skin whitening Every year in spring, many women are completely differentage category begin a stubborn struggle for the whiteness of their skin. Whitening of the skin at this time excites almost everyone, however, sometimes for various reasons. Some solve the problem of freckles appearing in March-April, on scientific - ephelinids, other women get chloasma - these are large pigment spots. Still others are concerned about lentigo, hepatic stains and other skin lesions, which, naturally, no woman will add beauty to. And in general, they are all worried about the problem of skin whitening. Though, as though it would not be desirable, but at all all maculae on a skin need to be bleached. First you need to determine the nature of local skin darkening: you need an accurate diagnosis so that you can take on skin whitening without doubting. Or, on the contrary, do not undertake, because there are skin problems that are associated only with internal diseases of the body, and bleaching of the skin in this case is not recommended. Since when the source of the indisposition is discovered and after it is cured, its effect in the form of pigmented spots will disappear by itself. For example, if you cure a sick intestine, then the color of your skin will become healthy and fresh. Or if you put your duodenum in order, then acne and acne will disappear immediately. And so with absolutely any skin problems - first of all, find the reason, and only then look for a way to eliminate it. And if, as it turns out, the cause requires only bleaching of the skin, then only in this case, take it directly for this procedure.

Preventing the appearance of freckles

When it comes to the problem of freckles, hereit is best to do preventive work in time, the later with all the selflessness to fight them, taking all the forces for bleaching the skin of the face, and sometimes for whitening the skin of the body completely. What is prevention? You should take nicotinic acid or ascorbic inside, drink decoction of rose hips and eat foods high in vitamin C. Also superfluous will not be large glasses and wide-brimmed hats, perfectly protecting from sunlight. But in March-April, you can start to bleach skin: use creams to whiten the skin. We will study all these substances in detail.

Whitening products

whitening of facial skinSo, the means for whitening the skin in yourself(but may have allergic reactions, pigmentation disorders and dermatitis), and mildly acting, safer, but which do not provide such effective bleaching of the skin. In general, all types of pigmentation are an enhanced production of melanin pigment on a specific area of ​​the skin. For this reason, a prerequisite for bleaching the skin of the body is a qualitative protection against the ingress of ultraviolet rays. In order to prevent the appearance and growth of pigment spots during whitening, it is imperative to use sunscreen products with the widest spectrum of action every day. It should also be remembered that the most reliable protection is achieved only with the use of special creams, while decorative cosmetics containing photo filters are not sufficient for this purpose. Skin bleaching includes two processes - lowering the level of the produced pigment melanin and exfoliation of horny skin cells. When skin peeling occurs, melanin is removed from the epidermis, and this leads to a lightening of the pigment spots. Therefore, various types of peelings are used as an auxiliary. The type of peeling, as a rule, depends on the severity and type of pigmentation. To this end, previously used 20% salicylic alcohol, phenol, mercury ointment. At the moment, a cosmetic composition that exfoliates the skin has a-hydroxy acids (ANA), such as citric, lactic, glycolic acids and others. The ability to reduce the production of melanin is a number of different substances. One of the most effective today is hydroquinone. But it also has a toxic effect on the skin, because of this, it should be used with caution. Usually 1-2% of hydroquinone preparations are used, although there are cases when it is possible to increase up to 4%. Also in the means for bleaching the skin, sometimes contains arbutin, which is found in the leaves of bearberry in quite a large amount. Kojic acid suppresses the production of melanin, and is also able to exfoliate the skin. She has one drawback - allergenicity. In addition, in order to reduce the synthesis of melanin, agents that contain azelaic and ascorbic (vitamin C) acids are used. And lovers of home recipes can use, for example, for bleaching facial skin folk remedies: herbs that have bleaching properties. The only thing, their action is less strong, than at chemical bleaching substances. Therefore, they need to be used for a longer time:

  • In bearberry, as already mentioned, there is arbutin, in addition to it, organic acids and small concentrations of hydroquinone, which explains its whitening effect.
  • In yarrow, a lot of flavonoids, which form compounds that suppress the production of melanin, melanocytes.
  • In the licorice there are phenolic and organic acids that contribute to skin whitening.
  • Cucumber and lemon are rich in ascorbic acid and organic acids. Also they can be used both externally and internally.
  • Parsley contains essential oils for bleaching the skin.
  • All these natural remedies are very effectiveUse in different masks for bleaching the skin. In order to treat persistent hyperpigmentation, surgical methods are often used: dermabrasion, laser skin resurfacing, liquid nitrogen - both alone and in combination with the already mentioned other bleaching agents. It happens that pigmentation does not bring much discomfort and passes by itself. It also happens that it does not respond to treatment, because the cause that caused it has not been eliminated, and it becomes a source of more serious problems. With pigmentation it is possible to struggle, however effective bleaching of a skin depends on a choice of a way of bleaching, therefore it should be considered and correct.

    Home remedies for skin whitening

  • Very good whiten at home juicegrapefruit. To do this, wipe the grapefruit slices with facial skin, remove the film from the lobules, or wipe the face with fresh grapefruit juice frozen to ice. With this tool, you can also remove traces of fatigue and stress, various redness. After this procedure, you should wash your face with cool water and take advantage of your favorite nourishing face cream.
  • Another effective home bleaching agent- frozen rice broth. To make it, take art. spoon rice and pour it a little water, put on fire. Intermittently, so that rice does not boil. After filter the broth through gauze, and when it cools down, put it in the refrigerator. Use this cosmetic rice ice before you go to bed. Store such a rice broth should not more than 3 days. Ice from rice broth is good for whitening the skin around the eyes, it does not overdry. After only apply the cream.
  • The decoction of parsley is an excellent universal remedy,which will go, both for bleaching the skin around the eyes, and for bleaching hands. To do this, soak a cotton swab in the decoction of parsley and wipe all the areas with pigmented spots.
  • Lemon juice. Skin bleaching with lemon is generally considered the most effective. Here you just have to try not to overdry the skin. After you rub lemon juice on your face or body, be sure to apply a moisturizer to these areas.
  • And for the effective whitening of freckles, we willuse sour milk and gauze strips, which these milk and water. After wring out and apply to face for 20 minutes. These sour milk masks for bleaching face skin should be done twice a day: morning and evening. Just, after this mask, do not wash, but just get wet with a cotton swab. The first result will be visible after 7-8 days.
  • Those who do not dry and do not scaly skin canapply bleaching of the skin with hydrogen peroxide. It is necessary to take a 3% solution and wipe or soak through the problem areas of the skin for 2-3 minutes so that it can not be overdried accidentally. After bleaching the skin with hydrogen peroxide, it is best to make a mask of fatty sour cream for the face. By the way, you can also use the same mask after bleaching the skin with lemon.
  • Whitening facial skin and also skin whiteningMany people spend their hands with such a classic recipe. Rub the fresh cucumber, add to it two sprigs of juicy parsley. This mixture should be applied to the skin of the face and hands for 30 minutes.
  • Many masks for bleaching skin are easy to prepare, and they are quite effective, especially if you apply them regularly. Here are some excellent masks for whitening the skin of the face.

    Whitening Masks

    bleaching of skin with hydrogen peroxide

    • Cucumber mask

    It is necessary to grate the fresh cucumber and mix it withone art. spoon of your nourishing cream. This option is for dry skin. And for fatty you need to take a cucumber juice, mix it with the same amount of vodka and insist for 24 hours. After using gauze napkins, apply on face. And the result will not take long.

    • Yeast Mask

    We are talking about one more bleaching of the skin with hydrogen peroxide. For him, you have to dilute the yeast with hydrogen peroxide, to the state of thick sour cream. One mask requires 30 grams of yeast.

    • Honey and lemon mask

    Take two st. spoonful of not sugar-coated honey, mix it with lemon juice. And with this mixture soak gauze napkins and put them on your face. The duration of this mask is 15-20 minutes. Apply them 3 times, every 6 or 8 minutes, and use it best 2 or 3 times a week.

    • Mask of lemon

    For this mask, take a lemon, or rather saylemon juice, 10 grams of sugar, egg white and 10 ml of water. Mix all ingredients and apply the mixture to a clean face. Leave the mask on the face skin for 20 - 30 minutes, then rinse off the mask and apply a moisturizer. Do this mask once in 2 days. The full course is five or seven procedures.

    • Lotion of lemon juice and parsley

    You must brew a strong broth from fresh parsleyor freshly frozen. After the broth is infused, it is necessary to mix one part of the broth with one part of the lemon juice. This lotion must be wetted face morning and evening. Do not forget to put moisturizing cream on your face. Practically all these masks should be washed off with warm water. When dry skin after the mask, apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream or cream. Just the bleaching effect is masked from strawberries, strawberries and black currants. When bleaching of facial skin with folk remedies, to enhance the effect, you should take ascorbic acid, on a tablet 3 times a day, for 2 months. Most cosmeticians recommend as the most powerful means of bleaching the skin at home - lemon, parsley and cucumber. They are the leaders in the list of products for the removal of freckles and age spots. Now you know how the whitening face masks of the house are made, how the skin is bleached with hydrogen peroxide, lemon, cucumber and other means. Using all of the above whitening masks, you can rid yourself of pigment spots, lighten your freckles and make your skin beautiful and well-groomed. It is only necessary to give your appearance a very short time. In addition to applying a whitening mask, you can also use a cream for bleaching the skin.

    Creams that whiten the skin of the face

    • Cream with mercury. This cream is extremely effective, only use it with extreme caution. Before you start the course, you should definitely perform a test for the level of skin sensitivity. There is a contraindication for pregnant and lactating women. Always read the instructions very carefully.
    • Cream with koyevoy or lactic acid. This cream is very active. It prevents the appearance of melanin and heals the skin.
    • 2% salicylic alcohol. It is intended for normal to oily skin. In this case, before lubricating with alcohol, normal skin is better to wipe with lotion, and greasy skin - to wash with soap. At the end of 2 weeks of a course of such bleaching alcohol should be replaced by a dairy product for 3-4 days, and after that you can use salicylic alcohol. If skin irritation does not wash with water. In this case, alcohol should be washed off with vegetable oil, and then powder the face with rice or potato flour.
    • Whitening cream at home. Dissolve 15 g of lanolin, add 50 g of stone oil and 1 tbsp. spoon of grated fresh cucumber. This mass is covered with foil and held in a water bath for an hour. Then stir, strain and whisk thoroughly.

    Application: 2 hours before going to bed, you need to rub the finished cream in the area of ​​skin pigmentation, remove the rest of the cream with a napkin. Apply for one week, after take a break for 3 days.

    How correctly to use creams for bleaching?

    Bleaching creams should be applied to the skinmorning, and nourishing creams - in the evening. In this morning, the skin of the face is better to refresh with a damp napkin, and apply a nourishing cream under the eyes and eyelids. A few minutes before leaving the house on the area of ​​the skin with freckles, it is necessary to apply a whitening cream. At bleaching 10 days it is not recommended to wash in the morning, it is better to use sour milk or lotion. After this period, you can start to wash, and also use a protective cream in the morning, and whitening, on the contrary, in the evening. In addition to using creams, masks and lotions, do not forget about essential oils for bleaching the skin. The most effective are lemon oil and orange oil. They not only have a whitening effect, but also rejuvenate the skin, slow the formation of wrinkles, and also normalize the work of the sebaceous glands. We advise you to read:

