what to give for 50 years dad50 years in the life of the stronger halfof humanity is an age associated with a certain turning point in their consciousness. This is the milestone that comes very unexpectedly, when a man is still full of strength and flies forward by inertia, trying to do everything. And then suddenly 50. "How little I have done!" - this thought increasingly occupies a mature person. Sometimes, only at his own celebration, he suddenly begins to realize his external and internal changes. Looking around at the relatives, friends and unexpectedly adult children invited to the anniversary, a man notes with surprise how much older everyone around him has become. And it is then that the understanding of age comes to him. But you could have noticed changes in your father before, couldn't you? He became more irritable, sometimes forgetful, or developed a habit of thinking about something at the most inopportune moment. Perhaps dad became especially picky about food, suddenly decided to take care of his own physical fitness, changed his style of clothing from formal to more youthful, and so on. And he tries to spend his weekends outside the family circle, as before. But the rest of the time he demands increased attention to himself, although sometimes he finds it difficult to explain what exactly he wants. It seems that the father has become like a three-year-old child who is constantly waiting for confirmation that he is the center of the world. But such a period in your dad's life is a temporary phenomenon. Psychologists recommend treating with understanding the behavioral changes in men at 50 years old. After all, it is not only the moral awareness that the best years of life are behind him that puts pressure on him. The man begins to feel it physically. That is why he tries to make up for what he thinks are lost time and opportunities. New hobbies and a desire to go where you never thought before suddenly appear. During such a period, you can and even should express your attention to your father, but without being overly importunate. After all, for a 50-year-old man, his own freedom and privacy of personal space mean a lot. This is such a difficult task for loved ones, when you need to be there more often, and do it very tactfully and unnoticed. After all, family is the most important thing in the life of any person. And it is loved ones who help all of us to survive certain difficulties, rejoice in our victories in life. After all, it was probably your dad, who is having a hard time now, who was able to support you in special moments of life, lent a shoulder in time and made you feel protection and warmth. And now it is your turn to help him cope with the period when it seems that time is slipping away like sand through your fingers, and all the best is already behind you. Therefore, pay close attention to how to celebrate your dad's 50th birthday. Think about how you can make the holiday in his honor a memorable and truly happy celebration. Give your father the feeling that you, children, are his most important achievement in life. This is not difficult to do - you just need to correctly approach the questions of what the holiday should be like and what to give dad for his 50th birthday. The answer suggests itself - love and attention. However, now it is possible to put these concepts into more tangible forms to give dad a reason to be proud in front of his friends and the rest of his family.what to give to dad for 50 years

How will we celebrate?

First of all, you need to decide whereyou are about to celebrate your 50th anniversary. The best option would be, of course, a good restaurant with live music and an excellent menu. Moreover, your mother’s gratitude is guaranteed in this case, because she can also be just a charming wife of the hero of the day, and not a hostess exhausted by preparing the festive table. You can decorate the hall for the special day with the help of specialists in this field. This will be especially useful if you want to arrange not a traditional anniversary evening, but a holiday with a certain theme. In this case, the designer will competently complement the interior with draperies, decorative elements and color schemes suitable for the occasion. However, if it is difficult for you to rent a banquet hall, then it is quite possible to help with the ceremonial preparations and menu. You can significantly ease the hassle and order some of the dishes in a restaurant with good cuisine. This will save you energy and time to decide the main question of what the gift itself will be. By the way, a good idea would be to organize a celebration in the Italian style, and your dad can easily play the role of the head of a large and friendly family clan. Let there be good Italian wine, traditional snacks and hot dishes on the tables. It is not necessary to reproduce all the details exactly, but accents are necessary. It is quite possible that the birthday boy himself will be interested in such an unusual themed holiday in his honor and will actively help. Thoughtful costumes for your father and mother will also not be superfluous. No, we are not talking about historical outfits (although, if you want, you can try). Here you should pay attention to the style of clothing of famous Italian actors, for example, Marcello Mastroianni, Michele Placido or the especially colorful Adriano Celentano. Look at your father and determine which type is closest to him. Or maybe it will be the style of an Italian mafioso, a kind of Don Corleone? Fantasize, do not be afraid. Do the same with your mother's image. Who does she remind you of? Maybe Monica Bellucci, Sophia Loren, Monica Vitti or even Fellini's muse, the famous Giulietta Masina? Take the time to look at photos of these gorgeous women online. No resemblance? Then just help your mom emphasize her femininity and charm, as all the beautiful Italian women did and still do. The services of a stylist-makeup artist would not be superfluous, both for mom and dad, because this is an anniversary, and not just an evening at a restaurant. You can also warn the invited guests about the theme of the holiday. It is likely that most of them will also like the idea of ​​maintaining a certain style. It will also be timely to invite a professional host so that the celebration goes according to plan, so that everyone can congratulate the hero of the day. Of course, such pomp is not at all necessary in organizing dad's holiday. And the theme can be quite traditional. It is also quite possible that your father will be more than happy to celebrate his 50th birthday in a small family circle or in the bosom of nature. Listen to his wishes and try to do everything so that even a rather modest celebration is filled with love, sincerity and family warmth.gift to dad for 50 years

What to gift?

What to give dad for his 50th birthday should be discussedthink in advance. This question does not tolerate carelessness and haste. After all, your dad probably tried all his life to give you exactly what you dreamed of, and not the first thing that came to mind. Now is the time to express gratitude to him, so that the material component of congratulations in honor of your father's anniversary turns out to be desired and appropriate. In general, all gifts for an anniversary should be divided into three types: practical, souvenir and emotional. The first of these include those that are directly related to the work, rest and everyday life of the father-jubilarian. If you decide to give something from this category, then the choice is very large. For example:

  • a pen with a gold pen, a modern leather briefcase for documents, a laptop or a new model of the phone - all this can be handed to the employee or the director of the office, if your father is so;
  • a professional set of tools, a smart brazier with all the attributes, a different kind of garden equipment - a good solution for a gift to the pope, whose leisure is connected with a private plot;
  • a company set of fishing gear, an inflatable boat,a hunting rifle, a simulator or other sports equipment can be given to those fathers who like to spend time on fishing, hunting, or to keep their own sportive uniform;
  • Up-to-date household and climate technology is also capable of making the life of the jubilee more comfortable and easy.

The second category of gifts includes:всевозможные предметы живописи и скульптуры, коллекционные издания, ювелирные изделия с именной гравировкой, предметы интерьера и так далее. Если имеете желание и возможности вручить что-то подобное, то важно понять, что именно хотел бы получить ваш отец. Он нумизмат? В интернете много сайтов, где коллекционеры монет продают те образцы, которые не являются единственными в их собраниях. Порадуйте папу в юбилей новым интересным экземпляром. Отец ценит живопись? Закажите его портрет хорошему современному художнику или подарите картину, которая отвечает вкусам юбиляра. Папа имеет определенный статус и поэтому особенное внимание уделяет внешнему облику? Можно преподнести заколку для галстука или стильные запонки. Не обязательно, чтобы они были золотыми или платиновыми с брильянтами. Главное, чтобы эти предметы соответствовали основному стилю вашего папы, а не «кричали» о своей цене. В общем, хорошенько подумайте о том, что именно отцу понравится и доставит радость, особенно в его юбилей. Уверены, вы найдете достойное решение, и виновник торжества останется доволен. Кроме всяких материальных вещей, можно несколько иначе ответить на вопрос о том, что подарить папе на 50 лет. Преподнесите ему море впечатлений и океан эмоций. Это и будет третьей категорией возможных подарков. Сейчас существует много фирм, специализирующихся на предоставлении разного рода развлекательных сертификатов. Если ваш отец не лишен драйва и экстрима, способен на риск и находится в отличной физической форме, подарите ему возможность попробовать себя в управлении катером или испытать совершенно непередаваемые ощущения во время полета на мотодельтаплане или даже на вертолете. Конечно, все эти рискованные развлечения обязательно предусматривают наличие опытного инструктора. В любом случае, перед тем как дарить подобный сертификат, оцените реальную готовность вашего отца к подобного рода испытаниям. Для тех, кому претит риск, отличным подарком может стать урок верховой езды, мастер-класс по игре в гольф или теннис, абонемент в современный спортивный клуб. Если папа любит театр, можно узнать, где и когда пройдет очередная премьера, и подарить родителям билеты в лучшем ряду. Такой не совсем стандартный подход в выборе подарка для любимого отца станет для него весьма приятной неожиданностью. Он посмотрит на вас по-другому и обязательно оценит усилия и фантазию. Это даст возможность папе не только скромно гордиться своим повзрослевшим ребенком, но и позволит вполне оправданно похвастать в кругу друзей вашей находчивостью и умом. Не забудьте позаботиться и об эстетической стороне поздравления. Пусть украшением основного подарка послужит чудесная цветочная композиция. Дабы подчеркнуть статус торжества, можно заказать доставку цветов на утро праздничного дня, и не забудьте сопроводить их открыткой с искренними поздравлениями. Поверьте, такое внимание окажется трогательным и очень приятным для папы-юбиляра. И совершенно не повод огорчаться и устраивать трагедию вселенского масштаба, если по каким-то не зависящим от вас причинам вы не смогли подарить на юбилей папы что-то особенно дорогое или эксклюзивное. Главная ценность, которая по-настоящему имеет значение в жизни отца, — это вы, его дочь. И порой для того, чтобы доставить родному человеку радость в день его 50-летия, достаточно просто не забыть об этом и приехать лично с теплыми словами поздравления, вкусным тортом и связанным собственноручно свитером. Откройте шампанское, зажгите 50 свечей на праздничном торте и скажите своему любимому папе 50 самых искренних слов, которые всегда найдутся в сердце любящего ребенка. Поверьте, ваш отец никогда не забудет этого юбилея. И годы, которые символизируют праздничные свечи, будут для папы предметом особой гордости и смысла. А его желание, которое полагается загадать в день рождения, будет заключаться в том, чтобы как можно чаще и дольше находится рядом со своей семьей. Советуем почитать:

