stuffed cabbage recipe Are there people in the world who do not like cabbage rolls? Perhaps, only those who did not try them. Is it possible to remain indifferent, having tried at least once fragrant, hot, juicy, poured with fresh sour cream and sprinkled with black pepper? Most often, cabbage rolls are associated with childhood, grandmother or mother. And only in adulthood, we run the risk of preparing this dish ourselves. And it turns out that everything is not so difficult as you thought - vegetables cabbage, the recipe of which is quite simple, easy to prepare. Today we suggest adding some vegetable variety to the recipe for cabbage rolls. And we present you several recipes of vegetable cabbage rolls. They will be of interest not only to vegetarians and those who observe fasts. This dish is an excellent option for a light dinner at any time of the year, and meat lovers can quite use it as a side dish to cutlets or roast beef. In order for our dish to succeed, one of the most important moments is the right choice of cabbage. It is necessary to choose a head is even, dense, without cracks in the leaves. Having cleared the head from the upper leaves, we cut out the stump. Now cabbage needs to be cooked a little in salted water, about 5-7 minutes. This procedure, firstly, will facilitate the process of dividing cabbage into leaves, secondly, to simplify wrapping cabbage rolls, and thirdly, reduce the time of their preparation. The boiled cabbage should be sorted into leaves, from them to cut out thick cartilages located at the basis. You can even slightly repel the base of each sheet with a rolling pin or other hand that fell under the arm. The main thing is not to overdo it and do not turn the sheet into shreds. So, let's get started.

The recipe is the first. Cabbage rolls with vegetables and rice


  • Cabbage cabbage weighing just over 1 kg
  • 500 g of boiled rice
  • 2 pieces of onions and carrots
  • Bay leaf, black pepper, other spices to taste
  • Meat broth (there will be a cube)
  • Tomato paste (optional)
  • Sour cream and fresh herbs for filing

Preparation: Carrot clean, grate on a large grater. Onion finely chopped. Fry the carrot in vegetable oil, season with salt and season with pepper. Add the onions and put out for 10 minutes. Add the vegetables to the ready boiled rice, mix well. Adjust the salt and spices to taste. We put the prepared mince on the cabbage leaves, closer to the base of the leaf. We wrap the envelope and put it into a pan with thick walls or a scallop. Fill the meat broth so that it covers the cabbage leaves completely, add the bay leaf and put it on the fire. In the broth you can add tomato paste, 1-2 spoons. Then the taste of cabbage leaves will be slightly acid, and the color is pleasantly orange. Time of cooking cabbage rolls is 30-45 minutes after boiling. Focus mainly on the softness of the cabbage leaves, because the rest of the ingredients are already ready. Serve hot, sprinkling with sour cream, sprinkling with fresh herbs. You can prepare vegetable cabbage rolls and with the addition of mushrooms. It will also be delicious, and also more satisfying. vegetable cabbage recipe

The second recipe. Cabbage rolls with mushrooms


  • Prepared cabbage leaves
  • 200 grams of rice (cook until tender)
  • 200 g champignons or other mushrooms
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 onions
  • Salt and spices to taste

Preparation: Champignons washed, cut. Chop the onions finely, grate the carrots. In a frying pan, heat the vegetable oil, lay the onion, fry until it is transparent. Add the carrots, simmer for a few minutes, then attach mushrooms to them. Stew for another couple of minutes, season with salt and season. Remove from heat. Mix the vegetables, mushrooms and rice. You can add a slice of ground garlic to the stuffing. We take two tablespoons of minced meat, put it on a cabbage leaf, wrap it with an envelope. We put the stuffed cabbage in a pan or a scallop, pour in broth (you can have vegetable, you can meat), or simply salted water with spices. We put it on the fire and put it out for about half an hour. We check the readiness for cabbage leaves. When they become soft - vegetable cabbage rolls can be treated! In addition to the traditional white cabbage, you can use another to prepare cabbage rolls. For example, Savoy or Beijing. Their leaves are more tender, so they are perfect for making fast vegetable cabbage rolls.

The recipe is the third. Cabbage cabbage cabbage rolls


  • Leaves of Chinese cabbage (upper, dark)
  • Varied vegetables for filling:
  • Carrots, onions, aubergines, celery, sweet peppers, small zucchini (or its half).
  • Tomato paste, salt, spices of your choice.

Preparation: You can take not all, but only some vegetables. As in previous cases, to prepare these vegetable cabbage recipe, or rather the basic technology remains the same. First, prepare the leaves. Since Peking cabbage is soft and tender, it is by no means necessary to boil it. But it's worth cutting off the hard parts. Next, prepare the vegetable forcemeat. Carrots clean and grate. Onion finely chopped. Eggplant and zucchini peeled, cut into small cubes. Celery (stems) and pepper cut into strips. If you decide to make a variety of assorted, it is better not to fry all vegetables in one pan, and do it in stages. For example, fry the onions and carrots together until soft. Then separately fry eggplant and sweet pepper on oil. Celery can be added to the eggplant a little later. The fact is that if you mix all the vegetables at once, someone will remain raw, and someone will necessarily burn or fry. So, when all the ingredients for the filling are brought to the right condition, they can be mixed. Now add a couple of spoons of tomato paste and mix. Pasta is often sold salted, so, before adding salt, try the mince. If necessary, salt. As a spice well will sound black pepper, garlic, basil, thyme. Next comes standard: take a bit of minced meat, wrapped in cabbage leaves. Given the tenderness and delicacy of the leaves, you can not extinguish them for long. Therefore, put the ready-made cabbage rolls in a frying pan with preheated oil and fry for a few minutes. Then pour a little water on the bottom and for a while (minutes 5-7) stew under the lid. Ready-made cabbage rolls are served traditionally - with sour cream. Bon Appetit! It is not difficult to cook cabbage rolls - everything is just plain ugly: make mincemeat, prepare cabbage leaves, wrap, put out. By the way, it is not necessary to extinguish. You can put them in a fireproof form, pour the sour cream and send it to the preheated oven (180 degrees). Minutes this way at 20-30. Need I say that eating vegetables is useful, and even necessary? We all know this, but often between vegetables and our stomachs there is one problem - the lack of ideas for cooking. After all, you can not every day eat the same salad or vegetable stew. But the diversity of the menu with interesting and simple vegetable recipes, you can combine useful with very useful. So - go ahead, go for it and feed seven vitamins! We advise you to read:

