stone therapyWomen have always tried and are trying to lookwell, to be beautiful and attractive. It is hard to believe, but even thousands of years ago they tried in every possible way to prolong their youth. Stone therapy helped them with this - a procedure of massaging the body and face with hot stones. Stone therapy is based on the temperature effect on the blood vessels of the human body by changing temperature regimes.

History of the occurrence of stone therapy

It is believed that this procedure appeared inancient times. Mesopotamian doctors, trying to heal a patient, placed small hot stones on his body. They believed that stones were able to inform the body in a special way about what substances it lacked and saturate it with them. Ancient Indians were convinced that some stones could take away all the bad energy from a person, and Japanese monks at the beginning of our era were already familiar with the special properties of hot rocks and skillfully used them in practice. Chinese emperors and residents of Ancient Rome often basked under warm stones. During this procedure, the soul was filled with pleasant calm, the body relaxed, and the person was distracted from thoughts about the routine of everyday affairs. Perhaps this is why stone therapy is especially popular today; it is considered an excellent way to relieve stress.

Modern methods of hot stones treatment

An important contribution to the development of modernMary Nelson Hennigan, a member of the American Massage Therapy Association, contributed to stone therapy, developing a special method of treatment with hot and cold stones. This method is based on a system of touches alternating with a special massage using cold and hot stones. The massage is carried out in accordance with the method of shiatsu point massage. Stone therapy usually uses very rare and exotic stones (for example, Hawaiian pebbles, jadeite), which are heated to a certain temperature in a special device. Warm stones are placed on important active points on the human body (it is believed that they have a positive effect on the internal organs), after which the specialist begins the massage itself. Stone therapy massage is carried out with light and soothing movements with stroking and slight pressure. As a rule, this procedure is carried out with soothing music, which can instill harmony in the soul of a person who has come for a stone therapy procedure.Stone therapy training

Useful properties of stone therapy

As a rule, the stone therapy procedurelasts for 30 minutes. In order to achieve the best result, at least five to six treatment sessions should be carried out. Medicine and stone therapy are inextricably linked today. Thus, stone therapy:

  • Has a positive effect on the internal organs of man;
  • Normalizes metabolism in the body, promotes microcirculation of blood in tissues;
  • Has an incredible relaxing effect, calming the person, forcing him to distract from everyday problems and affairs.

For women, this procedure is no less, perhaps evenmore useful than for men. Thus, for the fair half of humanity, stone therapy, among other things, stabilizes the hormonal background (its disruption contributes to the development of cellulite, the process of early aging), which is incredibly important for a good, calm life. This procedure can also have a tonic and calming effect. With a tonic effect:

  • In the central nervous system of a person, the processes of excitation are enhanced;
  • The body comes into tonus.

For a calming effect:

  • The activity of the central nervous system of man is inhibited;
  • Exteroceptors and proprioceptors start to work more moderately and rhythmically.

What kind of stones can I use with stone therapy?

In the vast majority of cases,stone therapy uses heated marble or basalt, jadeite. It is believed that these stones, due to their porous structure, cool very slowly, giving a person warmth and filling him with positive energy. Important! Basalt must be tested for radioactivity before use. Each stone has its own positive properties, which simply must be mentioned. So, during the stone therapy procedure you can use:

  • Pearl. He brings the skin of a person into tonus, allows him to keep youth for a long time;
  • Hematitis, which is recommended to massage pale skin, the blood circulation in which is slowed;
  • Lazurite, which has unique anti-inflammatory properties. This stone is most useful after sunbathing;
  • Aventurine. It improves the complexion;
  • Diamond, protects the skin from the appearance of new wrinkles on its surface;
  • Moonstone, which allows you to get rid of the problems of oily skin and skin, prone to various redness, the appearance of acne and rash on its surface;
  • Rock crystal, which is most often used for a relaxing massage;
  • Amber. This stone is considered the most miraculous of all. It helps to heal skin diseases, ulcers, various suppuration. It is believed that with the help of amber you can also extend youth.
  • Stone therapy at home

    You can have an unforgettable sessionstone therapy at home. Today, specialized centers offer stone therapy training. After completing these courses, you will be able to work in beauty salons and centers that offer clients such a service. In order to successfully carry out this procedure at home, you do not need to have any special unique knowledge. The most important thing is to choose the right drum stones. They should be flat and absolutely smooth. Such stones will not scratch your skin, on the contrary, they will be incredibly stable on your back. Stones of volcanic origin have the best effect. If you have the opportunity to buy them, be sure to take advantage of it. You can also use gemstones for stone therapy. Use hot and cold water to heat and cool the stones. You can even cool the stones in the freezer. So, in order to carry out your own home stone therapy session, you need:

    • Special conditions that promote relaxation. For their creation inclusive quiet music, create muted lighting indoors, light candles;
    • Stones with which you will do massage;
    • Hot water, a freezer or a small bucket of ice;
    • Soft cream-gel for the face;
    • Special aromatic oils (you can choose the oil yourself);
    • Desire to relax and have a good time.

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