraid of water, try to apply the product once again after each immersion in the skin. Only in this case, the cream from sunburn will work well and truly protect the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays. There is a certain number of people who are generally strictly prohibited from being exposed to the sun, because they can result in significant complications for health. They have the consequences of sunburn can be extremely negative:

    • People who have significant areas of skin are devoid of pigmentation. Such skin areas are almost instantly covered with severe sunburn.
    • In the same case, if you have birthmarks,pigmentation on which is much more pronounced than in other parts of the skin, when they are in the sun they darken even more, becoming very pronounced.
    • People who suffer from various kinds of dermatitis and psoriasis - being in the sun will greatly aggravate the situation.

    In addition, it must be remembered thatSome pharmacological agents, in particular antibiotics, sedatives and diuretics, significantly reduce the protective abilities of the skin and increase the risk of sunburn.

    Sunburn Eye

    If we talk about the harmful effectsultraviolet rays, we can not fail to mention the phenomenon of sunburn in the eyes. This complication in medicine was called electrophthalmia. A similar burn occurs as a result of prolonged exposure to the retina of the eyes by ultraviolet rays. This can happen if you look at the sun for a long time, which is often found in children, as well as if you are skiing for a long time, or simply be on the snow in the open in sunny weather. After about 4 to 5 hours a person begins to experience acute painful sensations, strong lacrimation and puffiness of the eye gap begins. The conjunctiva of the eye is also largely hyperemic and swollen, the blood vessels around the iris are dilated, and the cornea fades slightly. When such cases occur, in no case should you try to independently alleviate the condition of the injured person - in this situation, self-medication can lead to completely unpredictable consequences, up to complete deprivation of vision. It is necessary to immediately seek medical help from an ophthalmologist, and in case of his absence, to any medical worker who will prescribe the necessary treatment.

    Sunburn in children

    cream for sunburn Separately also it is necessary to talk about solarburns in children. Skin burns in children occur much faster and take more severe course. The child can get a strong enough burn after 5 minutes of being in the sun. Sun burns in children very often lead to the development of long-term negative health effects - much more often than in an adult. The most common complications are as follows:

    • A significant increase in the risk of cataracts in the child, as well as the degeneration of the visual spot, which can lead to a partial or complete loss of vision.
    • Children with fair skin, often receiving sunburn, risk in the future to get the risk of skin cancer.

    Children's sunburn, in general, on their symptoms are very similar to the defeat of ultraviolet adults. However, there are some differences:

    • If in adults the sunburn manifests itself quickly and in a sharp form, then the child appears absolutely imperceptibly and, often, 10 to 12 hours after exposure to the open sun.
    • If the child is small, he can begin to be capricious for no apparent reason, or, on the contrary, become drowsy and sluggish.
    • The skin becomes reddened, and to the touchit becomes very dry and hot. When you touch her, the child complains of painful sensations, the skin can swell. And even blisters can appear in case of a particularly severe burn. The most common sunburn of a child's face.

    Particularly severe burns in general are extremely dangerous forchildren's health. Sunburn symptoms can have such as weakness, significant fever, nausea and vomiting, chills, dizziness. If you do not respond in time and do not seek medical help, a real burn shock can develop which has the following symptoms:

    • The pronounced pallor of the baby's skin.
    • Also, the affected child may experience difficulty in the normal breathing process.
    • Sometimes a child loses sight, than very oftenfrightens parents and frightens himself. However, there is no need to panic especially - with timely medical care and adequate treatment, vision will very soon return to the baby in full.
    • In especially severe cases, a brief loss of consciousness is possible.

    First aid for a child with sunburn

    If you did not manage to protect your child from unnecessaryzealous sun, and the sunburn was still received, you need to give the child first aid and take the following actions: Immediately take the child out of the open sunlight and try to cool it. Be sure to seek medical help yourself or call an ambulance if the child has such symptoms as:

    • A sunburn of any degree that occurredthe youngest child of one year. The protective functions of the baby's skin are still imperfect, which is why it is very sensitive to the occurrence of severe burns. A sunburn in a baby is very difficult and it is never possible to predict how the child's body reacts.
    • Feeling chills in the baby, fever.
    • The onset of headaches.
    • The appearance of blisters, indicating that the child has a sunburn of the second degree.
    • The onset of edema of the hands or face.
    • Burns of the first degree (simple reddening of the skin) affecting the vast surface of the skin.
    • Child's complaints about nausea, vomiting and drowsiness.

    Until the "ambulance" arrives, the following measures must be taken to alleviate the child's condition:

    • In order to reduce pain tominimum, you need to constantly wet the affected areas of the baby's skin with cool water, which, evaporating from the surface of the skin, will cool it. Drain a soft terry towel in water and wrap the baby in it for about 10 to 15 minutes. The procedure can be repeated every half hour, but always make sure that the child does not subcool.
    • Treat damaged skin with either a means specifically for the treatment of sunburn, or any other means for burns, for example, D-Panthenol.
    • Completely strip the baby so that the clothes do not hurt the already affected baby's skin. Also make sure that the bedding on which the baby is lying is soft.
    • As often as possible, offer the child a drink, which is now absolutely necessary for him.
    • In the event that the baby started vomiting, put it on the right side. This is necessary in order for vomit to not enter the respiratory tract and the child does not suffocate.

    The effect of sea water on the skin and hair

    sunburn in infantsIf we are talking about vacation by the sea,mention such things as the effect of sea water on the skin and hair of a person. As is known, the composition of sea water and human blood plasma are very similar to each other. It is these that explains the beneficial effect of sea water that it has on the human body. A very beneficial effect on the skin and nails have those minerals that are contained in sea water. Doctors advise vacationers not to wash off the seawater immediately, after they have come out of the water, and just get wet with a towel and leave on the skin for two to three hours at least. Thus, you will get a unique mask for the body. Previously, there was a mistaken belief that water, as it dries, increases the effect of sunlight, thereby greatly drying the skin. In fact, as recent studies have shown, such an opinion is fundamentally not true. But the effect of sea water on the hair in combination with the sun and wind, can significantly worsen their condition. All of the above factors largely dry the hair, making them thin, dry and brittle. In order to prevent such a situation, it is necessary to protect the hair. Be sure to wear a headdress, and every day use moisturizing hair masks. If you follow all the precautionary rules, you will return from vacation with a stunning tan, rested and full of energy and energy, which will be enough for you until your next vacation. We advise you to read:

