When your cat is in an interesting situationposition, then you probably want to see direct or indirect confirmation of this fact. This is relevant for you in any case: both if you passionately do not want an addition to the cat family, and if you are eagerly awaiting the appearance of offspring of your favorite. It should be noted that the signs of pregnancy in cats can be obvious and hidden. And in some cases, the owners are not able to notice any signs until the very birth. And it must be said that even veterinarians cannot determine such signs during the first three weeks of pregnancy. However, experienced cat owners are still able to see confirmation of the interesting position of their pet with a high degree of probability. To a greater extent, this concerns the behavior of the cat, but changes in its appearance will also not escape their keen eye. Let's consider the signs that will help you understand whether your cat is pregnant or not.
Changes in behavior
As we have already said, the first three weeksthere are practically no changes indicating that your cat is pregnant. However, if your kitty has been actively demanding a male cat until now, and has calmed down after receiving the opportunity for a love rendezvous, then most likely she has achieved the desired goal (she has become pregnant). However, if after seven to ten days your beauty's inviting cries have resumed, then pregnancy has probably not occurred. So, a complete loss of interest in the opposite sex is a probable sign of pregnancy. The fact that the cat has become pregnant is also indicated by her aggressive behavior towards any other cats living with her in the same house. Although in the second half of pregnancy this behavior changes exactly the opposite: the cat becomes affectionate and gentle not only towards other animals, but also towards humans. As for changes in eating habits, the first weeks the cat eats as before: the same amount and the same thing. But from the third week of pregnancy, she may develop an aversion to some (previously familiar and favorite) products, as well as morning sickness and vomiting, which is an indicative sign of pregnancy in a cat. Your cat's obvious pregnancy is also indicated by her calmer behavior, longer sleep and increased appetite. But these signs appear in the second half of pregnancy. By the end of pregnancy, cats become so calm and apathetic that they prefer to stay at home, even if they have access to the street. They spend more and more time sleeping or half-asleep: it is sleep that takes up most of the life of a pregnant cat. There are no other changes in the behavior of a cat expecting offspring. In fact, there simply aren't any. However, one behavioral sign of pregnancy in a cat is still worth mentioning separately. Even if your cat does not show any external signs of an interesting situation (and this happens), then by the end of pregnancy she will definitely begin to show anxiety and look for a place for the upcoming birth. This is also an extremely obvious sign of pregnancy in a cat, and the behavior itself is called nesting. This behavior manifests the cat's natural instinct. About two weeks before the birth, the cat begins to look for a place for a "nest" - a comfortable, quiet and warm place where she will have to give birth and spend the first weeks of their life with the kittens. The main criterion (from the cat's point of view) for choosing a place for a nest is safety. Therefore, it is possible that your cat will start persistently breaking into cabinets, trying to arrange such a place on bookshelves and in other places that are hard to reach for you. This is the best time to introduce the cat to the box (box) prepared for her for giving birth, choose (with the help of the cat herself) a suitable place for its location and convince the expectant mother that this box is the most suitable for her "nest". If you do not do this, the cat will independently arrange a "maternity ward" for herself and it is possible that in your bed.
Changes in appearance
Again, the first three weeks were absolutely nothingThere are no external signs of pregnancy in a cat. But after the twenty-first day of gestation, the cat begins to show the first noticeable changes visible to the owner. However, you have to try hard to see them. We are talking about the change in the color and size of the nipples of the expectant mother. In an ordinary healthy cat, the nipples are practically no different in color from the skin on the belly. In cats that have given birth, they may be a little darker, but still retain their flesh color. The nipples of a pregnant cat become pink. This change is especially noticeable in primiparous cats, although the intensity of the color and the degree of enlargement of the nipples depend on the breed and age of the cat, as well as on its individual characteristics. By the way, not all nipples may turn pink, but only some of them. As for the increase in the size of the nipples of a pregnant cat, it can be quite insignificant and almost imperceptible. And yet, in most cases, the nipples not only turn pink, but also swell noticeably. From this time (the third week of pregnancy), the belly of a pregnant cat begins to grow. However, at first it is almost invisible, and only in the second half of pregnancy the kittens begin to grow intensively, and, consequently, the belly of the cat carrying them noticeably and quickly increases. In fairness, it should be noted that the size of the belly depends on the number and size of the fetuses. Therefore, with a low-fertility pregnancy, the size of the cat's belly may almost not change. And yet, in the fifth week, this sign of pregnancy in cats becomes obvious. If there are many kittens, the mother simply swells before your eyes. The belly becomes round, large and tight, and you can even see the fetuses moving. If by this time the cat's belly does not increase much, then, most likely, she is simply carrying a small number of cubs. But if you put your hand on such a small belly, you can feel the kittens moving there. About a week before giving birth, the belly of a pregnant cat takes on a pear-shaped form, and the nipples sag noticeably, and colostrum appears in them. If you squeeze the nipples with your fingers at this time, a translucent drop of white or yellowish color will appear on them - this is colostrum. In general, all of the listed signs indicate that your cat is pregnant. If you do not observe any of them, then you should contact a veterinary clinic, where an ultrasound examination will accurately determine whether the cat is pregnant or not. But in any case, you need to visit the veterinarian. Firstly, you cannot always trust the signs of pregnancy in cats (especially behavioral ones), and secondly, an examination of the cat will benefit her and prevent many possible complications. Be attentive to your pets. Remember that often your inattention results in illnesses, nervous disorders and even depression in pets. But we are responsible for those we have tamed, and our pets have nowhere else to expect help and support. They trust us. We recommend reading: