stretch marks on hips Stretch marks on the hips .... Many women panic and begin to frantically seek solutions to this problem. Indeed, pale scars (striae) on the delicate female skin do not look aesthetically pleasing. Of course, it will be difficult to overcome such "attack", but women have always been distinguished by perseverance and perseverance! Before you begin the procedure to remove stretch marks, you need to know what they are all about. Women who have a skin with a low content of elastic fibers are prone to the appearance of stretch marks: at the time of rapid weight gain, the tissues are stretched, and the epithelium does not "manage", as a result of the fiber breaks, white scars appear. But even if you lose weight, the stretch marks remain unchanged, only you can get a bluish tint - this is not just striae, but whole scars. When the question - how to get rid of stretch marks on the hips, women immediately rush to beauty salons, turn to expensive specialists and spend not only their time, but also a fairly substantial amount of money. Remember that you can get rid of this phenomenon at home - efficiently, cheaply and simply. How to get rid of stretch marks on the hips

How to remove stretch marks on the hips at home

Ointments by folk recipes There are manyrecipes for ointments of this purpose, but there is also the most popular. To prepare the ointment, take 1 gram of mummy, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of boiled water and 80 grams of baby cream. All components must be thoroughly mixed (first dissolve the mummy in water) and applied to the hips 1 time per day. Keep this ointment in the refrigerator. But it is necessary to apply to the skin with neat stroking movements, do not rub it, but do not leave a layer of ointment on the surface. Scrubs The perfect remedy for stretch marks on the hips is scrubs. And, quite quickly and simply you can prepare such a scrub and at home. Mix coffee (ground), salt (or sugar) and sour cream (or olive oil) - all, a unique preparation is ready. Apply scrub should be once a day, and it is better to do it in the evening, while taking a shower. A distinctive property of such a tool is an increase in the ability of the skin to exfoliate dead cells - as a result, stretch marks become less noticeable. After using the scrub and taking a shower, be sure to apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream to the skin. Massages with stretch marks are the most effective means. Such a procedure should be carried out regularly, using special massage creams or oils. You can make a honey massage - put honey on your palm and start applying one by one hands to the hips (as if patting). Thus, blood circulation will be improved, the pores will open and all dead cells of the epithelium will be removed. Try this option - make sure that the skin has become much nicer to the touch, and the stretch marks have acquired a barely noticeable pale appearance. But oil, you can use even olive or any vegetable origin, will improve the structure of the skin, make it more elastic. As you can see, it is not necessary to spend money on expensive cosmetics for massage, use what is always at hand. Honey and vegetable oil certainly will be found in the kitchen of any mistress. In order to get rid of stretch marks correctly, prepare yourself jars of sea salt and essential oils - you will need a daily bath with these ingredients. And of course, all these procedures should be combined with a diet, or at least switch to proper nutrition. The state of the skin largely depends on nutrition - oily, spicy and sweet food affects negatively the appearance. To get rid of stretch marks, you should take it seriously, conduct procedures regularly, only then the result will be noticeable. And do not rely on too fast results, have patience, do not drop the procedure halfway, and it will all work out! How to remove stretch marks on the hips

How to get rid of stretch marks on the hips in beauty salons

How to remove stretch marks on the hips, if there is no desireor the ability to do it yourself? Ask for help to specialists in cosmetology. Be sure - you will be provided with professional help. You will be offered laser correction, hardware massage and peeling of the skin of the thighs. By the way, peelings are different, and if we talk specifically about stretch marks, then it will be appropriate to carry out a mechanical version - with the help of a jet of sand, produced under very high pressure, the skin is corrected. Get rid of stretch marks and wraps, which are carried out with the help of seaweed - 12 procedures per course, and the effect will be simply stunning! Some beauticians offer to conduct a surgical intervention. But, since stretch marks on the hips do not affect the general condition of the body, experts do not recommend resorting to such radical methods. Yes, and think yourself, is it worth the stress? After all, any operation is a powerful blow to your health. Before thinking about the question - how to get rid of stretch marks on the hips, remember the well-known saying - "Perseverance and work will peretrut". Only regular procedures and diligence, self-confidence and a good mood will help you overcome this problem. A woman simply must be beautiful in everything, this is given to her by nature - just put a little effort on, and your body will respond with gratitude in the form of flawless skin. We advise you to read:

