Every woman wants to be beautiful.There are not so many lucky women who have been gifted with flawless skin and beautiful facial features by nature and God. Everyone else has to work tirelessly on themselves to improve the shortcomings of higher powers, looking for their own recipe for beauty. Some resort to the most extreme measures – that is, lie down on the operating table, but the vast majority prefer a less radical intervention in the process of beautifying themselves. What do they do? Some try to change their diet and eat a beauty salad for breakfast. Others follow the latest cosmetics in the hope of another miracle cream, with the help of which you can turn from an average woman, burdened with a bunch of problems and worries, into a beauty from a glossy magazine. Do you also believe in the miraculous effects of creams and masks? No, no one denies their benefits, but it is not superfluous to know that our skin is a barrier that Mother Nature has adapted for our own protection. Accordingly, do not delude yourself that these advertised and incredibly expensive creams will get into some deep layers and start working miracles. Any competent cosmetologist will explain that unpleasant manifestations on the skin in the form of pimples, wrinkles, age spots and other unpleasant things indicate some kind of trouble in the body, which clearly needs correction and nourishment from the inside. And when we carry out this very correction, our skin will look its best. As an experiment, try eating so-called beauty salads for breakfast for a month, the main ingredient of which is the most ordinary oatmeal. Its recipe is extremely simple, and the result will definitely surprise and please you. What will happen? In a month, you will see that the mirror does not irritate you, because in it you will see a well-groomed fresh face, moisturized and radiant skin. However, when you look at yourself every day, it is difficult to see the changes. Another thing is how you are perceived by friends and acquaintances whom you have not seen for some time. Rest assured, compliments are guaranteed. And they are not only due to the good manners of your friends, but also reflect the true state of affairs. And the blame for all this is ordinary beauty salads, the recipe for which you will find below. It is quite simple.
Salad of beauty (option number 1)
- 5 tablespoons oatmeal (flakes)
- 5 spoons of boiled cold water
- 2 tablespoons of milk or cream
- 1-2 tablespoons of honey
- several hazelnuts
Method of preparation:Pour water over the oatmeal overnight. In the morning, add all the other ingredients, mix well and eat with pleasure. As noted above, in order to see the result, such a salad should be consumed for at least a month. However, if it becomes your regular breakfast dish, then this can only be welcomed. And for variety, the oatmeal salad can be alternated with another very similar dish, the recipe for which is also simple and accessible.
Salad of beauty (option number 2)
- 2 tablespoons oatmeal
- 4 tablespoons cold boiled water
- one green apple
- a tablespoon of honey
- a tablespoon of cream (or milk)
- juice of half a lemon
- several ground nuts of walnut
Method of preparation:In the evening, pour boiling water over the flakes. In the morning, add all the other ingredients, mix thoroughly and eat for breakfast. As you can see, the recipe is extremely simple. And the secret of both dishes is oatmeal. Of course, the other ingredients also play a very important role for our body, but the key place is given to oatmeal. It is important that the flakes are not boiled, but soaked (see recipes No. 1 and No. 2). Accordingly, all the nutrients (and there are a lot of them in oatmeal) are preserved. During heat treatment, most of them are destroyed. Oats are a unique plant. It contains both important minerals (copper, cobalt, zinc, manganese, iron) and vitamins - all B vitamins, vitamins E and PP. Moreover, microelements and vitamins in this natural product are presented in a combination that is optimally beneficial for the human body. Due to this, oats and its derivatives have a general strengthening and tonic effect, improve blood composition and metabolism, normalize fat metabolism, and therefore contribute to weight loss. It seems that the latter circumstance will make many women include oatmeal in their daily diet. Well, and finally, one more important aspect, with which, in fact, we began our story: oatmeal has the best effect on our skin. What else would I like to draw your attention to, dear women. Each recipe can be modified, improved, as they say, adjusted to suit you. The salads that we offered can be supplemented with raisins, dried apricots, prunes, berries and fruits that you like. By changing the ingredients or their proportions, you create a new recipe, therefore, diversify your diet with a new healthy dish. Experiments are welcome! We recommend reading: