Strong high-grade dream - obligatorycomponent of the health of each person. But for pregnant women, this issue is especially relevant, since the body works in an enhanced mode. From the first weeks of pregnancy, a woman feels increased fatigue and fatigue. That's why rest is so important for the future mummy. It is believed that pregnancy is a rare period in a woman's life, when time is hers alone: sleep the right amount of hours, adequate rest and quality nutrition. But just at this "sweet time" there are difficulties with sleep. Rapid heartbeat, increased anxiety, digestive disorders - all this constitutes an obstacle to a proper rest. Insomnia, chronic lack of sleep can cause various diseases, both the baby's future and the mother herself. To a woman's sleep was calm and did not harm the future baby, we must choose a safe pose. What is the best posture for sleeping during pregnancy? This question requires detailed consideration, considering all the physiological features of the "interesting situation".
Safe sleep posture during pregnancy
In the early stages of pregnancy, a future mother cantake any postures for sleep without harm to the fetus. Up to 12 weeks, the uterus with the embryo is within the small pelvis. This means that sleeping on your stomach is safe for the time being. The only discomfort can be caused by the chest, the sensitivity of which increases at times. At 5-7 months of pregnancy on the abdomen, you can not sleep, so as not to injure the child. The embryo is safely protected by amniotic fluid, however, even this fact does not exclude the risk of damage to the fetus with a heavy weight of the pregnant woman. In the end, it's not comfortable for Mom to sleep on her belly, which has already grown significantly. The posture on the back will not interfere with sleep in the first trimester. But with the increase in the period and the growth of the tummy, a pose on the back will also have to be sacrificed. The point is that after 26 weeks there is a syndrome of pressure on the lower vena cava. This means that already a fairly heavy fruit with water presses on the intestine and hollow vein, which prevents blood circulation and oxygenation of the child. The baby can develop hypoxia - a lack of oxygen. About its inconveniences, the child himself can "declare" by starting to push too much. In this case, you need to change the pose, turning on your side. Mom may have dizziness, palpitations, lowering of pressure, difficulty breathing, impaired circulation of internal organs, exacerbation of hemorrhoids. The latter can be a serious problem, especially on the latest dates. Exacerbation of hemorrhoids and difficulties with stools are harmful to pregnant women, since the accumulation of toxins in the body is very detrimental to the fetus. The safest pose, which has a beneficial effect on a calm sleep, is the pose on the left side. It is in this situation that blood circulation occurs fully, as blood circulation does not interfere with anything. Means, both mum, and the kid will receive a sufficient quantity of oxygen. And on the left side to sleep is preferable, because there is no pressure on the liver, which is located on the right. After sleep on the side, there is no pain in the back and in the pelvic region. But these rules are unambiguous with the correct position of the fetus in the uterus. In the transverse position of the fetus, it is recommended to sleep on the side where the baby's head is. If there is a pelvic presentation of the fetus, then you must turn from side to side 3-4 times per night.
Use of pillows for safe and healthy sleep of pregnant women
For a woman accustomed to sleeping on her right side,back or abdomen, it is quite difficult to accustom yourself to sleep in the right position. Yes, and lovers of sleeping on their left side during pregnancy will still experience discomfort due to a large belly. For pregnant women, there is an excellent alternative to maintain a healthy sleep with maximum comfort through pillows. For convenience, take the right pose in a dream, you need a few pillows. Pads should be soft enough to take the desired shape. One pillow is placed under the belly, the other is between the knees. If the posture of sleep is the left side, then it is good to bend the right leg, and pull out the left leg. You can additionally put a roller under the waist, this will ease the situation. On sale there are special pillows for pregnant women, which in their form repeat the anatomical contours of the belly of the future mother. Such pillows exist in the form of a horseshoe and inside are filled with polystyrene. With the help of these, pregnant women can lie comfortably and ensure a quiet sleep. These practical products can later be used to feed the baby. If there is no opportunity to purchase a special pillow, then you can sew it. It should be at a length of 1800 - 2000 cm, and in the girth of 30 - 50 cm. The cover on the pillow can be made of cotton, sewing a zipper for ease of removal. The pillow inside is filled with polystyrene beads and hardwired. Filling the pillow should not be tight, so it was soft and comfortable. For the health of a pregnant woman, the most important thing is a good rest and sleep. Therefore, if it is difficult for the expectant mother to fall asleep in the "right" posture, then one should not stop searching for another convenient option. During pregnancy, a good mom will always feel her baby and find the right posture, so that she and the baby were well.