causes of genital warts during pregnancy To begin with it is necessary to acquire the necessary knowledge andto know about condylomas in general. Condyloma is an outgrowth on the skin (or genital warts) and it can be of a variety of types, which will already be indicative of the onset of the inflammatory process. By itself, the disease is viral, and the causative agent is the papilloma virus, which can be carried by a person. Condylomas during pregnancy can cause infection of newborn babies and the development in them from an early childhood of the infection of the papilloma virus and condyloma, so treatment should be carried out immediately after the slightest suspicion. And this all can be because the future mother did not produce the proper treatment and did not take care of the future. revealing of genital warts

Causes and known viruses

Causes of warts duringpregnancy can be different - from simple non-compliance with hygiene to close contact with a person who is the carrier of this virus. The period when a woman or any other person, infected with this virus and until the moment when genital warts begin to appear, can be very long - at least a week, and a maximum - up to several years. The size of these acute inflammations from one millimeter to one centimeter, or even more. The rash occurs gradually, acquiring a shade similar to cauliflower, so treatment is required prompt and thorough. A total of about 100 kinds of viruses are known to medicine, which can be infected by transferring to the papilloma. Some affect the urogenital system of the person, others - the skin, but more often still the first. The virus of the papilloma can prevail not only on the skin of the organs of the genitourinary system of a person and its mucous membranes, but also in the urine itself or in saliva. Usually a woman who is infected with this virus can be prone to damage to the organs of the frenum of the labia, the large and small labia, the clitoris, the external opening of the urethra, the vestibule of the vagina, the hymen and the cervix. Another condyloma, in particular acute, can occur around the anus, but this can be prevented if the treatment is performed on time. In women, condyloma during pregnancy and in general cases can cause a clinical form of the disease, which can lead to condylomas of large size. This can be caused by a change on the hormonal background, lead to increased blood circulation through the tissues, which disrupts the indicators and their ratio to the microbiocenosis of the vagina, which in turn affects the activity and functionality of the immune system. Before pregnancy, a check should be made for any infection with HPV viruses. removal of genital warts from a doctor during pregnancy

Methods of treatment of the virus

Treat pregnant women who are infected with the viruspapilloma, if the disease was still detected during pregnancy, should be still in the first trimester. If exophytic condylomas were found, they should immediately go to the removal, because if the treatment is not removed and not started, the virus will only continue to develop, and they will still grow in size. And this is fraught, if not for the life of the patient, then for the pregnancy process and for the fetus for sure. When the passage of the birth can occur infection of the child, which will result in the subsequent lesion of the larynx by papillomatosis. Removal of genital warts is not an entirely pleasant process, but it is worthwhile to treat the treatment, as this will save the life and the fetus, and the mother herself. After the virus is removed from the labia or vagina, you will need constant monitoring of the doctor right up until the very birth. It is also necessary to conduct a permanent examination, which is obliged to identify any cases of relapse. And along with removal, it is also necessary to treat pelvic organs for their inflammation and normalization of the vaginal microflora. Usually, treatment and disposal of this virus occurs through surgical methods. And the first of them is cryotherapy, which means removing existing warts with the application of liquid nitrogen, which is applied directly to them. After that condyloma dies off, and later - disappears itself. This method is very effective, but the qualification of the treating doctor should be very high. The second method is laser therapy. In this case, a beam of rays is used that can simply burn out the very warts. This method is the most modern, but not cheap. And, finally, the third - the removal of genital warts by radio waves or radio-knife. This method is used very widely, it is the most effective, but very painful, since it is carried out only under local anesthesia.

