runny nose treatment with folk remedies Runny nose is a nuisance that is familiarevery person. There is a runny nose as a result of edema of the mucous membranes of the nose and paranasal sinuses. Runny nose is a symptom of various allergic and infectious diseases. The rhinitis is characterized by the strongest release of mucus. A rhinitis can have both a chronic and an acute form - it all depends on the nature of the course of the disease. As a rule, an acute cold is a frequent visitor of the autumn and spring pores. After all, it is at this time that the person most often awaits various colds, the constant companion of which is the common cold. But with chronic forms of the common cold things are much more complicated. And the course of this common cold differs from the acute form. And very often to get rid of chronic rhinitis doctors offer surgical intervention. However, in the first and in the other case, you can try an alternative. If you have a cold, treatment with folk remedies can be an excellent way to get rid of it in the shortest possible time. And it does not matter what the nature of the origin of the common cold is, whether it's a bacterial one or an infectious one. The only thing that you need to pay attention to is the cases of allergic diseases, which are accompanied by a runny nose. Herbal remedies can cause an even greater allergy. Therefore, before using this or that remedy, make sure that you do not have an allergic reaction to its ingredients.

Acute forms of cold

Infectious cold, familiar to all people withoutexceptions, begins quite sharply - the mucous membrane of the nose swells, a large amount of mucous secretion begins to be produced. In the event that a person lies, this fluid can flow into the ear tube or throat. As a rule, the liquid is very liquid and colorless. In the event that the cause of a cold is a viral infection, the runny nose goes on the fifth - the seventh day. In the event that the cause of the onset of a cold is a bacterial infection, the picture is completely different. Discharge from the nose is very thick, mucopurulent, or purulent. At the same time, the temperature of a person rises very, very strongly. He can experience a severe headache, as well as pain in the paranasal sinuses. The general condition of the body also suffers very badly. Acute allergic rhinitis is characterized by pronounced edema of the mucous membranes of the nose and nasal sinuses. A sick person can experience itchy eyes and severe lachrymation, in severe cases even photophobia. A feeling of itching can also be felt in the throat and nose. A discharge from the nose is liquid and transparent, as in the case of the viral nature of the origin of the common cold. Allergic rhinitis starts abruptly, immediately after contact with the allergen. True, for the sake of justice it should be noted that after the removal of the allergen and the runny nose also disappears suddenly.

Chronic forms of cold

Infectious cold, for which it is typicala chronic course, is shown by a constant edema of mucous membranes and mucous secretions from a nose. Nasal congestion usually occurs at night, when it is still. Also, an exacerbation may occur when the body is overcooled, inhaling dust or smoky air. In the event that there is a chronic form of hypertrophic rhinitis, the patient has a strong growth of connective tissue in the nasal sinuses. As a result, there is a strong narrowing of the nasal passages, which makes breathing difficult. And due to the fact that the mucous membrane of the nose settles more than usual, the amount of dust and pathogenic microflora, inflammatory processes occur much more often. Such a pathological condition of the mucous membranes of the nose leads to the fact that the person is reduced both by the sense of smell and by the sensitivity of the taste recipes. Yes, and the voice of such a man is nasal and muffled. The degree of expression of these changes depends on the degree of change in the condition of the nasal mucosa. In especially severe cases, if there is an atrophic rhinitis, there is a strong thinning of the mucous membranes of the nose. The excretions in this case are very dense, forming crusts when dried. The sense of smell is practically non-existent, and with taste sensations, almost the same situation. treatment of the common cold with folk remedies

Treatment of the common cold using traditional medicine

Rhinitis is not such an inoffensive phenomenon,as we are accustomed to believe. Yes, and independently determine what kind of a cold caught up with you in each specific case, is not so simple. Therefore, in any case a sick person should be examined by a doctor. After all, in the first place, it is necessary to determine the cause that caused the runny nose. And carefully follow all the recommendations and prescriptions of your doctor. However, do not ignore the treatment of the common cold with improvised means. Often the recipes of traditional medicine help get rid of the common cold in the shortest possible time. But do not forget that folk recipes should not replace the basic treatment that your doctor appointed you. And make sure that in the recipes you have chosen, there are no components for which you have an allergic reaction.

  • Onion inhalations

Grind one bulb large,preferably on a wooden board. Lay the onion in a uniform layer, bend so that the distance between the face and the board is about 10 centimeters. Deeply inhale a pair of onions for about three minutes. After this, lightly mix onions and repeat the whole procedure. Do not forget to close your eyes, otherwise tears will be provided to you. This procedure should be carried out at least three times a day, until the very recovery. In the event that the nose is laid very hard, you should do a little differently. Peel a small onion, cut off the fourth part and knead it carefully and slowly. It is very important that at this very time you produce uniform deep breaths and exhalations. Swallow onions, of course, optional. In such a case, the in-line inhalation of the onions is made from the inside, which makes it much more effective.

  • Aloe with honey

Pass through the meat grinder one leaf of aloe, afterthat with the help of gauze tissue squeeze the juice. Mix it with ½ teaspoon of any liquid honey and let it brew for several hours. This drug must be buried in the nose one drop, three times a day. Treatment should be carried out until complete recovery.

  • Juice of berries of the viburnum

In the event that a runny nose is caused by a viralinfection, the juice of guelder rose helps to accelerate the process of recovery at times. In the berries of Kalina contains a huge number of very different biologically active substances and, of course, vitamin C, which is simply indispensable for cold and viral diseases. You will need 10 berries of viburnum: rastolkite them and squeeze out the juice. Divide it into two equal parts and dip into the nose, throwing your head back well. Drip in the nose with the juice of the viburnum must be at least 4 times a day. And pay attention - the juice must be squeezed out immediately before use, and not in advance.

  • Tea made from sage and chamomile

Place in enamelware one by onea tablespoon of dry inflorescences of chemist's chamomile and sage, pour one liter of steep boiling water. In the first three days of acute viral or cold illness, drink this infusion as ordinary tea - one glass every two hours. As a rule, two days are enough for not only the runny nose to stop, but the overall health has improved several times.

  • Broth of onion peel

For the preparation of this tool youneed half a glass of onion husk and a liter of water. Place onion husks in enameled dishes, pour water and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for about 30 minutes. After this, cool and carefully strain with gauze. Dissolve in the resulting broth one tablespoon of table salt. Acquire a one-time syringe in a pharmacy with a volume of 10ml. Rinsing of the nose is as follows: type a full syringe decoction, after removing the needle from it. Slightly tilt your head back and very smoothly, not under pressure, flush both nasal passages in turn. Washing should be done every two hours in an acute form of the disease. In the case of a chronic course of the common cold, it is enough once a day, before bedtime.

  • Potato juice

Very effective in all formsThe common cold is a common potato juice. Wash and clean one small potato tuber thoroughly. Rub it on a fine grater and squeeze the juice with gauze cloth. Draw a full pipette, tilt your head on your side and drip the juice. In a minute, repeat the same with the second nostril. Such irrigation should be carried out at least three times a day, until complete recovery.

  • Oil infusion of garlic

In the event that you know exactly what the cause isThe common cold is an acute viral infection, try the following recipe. Peel one large head of garlic and grind it with a garlic press. Mix the resulting garlic gruel with one glass of any refined sunflower oil. Let it brew for two hours and strain. The resulting remedy should be buried in the nose every hour, until the rhinitis completely disappears. As a rule, the condition improves after 4 hours. By the way, pay attention - this remedy can not be used to treat a child under 10 years old. Despite the fact that the oil practically neutralizes corrosive fumes of garlic, children are likely to develop a burn of the mucous membranes of the nose.

  • Sea buckthorn oil

In the event that a person suffers from chronica runny nose, he should resort to the help of sea buckthorn oil. Grind two tablespoons of sea-buckthorn berries and pour one glass of refined oil. In a water bath, stirring occasionally, bring the oil to a boil. Leave the compound to stand for 24 hours, then strain with gauze. Obtained remedy should be buried in the nose twice a day, in the morning and before bedtime.

  • Oak bark

In the event that a person has chronicrunny nose, it is worth trying the following recipe. Grind a tablespoon of oak bark, pour 0.5 liters of water and boil for one hour. Close the lid tightly and wrap the pan with a towel. Allow to stand for three hours, then strain with gauze. The resulting oak broth must be digested in the nasal passages every four hours. The course of treatment should last for one month, after which it is necessary to make a two-week break. Useful properties of the oak bark remove the inflammatory process. In addition, the bark of oak has a strong astringent property. treatment of common cold in children with folk remedies

Treatment of a cold in children

Treatment of a cold in children with folk remediesIt is also possible, but only if the child is already three years old. For them there are special, more sparing, recipes. However, remember that before applying them, it is absolutely necessary to consult a pediatrician. And make sure that the child does not have any allergic reactions to any component of folk remedies from the common cold.

  • Red beet juice

In the event that the child's coldaccompanied by the allocation of mucous or watery secret, it will effectively help the juice of beets. Press out a teaspoon of juice and drip two or three drops into each nostril. Beet juice does not cause any unpleasant sensations, therefore children usually do not protest. Buckwheat juice is needed every four hours in the first day of the disease. On the second and third day of the disease to dig in the nose must be three times a day. For older children, in addition to instilling beet juice, you can use gauze tampons. Form a gauze or bandage small tampons of the appropriate size, abundantly moisten them with beet juice and enter into the nasal passages. Leave the tampons for about 30 minutes. A similar procedure is recommended before bedtime, for three days. In the event that the child has a discharge from the nose thick and viscous, you can resort to washing the nose with a juice solution of beet juice. For its preparation you will need a bottle of sea water for washing the nose, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. Peel two large beets, grate them and wring out the juice. Mix it with sea water and place in a glass container. Rinse the nose with a disposable syringe, twice a day - in the morning and at bedtime.

  • Beetroot juice with honey

In the event that a runny nose is combined withadenoids, folk medicine offers treatment with red beet and honey juice. To prepare a medicinal solution, mix one tablespoon of honey and two tablespoons of red beet juice. The resulting solution must be instilled in the nose every hour during the first day of the disease. Please note that this recipe can be used only if the parents are sure that their baby has never had any cases of an allergic reaction to beekeeping products. And if the child has never tried honey before the time of illness, this recipe is also not recommended.

  • Cooking or sea salt

Another very effective tool,helping to get rid of a cold and completely safe for the child, is salt. This is suitable for both sea and common salt. Heat the salt in a dry griddle to a temperature that the baby's skin can withstand. Prepare in advance a small linen bag, where it is necessary to pour heated salt. Close the pouch tightly and apply to the bridge of the child for 10 - 15 minutes. This procedure should be performed every three hours in the first day, in the morning and in the evening - in the second and subsequent.

  • Egg

About the same action has andheating with an ordinary chicken egg. Cook it hard-boiled, wrap a napkin and attach to the bridge of the baby for about 10 minutes. It is necessary to repeat this action every three hours. Take care not to burn the child's skin.

  • Buckwheat grain

An excellent remedy for washing the nose withcold can become buckwheat water. It is prepared as follows: using a coffee grinder, grind three tablespoons of buckwheat flour to the state of flour. Dissolve this buckwheat flour in 100 grams of boiling water, let it brew for an hour and strain. This buckwheat water should be rinsed baby's nipple every two hours, until the complete disappearance of the common cold. This remedy is absolutely safe and has no contraindications. And it relieves it effectively from the cold.

Prevention of colds

There are several simple rules, compliancewhich can significantly reduce the likelihood of development of the common cold. Do not ignore them, because preventing a disease is always much easier than curing. The first thing that should be paid special attention is the air in the living room. In no case should the air be dry. As often as possible, ventilate the room and do a wet cleaning. During the heating season, it is advisable to use special humidifiers. In the event that you do not have the opportunity to purchase a humidifier, you can use the old proven method. Place under the batteries a small container with water, which must be added as it evaporates. At night, you can put a damp towel on the battery. Try to avoid close and prolonged contact with irritants. Such substances include household and industrial dust, corrosive chemicals, including household chemicals, building mixtures. In the same case, if contact with irritants can not be avoided, be sure to use personal protective equipment - gloves and respirators. Try not to allow a sudden hypothermia of the body. Dress always on the weather, even if you just need to walk to a neighboring entrance or go out on the balcony to hang clothes. Watch out for food too - do not drink too cold drinks, do not abuse ice cream. In the event that you often suffer from an allergic rhinitis, try to avoid contact with allergens. In the event that it is impossible to completely exclude this contact, the sick person should take antihistamines. Incidentally, all antiallergic drugs should also be prescribed only by an allergist. Otherwise, the result may be the opposite. In order to avoid the most unpleasant form of the common cold, chronic, it is necessary to pay attention to a sharp cold in time. If it is not treated in a timely manner, then it is very likely that the runny nose will take a chronic form of the stream. Do not forget to strictly adhere to the drinking regime during the treatment - you need to drink at least two liters of liquid per day. The same goes for vasoconstrictor drugs. In no case is it inadmissible to abuse these medicines - only in strict accordance with the prescription of the doctor. In the case of uncontrolled use of drops from the common cold, a pathological change in the nasal mucosa may occur. Incidentally, it is for this reason that the treatment of the common cold with folk remedies is safer than pharmacological drugs. However, a visit to the doctor should still be mandatory - in fact, sometimes a runny nose may not indicate a completely innocuous cold, but more serious diseases. We advise you to read:

