solarium harm and benefitWe live in an age of high technology, and everyonepeople today use the devices available to them. Many of us use computers, players, cell phones with voice dialing, and even trash cans that can open themselves as soon as someone reaches out to them. We use all these wonderful products to make our everyday life as comfortable and hassle-free as possible. The same group of benefits of civilization that make our lives easier includes a solarium, the harm and benefit of which will be the subject of discussion in our article. But first, let's talk about what effect a tan can have on our body in general.

Advantages and disadvantages of sunburn

Over the years, people have argued a lot aboutabout the benefits and harms of tanning. Some believe that bronze skin looks sexy and helps us to be healthier, others are sure that the consequences of deliberate exposure to harmful sun rays can be the most disappointing, and tanning is a simple act of stupidity. Both points of view have a basis. So that you can decide for yourself whether tanning is good or bad for you, we will present you with all the pros and cons of tanning.

  • Benefits of sunburn

One of the most obvious benefits of tanning isis that it makes you look more attractive and sexy. Fair skin is good, but sun-kissed skin looks even better. And the figure of a dark-skinned woman usually looks slimmer. So, if you want to look slimmer and sexier – get a tan! Just make sure that you always have a quality sunscreen on hand, which will help prevent skin burns. And remember that tanned and sunburned skin are not the same thing, so be careful when in the sun! Another benefit of getting a tan is that by staying in the sun for some time, you will get the amount of vitamin D necessary for health. This vitamin is very important for maintaining normal body functions. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to various serious diseases. Although this type of vitamin is present in some types of food, the sun is still considered its best source.

  • Disadvantages of sunburn

What harm can come from tanning?And what are its disadvantages? Although a tan makes our skin very beautiful, it does not last very long. Depending on your skin type, you will definitely lose your tan in just a few weeks - some more slowly, some faster. And you should not expect an immediate effect from being in the sun either: you need to tan gradually, otherwise you can get sunburned. Another big disappointment is that regularly being in the sun to achieve the darkest tan can seriously damage your skin. According to experts, skin that is more often exposed to the sun tends to age faster. Those people who spend too much time outdoors and in the sun tend to have rough skin with numerous wrinkles. Another disadvantage of tanning is that too much exposure of the skin to ultraviolet rays of the sun can lead to certain types of skin cancer. Like all other types of cancer, skin cancer is a serious disease; and most people don’t even suspect how easy it is to get this terrible disease just by sunbathing on the beach. Skin cancer can take several years to develop, and it may take some time before a person even notices that something is wrong. The disease will already be affecting the body, and the worst thing is that you may not notice it right away, continuing to be in the sun. Skin cancer can be potentially dangerous and even fatal, so there is nothing better than to start protecting yourself from this disease right now. If you are unable to avoid direct sunlight (for example, your work involves being outdoors), then at least make sure that you apply sunscreen with the necessary protection factor to your skin. As a rule, creams with SPF 15 and higher guarantee an immediate effect of protection from the harmful effects of the sun's rays, and this effect will last for about two hours.solarium benefit and harm

Solarium: benefit or harm?

We found out what the benefits and harms can betanning in the sun. As it turns out, both are true. But what is the difference between a solarium? And can we talk about the harm of a solarium? Or does an almost instant tan still have its advantages? Well, let's figure it out! A solarium is a specially equipped area for carrying out radiation procedures similar to exposure to sunlight. And the effect is similar - the skin is tanned. And just like when tanning in the sun, in a solarium, harm and benefit also go hand in hand. Too many people do not see the harm of a solarium, since the damage to health becomes visible only after years. Often by this time, a person has already stopped using devices for artificial instant tanning, and, therefore, does not even associate ailments and illnesses with old procedures in a solarium. What is the danger of tanning in a solarium? The smallest nuisance that can await you is excessive dryness and itching of the skin. There are bigger problems: the same premature aging and risk of skin cancer. Unfortunately, many solariums use equipment with too high a level of ultraviolet radiation, which has a detrimental effect on the skin.

  • Benefits of a solarium

In a solarium, the harm and benefit are similar to thoseare typical for tanning in the sun. However, the benefits of a solarium are still much greater than the harm. If a person really wants to get a tan at all costs, then in a solarium he can get unique advantages. Let's start with the fact that in a solarium you can get a tan at any time of the day or night and in any season. You don't have to wait for the sun to come out from behind the clouds or for it to get warm enough outside to undress and expose your body to the sun's rays. In a solarium, you can tan even at midnight - the main thing is that the solarium is open for you at this time. And even in the middle of winter, you can look as if you just returned from a trip to some exotic land yesterday. There are other advantages to tanning in a solarium. Such tanning is much safer, because you can control how strong the radiation is and how long you will be exposed to it. You can't control the sun, but you can program a machine according to your needs! By visiting a solarium, you can even improve your health. Firstly, the body, under the influence of solarium lamps, will be able to synthesize the amount of vitamin D necessary for normal life. Secondly, solarium procedures help fight stress and depression. This is especially important in those regions where there are few sunny days. And thirdly, a tan acquired in a solarium helps protect against sunburn. As a rule, the first hot summer sun rays can cause a burn on skin that is unaccustomed to the sun and pale after winter. And a tan gradually acquired in a solarium creates reliable protection for the skin.damage to the solarium

Precautionary measures

For most people, a tanning bed is the best option.solution for getting a beautiful tan. Moreover, research results show that the positive effect of tanning still outweighs the risk, it is only important to practice a smart approach and prefer moderate tanning. The harmful effects of visiting a solarium can be easily avoided with simple safety measures, and above all by limiting the time spent under too strong ultraviolet rays. It is very important to use sunscreen, the same as you need to use when sunbathing on the beach. After visiting a solarium, you must use moisturizers. You should know what type of skin you have and how long exposure to it is acceptable for you. If you yourself find it difficult to determine these parameters, then before starting the procedures, consult a specialist. And one more important detail: never forget to wear protective glasses! The more carefully you pay attention to observing all these measures now, the healthier you will remain in the future. And what will bring you more solarium - will the benefits or harm outweigh when visiting it - depends only on you. Sunbathe wisely, and sunbathe all year round! We recommend reading:

