perfume with pheromone pharmacyAll women without exception strive to do welllook, and perfume plays an important role, although the last in sequence. After all, it is the final touch of a woman's appearance, which makes it truly "tangible". Recently, perfume with pheromones has become an extremely popular topic in women's conversations. And it is not surprising - many ads have appeared on the Internet, positioning them as a means that will color "your life with the brightest palette of sensations and give incredible self-confidence!" There is an opinion that with the help of perfume with pheromones, you can not only restore biochemical balance, but also cause a strong surge of sexual desire in the person himself, and that perfume with pheromones is an original and completely scientific tool for bringing the sexes closer together and harmonizing their relationships. But what is the effect of perfume with pheromones in reality? And in general, what is this amazing product - perfumes with pheromones - reviews from those who have tried them mostly assure that they can really attract the attention of men, and what else does the beautiful half of humanity need to be happy?

The history of perfume with pheromones

Winfred Cutler, a biologist who isсоздателем этого феромона, так до сих пор и держит его настоящий состав в абсолютном секрете. Феромон – это душистое летучее вещество, которое выделяют в малых количествах почти все представители животного мира, и которое определяет характер поведения особей одного вида в период ухаживания. То есть получается, что феромонами называются биологически активные вещества, вызывающие наивысшее сексуальное желание и у мужчин. Сигналы феромонов распознает специальный орган в носу, и когда он чувствует этот самый феромон, то посылает определенный сексуальный сигнал в мозг. Отсюда делаем вывод, что настоящие духи с феромонами привлекают внимание к их обладательнице со стороны противоположного пола. Конечно, наиболее актуальными стали такие духи с феромонами для женщин. Кстати, слово «феромон», в переводе с греческого так и звучит как «привлекающий гормон». А настоящий натуральный запах феромонов больше всего похож на запах мускуса. Действие духов с феромонами ещё многие подвергают сомнению, но множество экспериментов, которые проводили ученые из разных стран, только подтверждали, что мужчины сразу же однозначно реагировали на женские духи с феромонами. Первыми духи с феромонами стала выпускать компания из США Erox Corp. Так в 1989 году она представила на парфюмерном рынке аромат Realm. Продажа таких духов сопровождалась рекламной кампанией, которая объясняла женщинам, как пользоваться духами с феромонами. Тогда же появились и противники и сторонники духов с феромонами – отзывы ведь были сначала самыми разными, как очень восторженными, так и совершенно разочарованными. В любом случае сами духи, которые являлись к тому же элитными духами с феромонами, никого не оставили равнодушным. Поэтому духи, содержащие феромоны, прочно обосновались на мировом рынке парфюмерии. Хотя были критики и собственно парфюмерных достоинств этих духов: некоторые женщины говорили, что и рады бы воспользоваться волшебной силой духов с феромонами для женщин, но вот запах им совершенно не подходит. По этой причине в последующие годы производители «ароматов любви» сосредоточились на том, чтобы эти духи можно было, и уловить, и оценить. Они выпускали духи с феромонами, которые обладали различными парфюмерными композициями, а также заливали феромоны в духи разных известных марок, и даже предлагали духи с феромонами без запаха и бесцветные феромонные микстуры, которые предлагалось наносить сразу на кожу или добавлять в средства личной гигиены. Сегодня без труда можно купить духи с феромонами: аптека, отделы элитной парфюмерии и даже Интернет-магазины предлагают широкий выбор духов с феромонами. Из такого разнообразия можно выбрать, например, масляные духи с феромонами или отдать предпочтение, если вам так больше по вкусу, духам с феромонами без запаха. Конечно, всегда есть желание и цель найти самые лучшие духи с феромонами, ведь и влияние духов с феромонами высокого качества будет таким же и по эффективности. Хотя до сих пор не всем до конца понятно работают ли духи с феромонами. Или, если перефразировать в сторону женских извечных проблем, помогают ли духи с феромонами завоевать избранника. Казалось бы, что почти за 20 лет, как впервые о них узнали, о действии духов с феромонами должно было уже сформироваться однозначное мнение потребителей. Но не все так просто, как кажется. Так, где скрывается правда о духах с феромонами.

Secrets of perfume with pheromones

Perfume with pheromonesIn various scientific and popular literature there aremuch information about this successful synthesis of animal pheromones. After all, the main secret of perfumes containing pheromones is that they do not contain human pheromones, because such substances have not yet been discovered, and therefore it is not possible to synthesize them, much less on a real industrial scale. Although scientists continue to search for human sexual pheromones, and, of course, as soon as they are discovered, they will create new and better perfumes with pheromones. And until this happens, we can only guess what exactly is contained in the bottles offered by advertisements, which perfumes with pheromones are actually, and which are only called the best perfumes with pheromones, but have nothing to do with them. In the best case, perfumes with pheromones in the high-end segment contain androstenone or related compounds. Although there is nothing bad in this, since experiments have found that in many women androstenones cause a calm feeling of confidence in a partner. And some perfumes with pheromones also help to believe in their own strength, to become more self-confident. But do perfumes with pheromones work on all men without exception? Of course, all women expect that these perfumes will not only have a very pleasant smell, but also attract a worthy representative of the opposite sex. Perhaps this is how perfumes with pheromones work, but most likely, later on, their own female pheromones and, of course, other advantages come into play.

How to buy perfume with pheromones?

The question immediately arises: how to choose perfumepheromones? First, beware of fakes, because as soon as pheromones were isolated in pure form, then, naturally, all the world's perfume companies immediately seized on this discovery and began developing the best perfumes with pheromones. But they were also "joined" by a variety of swindlers, who with no less enthusiasm picked up the new trend. Hence the spam with offers of profitable purchases and pure pheromones, and oil perfumes with pheromones, etc. at a very tempting price, periodically coming to the e-mail and, as a rule, to female users. And if any of them naively falls for such a fascinating provocation, then after some time to the question: did the perfume with pheromones work, the answer will be extremely negative. So, where and how to choose perfume with pheromones, so as not to be left without the desired aroma. After all, as mentioned above, it is not that difficult to buy real perfume. If you want, you can buy these substances directly from the manufacturers. For example, from Pharmacom. This is one of the well-known suppliers of chemical products, which offers a whole range of perfumes with pheromones on its website. Giving unambiguous advice on buying real perfumes with pheromones is not as easy as it seems. The most mysterious thing in this matter is that it is not known with 100% certainty how many pheromones are actually contained in the offered aromatic liquid. Probably, only two molecules of the substance that excites men will float in the bottle that you buy. If they are there at all. Even about the largest and most famous perfume companies, it is impossible to say with certainty that they use synthetic or natural attractants. Or they only write the word "pheromones" in the names of their perfumes. After all, the composition of any perfume has always been and is kept a big secret, so you can’t be completely sure about the whole truth about perfumes with pheromones.

The action of perfume with pheromones

And, know that the psychological side of womenperfumes with pheromones is also ambiguous, because stimulation, for example, of a sufficiently strong male sexual attraction can give too strong an effect, since pheromones do not affect romantic feelings at all, but, we remind you, carnal instincts. Although a number of recent Russian experiments have nevertheless given several precise answers to the question of the effect of perfumes with pheromones, at the same time warning and advising how to use perfumes with pheromones.

  • Perfumes with pheromones strongly affect men who are particularly close.
  • Most spirits with pheromones, a very sharp smell - keep this in mind.
  • Do not forget that perfume with pheromones is nothelp fall in love with a man. They cause only sexual attraction or, in other words, sexual interest. And, as we all know, love and sex are absolutely different concepts.
  • There are men, on whom even elite spirits withpheromones do not work at all, or, say, such men do not show that they are feeling something there, for the reason that they may have a beloved woman, or simply they are too modest.
  • And, at last, spirits with pheromones, certainly, help, but their "help" can become dangerous for women. In case you suddenly feel this smell just a drunk or completely mentally not healthy person.
  • How to use perfume with pheromones?

    perfumes with pheromones reviewsNow about the practical side of the issue:how to apply perfume with pheromones? In order to reveal the aroma in all its fullness and strength, perfume with pheromones is best applied where you can feel the pulse: on the neck (the hollow between the collarbones), the elbows and the inside of the wrists. In special cases, for example, intimate ones, spray a little perfume on the ankles and knees. Just remember that all perfume aromas necessarily include synthetic products with the smells of amber and musk. Since this is a prerequisite for creating an aroma - it ensures the affinity of the skin with any aroma. Thus, it turns out that pheromones are present in almost all perfumes and such perfumes with pheromones help in any cases, the difference is only in a greater or lesser effect. In principle, there is nothing surprising in this. Women's perfumes have always been a special magical bait for men. Therefore, it may not be so important which perfume with pheromones will work better. After all, in essence, no matter what perfume with pheromones you use, the attractive aura of your aroma will work in any case, the main thing is that it is a scent in which you feel most comfortable. Psychologists believe that both a long friendship and a strong connection are possible only on a solid "olfactory basis": a pleasant smell has the ability to create an atmosphere of closeness, mutual trust and warmth. Which perfume with pheromones will best contribute to this specifically for you, your taste and infallible female intuition will tell you. We recommend reading:

