1 Diseases of the spine of all kinds - scourgeour time. One of the most common of them, and perhaps the most difficult, is the intervertebral hernia. With this hernia, the intervertebral disc is deformed, displaced and out of the boundaries of its normal position. As a result, there is a possibility of constriction of the spinal canal and a strong squeezing of the spinal cord and nerve endings. This can cause inflammation of the surrounding tissues of the spine, which after a short time begins to cause severe pain in the area of ​​the intervertebral hernia.

Symptoms of the disease

However, the disease is quite a long time if the herniais located in the center of the spinal canal, can not claim itself, manifesting only sometimes as aching pains in the back. Acute pain occurs after the rupture of the intervertebral disc, and they can appear in any part of the body - the arm, leg, neck, groin, chest, interlopar area and so on. The pains are accompanied by numbness of these parts of the body, which, in general, are the main symptoms of the intervertebral hernia. Sometimes they are combined with a decrease in skin temperature, small edema, changes in sweating, and increased dry skin.

Causes of the disease

The causes of this, quite heavydiseases, there may be heredity, incorrect posture, heavy loads on the spine, sharp inclinations, infections, trauma and so on. In most cases, the hernia of the spine is the result of osteochondrosis. The disease is found mainly among people between the ages of twenty and fifty. In the absence of competent treatment, it can lead to disability of a person and cause temporary or even complete loss of ability to work.

Treatment of the disease

Most often, a disc herniation arises in the lumbardepartment of the spine. Ways to combat it are different and depend on the stage of the disease, the characteristics of the patient's body and other factors. Sometimes for the treatment of a hernia surgical intervention is required, and in some cases it is possible to do without it. Without surgery is carried out with the help of motor,manual therapy, acupuncture and physiotherapy methods. Motor ways to combat the intervertebral hernia develop muscle tone and strengthen immunity, but they often include physical activity. Such loads can cause deterioration of a person's condition, so the motor method of treating a hernia does not suit everyone. Manual therapy is quite effective, but it only reduces the burden on the intervertebral discs, but does not eliminate the cause of hernia formation. Physiotherapeutic methods of treatment of intervertebral hernia include massage, spinal traction, physiotherapy exercises and so on. The optimal version of the method for controlling the intervertebral hernia can only be determined by a specialist. Today, the diagnosis of the intervertebral hernia is carried out using magnetic resonance imaging, which allows you to get the most complete information about the size of the hernia and its location, the presence of narrowing of the spinal canal and inflammatory changes and other defects of the spine. On the basis of these data, the most safe and effective method of treatment is determined, which, over a certain period of time, can cope with the problem that has arisen. To cure the intervertebral hernia, with timely access to a doctor, it is possible in 90% of cases. Take care of your health, and it will be the key to a long happy life! We advise you to read:

