So, most of the excitement and most of the timethe expectation of the birth of the baby is behind you and you are increasingly starting to think about childbirth and the maternity hospital. And, of course, the question of what to take to the maternity hospital worries all pregnant women without exception. This article will discuss exactly what you need to take to the maternity hospital. Nowadays, as a rule, a pregnant woman decides in advance for herself in which maternity hospital her baby will be born. Be sure to find out in advance what exactly you need to have with you in a particular maternity hospital, as well as if they have a list of prohibited items. For example, in some maternity hospitals they give out diapers for babies and do not allow you to use even disposable diapers, while in others you can bring your own rompers and undershirts. Having such information, it will be much easier for you to optimally compile a list of things that will be useful to you in the maternity hospital. In the event that you decide to give birth at home, be sure to discuss the list of necessary things with the doctor - gynecologist or home midwife with whom you will give birth. In this case, you will have to take care of purchasing not only things, but also, as a rule, medicines, a clamp for the umbilical cord, etc. All the things you need should be prepared by about the end of the seventh month of pregnancy, so that in case of premature birth, all things are collected and ready. All things should be placed in different bags:
- In one package, add up those things that you need before you give birth or in their process.
- In the second package, add up everything that will be necessary for you after giving birth.
- In the third package, add up all those things that you have prepared for your little treasure.
- In the fourth package, fold your clothes for discharge -his and the children's. Collecting clothes, take care in advance of all the little things, even such as socks - a newly-made dad on the joys can absolutely mix everything up.
Be sure to familiarize yourself with the contentspackages to the future dad, preferably more than once - he should know exactly what package he should bring you and at what time. If you live with your parents, additionally ask your mother or mother-in-law to insure your husband's actions and make sure that you have all the things you need exactly when you need them. However, in no case should you completely shift the care of things onto their shoulders. It is very important to make a man feel responsible for his family, involved in such a secret as the birth of a child. This will not only further strengthen your relationship, but will allow the dad to get used to his still new role as quickly as possible and feel close to his baby. And it does not matter at all whether this is your first baby, or already the third happiness in your life - the novelty of having a child never wears off and it is impossible to get used to it, because every time a real miracle happens - the birth of a person. And believe me, no matter what men say about women's and non-women's duties, affairs, etc., men experience such a period as pregnancy and childbirth no less acutely than women. And all the talk, basically, is nothing more than bravado, behind which a man hides his excitement. And it is very important to give a man room for activity - this will help him cope with excitement.
List of things a woman needs in the hospital
So, after a short digression, let's return toour main question - what do you need to take to the maternity hospital? In order not to mix anything up and not forget, there is a good way. Sit down and imagine that you are now going to the maternity hospital. Reproduce all your actions in detail. The first place you will get to will be the admissions room. What will you need there first of all? That's right, documents. So our list of things needed for the maternity hospital will be opened by documents:
- The first thing to prepare is the direction in whicha maternity home from your female consultation, or a contract with a maternity home or contract with a specific doctor. An important detail - an agreement with your doctor or the hospital should be concluded no later than 36 weeks of pregnancy. This measure will also provide you with insurance against premature birth.
- Exchange card issued by a gynecologist, from whom you were registered for pregnancy. Be sure to check that you have all the necessary tests.
- Results of tests for AIDS.
- The findings of ultrasound diagnosis.
- Your health insurance policy.
- Your passport.
- Be sure, just in case, always have the contact details of your chosen maternity hospital and doctor.
- If you plan to give birth with your husband, be sure toprepare all the tests necessary for him. As a rule, these are the results of a study of blood for AIDS and HIV infection, a radiographic examination of the lungs. Be sure to learn about this in advance, so as not to encounter a situation in which the pope will simply not be admitted to the family.
After filling out all the necessary documents, youwill be asked to change clothes. So, the next thing you need to take care of is preparing the clothes that you will feel most comfortable in. Nowadays, almost all maternity hospitals allow women to be in their own clothes. Your hospital wardrobe needs to be thought out especially carefully so that you feel comfortable enough and are not distracted by discomfort:
- Comfortable clothes for daytime. The most comfortable is a dressing-gown, although many mothers prefer loose knitted costumes. When making a choice, remember that in the maternity home you will often undress for examinations and various manipulations. That's why the robe is much more comfortable than the pants.
- Clothes for sleep. For the same reasons, it's better not to sleep with pajamas, but a simple nightgown or just an ordinary t-shirt.
- Comfortable bras and panties.
- Be sure to bring a few pairs of knitted socks (by no means woolen).
- Slippers. Please note that for the maternity hospital you need to buy rubber slippers that are easy to clean.
Regardless of whether you came to the maternity hospitaldoctor's orders, or with contractions, you should also have a bag with things for the birth. After all, labor can begin at any moment and the father, unless, of course, he is giving birth with you, may not have time to bring everything necessary. Below is a list of what you may need during labor, but be sure to check with the maternity hospital you have chosen.
- As a rule, to eat during labor is notit is recommended, however, in the majority of maternity hospitals are allowed to drink during the entire birth period. You should give preference to either mineral water, necessarily non-carbonated, or herbal tea, intended specifically for delivery. Tea should be brewed in advance, in a thermos.
- Napkins for the face are also very often, during childbirth, are simply irreplaceable. With the help of napkins you can wipe your face and even wet your lips.
- Be sure to carry a few small terry towels.
A list of necessary things may be enoughwide, but each maternity hospital has its own rules, requirements and prohibitions. Below is a list of things that may be useful to you during childbirth, but you need to focus not only on your preferences, but also on the requirements of the maternity hospital.
- If you like music, distract from unpleasant sensations you will help the player with your favorite musical compositions.
- In the event that you give birth with a partner, you will need a tennis ball - with his help it is very convenient to do a massage of the waist during fights, which greatly facilitates the condition giving birth
- women.
- A large rubber inflatable ball, on which it is very convenient to wait for a fight.
- A camera, if you want to capture the first minutes of your crumbs' life.
- If you give birth with a future father, take care of food for him.
- And, of course, a charged mobile phone.
In very rare cases, usually in maternity hospitalssmall provincial towns, the maternity hospital requires quite "exotic" things, such as, for example, a disposable set of clothes for the mother in labor or an umbilical cord clamp for the newborn. But most often, the gynecologist who is registered with the woman for pregnancy warns about this in advance. The following is a list of things needed in the maternity hospital that you will need after giving birth:
- Immediately after delivery, the newly mum needsto change clothes. Give preference to a nightgown with a wide enough cut from the front, and also a dressing gown. Be sure to ask in advance whether there is enough heat in the room in which you will be with the baby. Clothes should be comfortable enough and comfortable, you should not be cold.
- Personal hygiene items: toilet paper of high quality (it should be very, very soft, so as not to irritate the perineum), it is advisable to give preference to wet toilet paper, toothbrush and paste, soap and comb.
- Hygienic gaskets designed forwomen in the postpartum period. Such gaskets have a very high absorbency. Ability, at the same time providing good ventilation. However, unfortunately, until now in many maternity homes categorically not priemlitsya use of sanitary napkins, so women have to be content with diapers. Be sure to check with your doctor.
- In any case, you will be very useful for special disposable panties - mesh. They are designed specifically for such cases. They are not felt on the body, do not constrain the movements of a woman, allow the skin to breathe.
- Very suitable for a woman will be specialreplacement pads for breasts. They are necessary in order to absorb the oozing breast milk and protect your clothes from getting wet. And in the first month after the birth of a child, weak nipples come from a large number of women.
- Very often women forget about a breast pump and,when the milk arrives, the dad has to urgently search for him through the pharmacies. The breast pump is not so expensive, so it will be much more sensible to acquire it in advance than to suffer from a full chest.
- Means for removing irritation of nipples and healing of cracks. There is a huge number of different means, both requiring flushing, and allowing feeding without pre-treatment of the nipples.
- If you use creams, be sure to take a nourishing cream with you - often after the birth the skin is considerably over-dried.
- Of course, do not forget about bras,intended for nursing mothers. You can also use a conventional bra with a clasp in the front. The main thing that you should pay attention to is its size - the bra should support the breast well, but at the same time, in no case should it be squeezed anywhere. Otherwise, you may encounter lacostasis and even mastitis.
- Very often in the first days after birth, a womanhas difficulty with stool. That's why, when deciding what to buy in the maternity ward, do not forget about laxative candles. Preference is recommended to give candles on a glycerin base, herbal remedies can lead to allergic reactions in the baby.
- As mentioned before, do not forget about socks.
- Be sure to read thea list of products that are open to transfer. Remember that now you have to carefully monitor your diet. After all, all the substances that get into your body come with breast milk to your baby.
- Very often women forget about such an insignificant change as ordinary polyethylene bags that are very useful for dirty laundry.
No less necessary things in the hospital — Thisдетские вещички. Что именно вам необходимо будет приготовить, в основном зависит от внутренней политики роддома. В некоторых роддомах не позволяется ничего своего, в других же необходимо иметь свои пелёнки. Особо прогрессивные роддома позволяют сразу же одевать малыша в кофточки, ползунки или комбинезончики. Но практически в любом роддоме необходимо иметь одноразовые подгузники. Многие родители сразу же покупают большую упаковку – ни в коем случае не повторяйте эту ошибку. Для начала купите самую маленькую пачку и посмотрите, насколько малышу удобно в них, не вызовет ли применение подгузников именно этой фирмы – производителя аллергических реакций. И только в том случае, если вас всё устраивает, вы можете приобретать большие упаковки. Однако также не стоит забывать о том, что, если вы планируете пользоваться подгузниками не постоянно, а лишь периодически – на прогулку или в поликлинику, не стоит приобретать большую пачку по той простой причине, что малыш очень скоро вырастет из них. Кроме подгузников необходимо также позаботиться о приобретении гигиенических средств для ухода за крохой – влажные салфетки (желательно без каких – либо отдушек), детский крем под подгузник, ватные диски и ватные палочки с ограничителем. Обязательно приобретайте всё это с запасом, чтобы не столкнуться с ситуацией, когда у вас внезапно заканчиваются подгузники или влажные салфетки. Некоторые мамы, собирая самое необходимое в роддом, зачастую включают в список пустышки и детские бутылочки. Насколько это необходимо – решать, конечно же, только вам. Однако, принимая решение, ни в коем случае нельзя забывать о том, что и сосание соски, и уж тем более докорм малыша из бутылочки крайне негативно влияю не только на сосательный рефлекс, но и на сам процесс становления лактации. Следующий пункт в списке того, что необходимо взять в роддом, это одежда на выписку. Заранее приготовьте всю необходимую одежду для себя. Не стоит готовить вещи, на несколько размеров меньше вашего «беременного» веса – вы, скорее всего, не сможете их одеть, так как сразу после родов происходит значительная потеря веса, но не объёма. Согласитесь, очень неприятно при выписке пытаться втиснуться в джинсы, которые упорно не хотят не то что сходиться на талии, но и даже натягиваться на бёдра. Не стоит расстраиваться – очень скоро вы вернётесь в привычную форму. Говоря о том, что необходимо брать в роддом, особо хотелось бы отметить одежду для выписки для малыша. Первое и самое главное требование – одежда должна быть строго по погоде. Система терморегуляции у крох ещё очень несовершенна, поэтому и перегрев, и переохлаждение оказывают на организм малыша негативное воздействие. Как правило, при выписке малыша одевают следующим образом: одноразовый подгузник, распашонка (или две – зависит от времени года), после этого кроху заворачивают в пелёнку (или же две – снова зависит от температуры воздуха) и одеяло или конверт. Конечно же, венцом являются голубые или розовые ленты. Обязательно позаботьтесь о том, чтобы у вас под рукой всегда находился чистый носовой платочек – ведь малыш может срыгнуть абсолютно в любой момент. Несмотря на радостную суматоху, связанную с выпиской мамы и малыша, обязательно проверьте наличие всех необходимых документов. При выписке из роддома у вас на руках должны быть следующие документы:
- Exchange card for both the woman and the baby. Be sure to make a photocopy for yourself.
- Medical certificate of birth, necessary for the subsequent registration of the baby in the registry office.
In conclusion, I would like to remind you once again –This article provides only an approximate list of things to take to the maternity hospital. Be sure to check with your doctor. Your friends who gave birth in the same maternity hospital can also suggest those little things that will make your stay in the maternity hospital more comfortable. But in any case, a few days in the maternity hospital will fly by very quickly, and a huge and still unknown world will open up before you, in which you will now live with the proud name of MOM!