correct definition of ovulation If you decide to have a baby, and pregnancyeverything does not come, the question arises how to determine the period of ovulation. The ovum that left the follicle lives about one day (only in some cases up to 48-72 hours), so guessing the exact day of ovulation means getting as close to your goal as successful conception. This can lead to sexual intercourse, which took place three days before the release of the egg or a day after. Spermatozoa live in a favorable environment for about three days and are able to wait for the egg. For this reason, and for a number of others, knowing how to determine ovulation is more useful for those who want to have a baby than for those who want to avoid it. Sometimes a woman can have ovulation twice in one cycle or suddenly come earlier or later than usual, so, in order to avoid pregnancy, you should not rely solely on the calendar of ovulation. You can determine ovulation either with the help of specialists (a gynecologist or laboratory staff), or independently, without leaving home. Methods of definition are many, sometimes for greater certainty, some of them combine with each other.

Definition of sensations

Sometimes understand about approaching or approachingOvulation is possible by internal sensations. The ovulatory period is always in the middle of the cycle. If the cycle is regular, lasting 28 days, the follicle ovulates most often on day 13-14. If the cycle lasts 35 days, the egg leaves the follicle on the 17-18th day. With irregular menstruation, to predict more or less accurately the time of ovulation is problematic, but it always comes about two weeks before the onset of menstruation. In most cases, if the cycle is regular, this indicates a monthly ovulation. If menstruation occurs irregularly, with long delays, it can signal that ovulation does not always happen or is completely absent. Then the help of the doctor is necessary. Usually he prescribes ultrasound, since this method gives a 100% guarantee of obtaining accurate results. The onset of ovulation a woman is quite capable of feeling, although the symptoms are very individual and differ in intensity. Every woman feels them differently. Often during an ovulation, women experience discomfort or even pain in the ovaries. At the same time, the vaginal discharge becomes more abundant and has the appearance of a transparent, very dense, viscous film. At women often during this period the sexual inclination increases more or less. It is believed that at this time they become the most sexually attractive and the behavior of surrounding men in relation to them varies. Often, after ovulation, a woman adds a little more weight. However, all these are indirect evidence, and it is impossible to determine correctly whether ovulation was possible. Rather, all this can serve as a signal for a more reliable verification. ovulation by sensation

What will the temperature tell?

It is possible to precisely and simply determine the date of ovulation,having constructed a graphic test of basal temperature (BT). On the tetrad sheet, two coordinate axes are drawn into the cell. Vertical is the temperature axis, starting from 36 ° C and ending at 38 ° C. The horizontal axis is the days of the cycle. The first day of menstruation begins to measure the temperature in the anus. Do this for the entire cycle. For this purpose, a conventional mercury thermometer is more suitable, since the electron exhibits an excessive sensitivity to contact with the anus, and the smallest changes can distort the result. To measure BT (ie temperature of a rectum) is necessary in the mornings, before to rise from bed. Before this, you should continuously sleep for at least 6 hours. If the dream is interrupted, it will affect your temperature and, accordingly, somewhat distort the schedule. If this happens on the day of ovulation or the day before, it may well complicate the understanding of the situation. Therefore, try to observe the sleep mode and the time of measurement. However, if this could not be done, do not panic, just make a note in the graph of what and when might have affected the measurement results. If your dream has been disturbed, if you took alcohol or hormonal preparations the day before, if you catch a cold, take notes. Sexual intercourse also contributes to an increase in BT, so it should be conducted no later than 4 hours before the measurement. The BT of the first phase of the cycle should be below 37 ° C. Usually it fluctuates around 36.4-36.8 ° C. On the eve of ovulation, the temperature drops sharply by 0.4-0.6 ° C, the next day it rises to 37 ° C (or 0.5 ° C from the original one) and remains so or grows slightly until the beginning of the next monthly period. If the BT in the second phase of the cycle is slightly above 37 ° C, do not worry, this is permissible. It is worth worrying if the temperature fluctuations during both phases of the cycle are insignificant or the temperature does not change at all. This is possible either with the anovulatory cycle, or in the absence of ovulation. If within a few months the situation does not change, you need to see a doctor. If the temperature in the second phase drops earlier than 10 days after ovulation, you should also register with a gynecologist and take tests for hormones. This may indicate a decreased content of progesterone, which affects the bearing capacity. Its insufficiency leads to sad consequences. With early decrease in BT, the probability of conception is low. To reliably judge whether you are ovulating, the basal temperature is measured three months. Conclusions on the basis of one month can not be done. If your cycle is regular and ovulation comes at the same time, you can, on the basis of these indications, compile a calendar of ovulation. It marks the first and last day of the cycle, as well as the day of ovulation. After the data is analyzed. If there are no abnormalities in either the number of days of the cycle or the days on which ovulation occurs, you can later use this calendar when planning your pregnancy. However, if the deviations at least occasionally occur, it will be necessary to determine the day of ovulation in other ways: by measuring BT, by conducting home tests, by ultrasound. basal temperature in ovulation

Home microscope

Determine the day of ovulation possible by examining salivaunder a microscope. He is on sale in a pharmacy. This device is small and compact, if necessary, can fit even in a small handbag. It is an average of 2000 rubles. However, its price may fluctuate depending on the producer, the region and the level of inflation. Comes with a microscope there are instructions and drawings that help to understand what they saw. Everyone knows that during ovulation, the level of estrogen increases. Under the influence of this hormone, the amount of sodium and potassium in the mucus of the cervix increases, as well as in saliva. When the mucus dries out, potassium and sodium interact with mucin (the main component of mucus), they crystallize, and an original pattern resembling a spruce branch is formed. Applying saliva to the glass and allowing it to dry, consider under a microscope what you have done. If only small pieces of needle branches appeared, this is a sign that the ovulation day is approaching. When the branches are clear, large, well-formed - this means that ovulation will come tomorrow. After ovulation, the "spruce branch" disappears. If the saliva is examined under a microscope long before and after ovulation, nothing can be detected except scattered, chaotically located points. Disease results can be caused by various diseases of the throat or oral cavity, drinking on the eve of alcoholic beverages, smoking, eating and so on. Therefore, the analysis of saliva should be done in the morning on an empty stomach before brushing your teeth.

Pharmacy test strip

Another convenient means for home useuse is the test for ovulation, which is sold at any pharmacy. It works the same way as a pregnancy test, only, unlike the latter, it measures not hCG, but the level of the lyutenizing hormone, which rises significantly in a day or two before ovulation. Determination of ovulation with a test is best done not in the morning, but in the afternoon, using not the first portion of urine. To guess the exact day for the test is almost impossible, because it is held for several days in a row. Begin testing for 16 days before menstruation. If the cycle is 28-day, the test is done daily from the 11th day until the result is obtained, if the 30-day period is from the 13th day, if the 35-day cycle is from the 18th day. There are some nuances in how to properly test for women, whose number of days in cycles varies. They are recommended to take as a basis for calculations a short cycle. This test is not suitable for women who have a cycle of irregular or too long delays. The definition of ovulation even in such situations with the help of a test is possible, but it will be expensive, as it will have to be tested daily for a long time. Therefore, it is more expedient in this case to decide how to determine ovulation in another way. If you have decided to do an ovulation test for the first time and have not used any other methods before, it is better to conduct the test in parallel with the ultrasound examination. This eliminates the need for daily testing. Wait until the follicle grows to 18-20 mm, then do the test. Usually it is done in those cases when the next day or two on ultrasound for some reason can not get, and the follicle has already reached the required size. pharmacy test strip


The most reliable and reliable way to verifyovulation is ultrasound. With this method of examination, you can see how the follicle develops, and see the formation of the yellow body after the release of the egg. If ovulation only occurred, on the monitor of the ultrasound machine you can see the gap formed on the place of the follicle. Usually closely follow the development of follicles with auxiliary methods of pregnancy. When conception is planned in the usual way, it is enough to be inspected on the 8th-10th and 13th-15th day of the cycle. With an irregular cycle, ultrasound examination begins on the 8th-10th day and is carried out continuously at intervals of 1-2 days. Or calculate the approximate date of maturation. It is known that the dominant follicle grows by about 2 mm per day. Thus, by measuring the follicle, you can predict when it will grow to 18 mm, and designate a repeated ultrasound only for this day. The doctor will see if the follicle has developed well and whether ovulation has occurred. This will help confirm the presence of ovulation in general or will reveal anovulatory period. In the absence of ovulation, the examination will have to be repeated in the next cycle. If it turns out that ovulation does not occur, pregnancy in a natural way is impossible in this situation. After a thorough examination, the doctor will either prescribe a treatment, or advise to resort to in vitro fertilization, in which the medication is stimulated by the ovaries. On ultrasound not only carry out the definition of ovulation, but also in passing study the state of the endometrium in the uterine cavity. Too thick or too thin of the endometrium can make it difficult to attach the embryo to the uterus or make it impossible. Therefore, resorting to ultrasound, you can solve both problems. Some women do not want to undergo examination, for fear of getting unfavorable results. However, it is better to know about the existing problem and actively seek ways to eliminate, rather than hide from it. If home testing methods showed no ovulation, go for an ultrasound check, since this method of examination is unmistakable. uzi for ovulation

What is fraught with hormonal imbalance?

It is worth mentioning a bit about measuring the levelhormones. Despite the fact that this method is rarely used directly to determine the day of ovulation, it is not necessary to neglect it. By measuring the level of various hormones in the blood, it is determined whether ovulation occurs regularly, sometimes or completely. First of all, they look at the level of LH and FSH. If it is elevated, it means that after 28-36 hours, ovulation will occur. The increased content of progesterone may indicate that ovulation is either about to come, or has already been. An increased amount of testosterone and DHEAS can cause infertility, so knowing its level in the blood is simply necessary. According to the exceeded indicators of these male hormones, it is judged that this cycle was anovulatory. Excessive formation of these hormones usually occurs in diseases such as polycystic ovary, adrenogenital syndrome, adrenal or pituitary dysfunction. About the anovulatory period is also indicated by a low content of the female hormone estrogen in the blood. If you just started to think about the baby, it's not necessary to immediately try to calculate the exact day of ovulation. With regular sexual life, conception often occurs quite quickly. The fact that you did not become pregnant on the first attempt does not mean that you have any problems. Know the exact date of ovulation is necessary only with long, but unsuccessful attempts at conception. This knowledge becomes very important in a situation where there are problems for a man, and he needs a few days of abstinence before intercourse. In this case, it is possible to miss the most successful day, then the means determining the day of ovulation come to the rescue. With severe stress, infectious diseases, sleep disturbance and the change of sexual partner, ovulation can be shifted for several days. In such periods, verification is also not without meaning.

