You read fairy tales and marvel at yourself: all the heroines there are long-haired and puffy-haired beauties. One Goldilocks of what it costs! Yes, and our Varvara-beauty, Long Kosa is also not a slip! They knew, perhaps, our great-great-grandmothers secret: they did not have new-fangled gels, masks and miraculous serums. But they were in their arsenal of beauty folk, centuries of proven means. They knew, for example, what herbs to brew for rinsing or what kind of useful oils you can use. The best solution for us, exhausted by the ecology and advertised by the chemistry of beauties, is to follow the example of our predecessors. Easier to say, we want beautiful hair - we use folk recipes. We offer you a story about how useful hair oils can be used, and how to do it, to strengthen and improve your hair.
About the benefits of natural oils
Of course, heredity can not be fooled. If by nature you are given hair that is not very thick, then, as you can not contrive, and you can not make more splendid hair. However, not everything is so bad - not even the best hair can look amazing if they are healthy, well-groomed and put in the right hairstyle. By the way, their number on the head will not increase even with the most careful care, but they can look more voluminous. This effect will be achieved if your hair becomes elastic and shiny. This will help the oil. Hair - this is characteristic only for mammalian skin education. In their structure they resemble a tree, which has a trunk and a root. The root is hidden in a hair sac surrounded by tissues, blood vessels and glands. All together it forms a hair bulb. But the "aboveground" part is just the hair shaft visible to us, the condition of which largely depends on the nutrition of the hair follicle and the competent care of the scalp. The root of the hair is a living substance, and the part that protrudes above the scalp consists of dead cells-keratin. If we consider this part of the hair under a microscope, we can see that it looks like a hollow rod, the surface of which consists of tightly fitting scales. Between the scales there is a lubricant that affects the density of their fit and, ultimately, the appearance of our hairstyle. So, the use of oils is precisely that they feed the root, normalize the function of the sebaceous glands and improve the quality of the lubricant. And all this is due to the proteins contained in the oils and vitamins, fats and fatty acids, as well as mineral substances. Which of them is the best and most useful? Unequivocally this question can not be answered. After all, in different regions beauties used different oils. In Russia - burdock and linen, in Greece and the Mediterranean - olive, in the East - almond and coconut oil. But today all these useful oils are available and are quite inexpensive. And you can buy them in almost any pharmacy.
Benefits of Burdock Oil
Burdock oil is considered a universal tool forcare of hair. It contains tannins, which give hair elasticity, useful fatty acids, stimulating their growth, vitamins, mineral salts and protein. This remedy can be called magical, its effect helps if hair falls out, relieves dry skin and dandruff, relieves itching, strengthens the roots, normalizes metabolism, restores damaged hair. With the systematic use of burdock oil, the hair ceases to become entangled and cut off at the tips. It is hypoallergenic, so it is suitable for the care of children's hair. Finished preparations of burdock oil are sold in each pharmacy, but you can prepare this miracle remedy yourself. To do this, you just need to find a fresh root of burdock and grind it on a grater or with a knife. The finished mass must be poured with refined sunflower oil in a ratio of 1 to 10 and leave the mixture in a dark place for a couple of weeks. At the end of this time, the infusion is filtered and used for masks. If you cook an infusion of olive or almond oil, then 1 part of the burdock root should take 3 parts of the oil. The mixture is left to infuse for a day, after which it is boiled and filtered. From burdock oil make nourishing masks. To do this, warm oil is rubbed into the scalp, wraps the head with a film and wrapped with a towel. Half an hour later, the film and towel are removed, the head is massaged, and the hair is combed, spreading the mask along their entire length. After 10 minutes, the remaining oil can be washed off with warm water.
Olive oil will help
Olive oil is very well absorbed into the scalpand does not clog pores. Like other useful oils, it nourishes and strengthens hair, and also promotes their rapid growth. It has not only nutritional, but also moisturizing properties, and that's why this product is very popular. It is usually not used in its pure form, but is included in many nutritional and firming masks. It is rich in vitamins A, D and E, it contains polyphenols and irreplaceable oleic acid. Cosmetologists recommend adding this product to any nourishing mask. If you use it as a mask, you just have to mix the butter with lemon juice or honey, add other aromatic oils to the mask and apply to the scalp for half an hour.
Castor oil - strong and useful
Castor oil (castor oil, castor oil) strengthenshair, softens and nourishes the scalp, helps in the fight against dandruff, but do not recommend it as an independent tool. The fact is that this oil contains an increased amount of ricinoleic acid, which has an annoying property. By the way, it is on it that the laxative effect of castor oil is based. But the composition of castor oil includes other useful acids: oleic and linoleic. Castor oil is recommended to be added to the composition of nutritious, moisturizing and firming masks. The way of using such masks is traditional: a warm mass is applied to the scalp by massaging movements, left for about half an hour, and then washed off.
Flaxseed oil: more masks!
Linseed oil is obtained from flax seeds. It is considered not only an effective cosmetic product, but also has medicinal properties. Therefore, it is used in the treatment of seborrhea and other diseases of the scalp. The unique properties of this oil are due to the fatty unsaturated acids and vitamins A, E and F, as well as vitamins of the B group. When the flaxseed oil is regularly used, the metabolism is normalized, the fat balance of the scalp is restored, dandruff disappears, the hair grows faster and stops falling out . One of the remarkable features of flax oil is its therapeutic effect, not only with external use, but also with the use of this oil for food. It can be added to salads or cereals, or take one tablespoon before meals 2-3 times a day. And with a combination of external and internal effects of linseed oil, the effect of its healing effect increases at times! When used externally, it is rubbed into the scalp and applied to the hair along all their lengths, the head is covered with a plastic wrap and wrapped with a towel. This compress is held for half an hour, and then washed off with warm water. Similarly, apply and mask with the addition of linseed oil. Here are the recipes of the most popular masks with linseed oil.
- Yolk mask
Used to care for dull and brittlehair. A mixture of 1 yolk and 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil is beaten, applied to the scalp and hair and left for 1 hour. For a long hair, the amount of ingredients is increased, keeping the proportion 1: 1.
- Lemon-yolk mask
This mask nourishes and strengthens the hair. For its preparation, grind 2 egg yolks in a bowl, and then add 1 tablespoon of linseed oil and 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice to it. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the scalp, applied to damp hair, the head is covered with a plastic wrap, wrapped with a towel and left for 30-60 minutes.
- Honey onion mask
Nourishes and strengthens hair, stimulates their growth. For its preparation, take 1 head of onions, 1 tablespoon of linseed oil and 1 tablespoon of honey. Shredded onion mixed with butter and honey and rub this mixture into the scalp. The head is covered with a plastic wrap and wrapped with a towel, leave the mask for half an hour, and then rinse with warm water.
Coconut oil
Another miracle cure is coconutoil, which is obtained from the pulp of coconut. It envelops the hair, forming a thin film on them and preserving nutrients in the hair. This means - a kind of natural laminate, which creates a protective layer on the hair and prevents the harmful effects of the environment, for example, ultraviolet rays. When adding coconut oil to the mask, the effect of cosmetic procedures is greatly enhanced. Here, in addition, the protective function of coconut oil "works". Only in this case, a film of oil helps the nutrients to stay in the hair for a long time, preventing the washing away of these substances themselves. It nourishes and moisturizes the hair, prevents washing away of the protein, eliminates dryness of the hair and scalp, facilitates combing after washing and eliminates the problem of split ends. Therefore, beauticians recommend adding this tool not only to nutritious and moisturizing masks, but also to ordinary shampoos.
Other useful oils
In addition to the most popular oils (burdock, linseed, castor, olive and coconut), other useful oils can be used for hair care.
- Mustard
It is considered a natural stimulator of growth. It regulates fat metabolism, strengthens and nourishes the hair, prevents their loss, and also acts as an antibiotic. It is added to various nutritional and firming masks.
- Sea-buckthorn
It nourishes the scalp, restores damaged hair, eliminates dryness and accelerates growth. Used as an additive to nutritional and moisturizing masks.
- Almond
Very rich in vitamins E, F, B2 and B3. It regulates the work of the sebaceous glands, gives shine and elasticity to the hair, stimulates their growth. It is used as an additive to various masks for hair care.
- Peach
It is considered a delicate and gentle care productfor weakened hair, has an emollient and moisturizing effect. It is used as a component of nutrient masks and as an independent means for hair care.
- Jojoba oil
It is often included in variousconditioners and shampoos. Has a protective, nutritional and moisturizing properties, softens the hair, gives them shine and refreshes their color. Since it does not leave a greasy sheen, it can be used as a conditioner for rinsing and added to various nutritional masks. As you can see, all sorts of medicinal and nutritious oils for caring for your hair are not that small. Their useful properties help to cope with many problems, improve the appearance of the hairstyle, add health to the hair. Natural oils have long been used in folk cosmetology as effective medicinal products, and now are part of various hair care products. If you follow the experience of our predecessors and use oils for hair care, you can save a lot on expensive products and factory tools. Beautiful and healthy hair can be preserved only with proper care. So do not give up what nature gives us, and give preference to natural remedies. Remain beautiful always and in spite of everything!