salad of cucumbers and tomatoes Summer time pleases with an abundance of fruits and vegetables,so do not miss the opportunity to stock up on vitamins, which will be necessary with the onset of cold weather. Should your organism somehow fight with autumn-winter infections? We will help and tell you how to make delicious and light meals from these "vegetable vitamins". Tomatoes and cucumbers are those products that are grown in their garden by most summer residents, the main attribute of the summer menu. Therefore, we will talk about salads from tomatoes and cucumbers.

Salad for lazy people

Let's start with a simple one. This salad of tomatoes and cucumbers with the addition of apple cider vinegar can cook even the most inexperienced and lazy mistress, it is enough to spend a couple of minutes. By the way, if you decide to "refine" the contours of your body, then this dish will perfectly fit into your diet. Ingredients:

  • apple cider vinegar - the fourth part of a glass
  • 20 grams of freshly cut dill
  • vegetable oil (better refined) - 2 tablespoons
  • cucumber - 2 pieces
  • ground black pepper to your taste
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon
  • one Crimean sweet onion
  • salt
  • 2 large tomatoes

Cooking method: Thin feathers cut red onions, tomatoes and cucumbers - small cubes. If desired, tomatoes can be peeled off. To do this, gin a vegetable first with hot water, and then with cold water. The temperature difference will play its role - the peel will burst, and remove it will not be difficult. In a deep bowl, combine the sauce: add apple cider vinegar, finely chopped fresh dill, sugar, vegetable refined oil, a pinch of black pepper, salt. The resulting mixture is combined with tomatoes, cucumbers and onions. Stir and allow to stand for a while, so that the vegetables are allowed to juice (5-8 minutes). The recipe can be improved to your taste. If you prefer olive oil, use it for refueling, season the salad with spices to your taste, in general, do not limit your imagination. salad of tomatoes and cucumbers

Summer salad

If you are hungry, and there is no desire to cook,this prescription will come to the rescue. We suggest to make in your menu a "summer" salad with tomatoes and cucumbers. This dish is suitable for fans of thrills - horseradish and garlic gives it a piquant unusual taste. Ingredients for one serving:

  • 160 grams of tomatoes
  • 50-60 grams of fresh cucumber
  • large clove of garlic

For sauce:

  • 40 grams of sunflower oil
  • 40 grams of fresh spring onions
  • 10 grams of vinegar
  • 20 grams of horseradish (grated)
  • a pinch of salt
  • sugar and ground pepper at your discretion

Cooking method: The dishes, in which you are going to put a salad, grind in advance - this will give the future dish a slight taste of it. Cut into thin slices fresh tomatoes, cut cucumbers into cubes, finely chop the green onions. In a separate container mix the oil, vinegar, pepper and salt, add sugar. Then, combine the resulting ingredients, mix the vegetables and sauce well. Top with onion and grated horseradish. Many sunflowers prefer olive oil, so why do not you diversify this salad from tomatoes and cucumbers?

Mexican salad

It would seem that a salad of cucumbers and tomatoes -simple and primitive combination, long bored and a bit boring. If you want to cook something light and tasty, try this recipe. The number of these products is calculated for 6 medium portions. Ingredients:

  • small cucumber
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 250 grams of corn canned
  • wine vinegar - 2 tablespoons
  • red and green peppers (1 piece each)
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • chili - 1 tablespoon
  • a pinch of black ground pepper
  • 0.5 teaspoon cumin
  • salt
  • pinch of coriander

Cooking method: Cut into small cubes tomatoes and cucumber, red and green peppers - thin rings. Mix the chopped vegetables and canned corn. In a separate bowl, prepare the sauce. To do this, add the crushed cloves of garlic, chilli and black pepper, cumin, finely chopped coriander (you can use fresh or dry) in wine vinegar, salt to your taste. With the resulting mixture, season the dish and put it in a cool place for 20 minutes. As you can see, the recipe for this cucumber salad and tomato is very simple, but its spice is spices that give the dish a truly Mexican flavor! salad with tomatoes and cucumbers

"Summer extravaganza" with cucumbers, macaroni and tomatoes

For those who prefer salads fromtomatoes and cucumbers, we offer to please their loved ones by mastering this recipe. Your "summer extravaganza" will be juicy and bright - try it! A set of products is indicated for 6 servings. Ingredients:

  • 250 grams of Italian pasta (seashells or others)
  • 150 milliliters of tomato juice
  • green onion
  • one piece of large bell pepper
  • 2 large tomatoes
  • olive oil - ¼ cup
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • cucumber
  • 2 pinch of salt
  • a pinch of black pepper (ground)
  • ¼ cup juice of medium lemon (you can take lime)

Cooking method: Bring to a boil slightly salted water and add the pasta, cook until done. Cut into small cubes tomatoes and cucumbers, pepper - ringlets, finely chop the green onions. For the sauce in a separate bowl, mix lemon and tomato juice, olive oil, add onion, chopped garlic, salt and season with spices. The resulting mixture, season with vegetables, which pre-mix with pasta. Voilà! The recipe for salad from tomatoes and cucumbers is learned by you! We hope you will like these dishes! If you do not like to cook, then making a salad of cucumbers and tomatoes is a pleasant procedure - choose simple but exotic combinations and create with pleasure! We advise you to read:

