In a sanatorium-for healthNow is the time to support yourself, or ratheryour health. As a rule, everything depends on the age and problems of the client. If a person is practically healthy, he can choose almost any multi-profile resort (European, Russian) and spend:baths, massages, mud or just have a nice rest. But if there is a specific disease, then it is necessary to go to narrow special resorts that deal with this particular problem. For such a trip, you need to know your indications and, ideally, make a sanatorium - resort card at your place of residence. First, undergo diagnostics and knowing your problem, you can go to maintain your health, both in Russia and abroad. The procedures usually last two hours in the morning, this continues for three days, clients undergo various procedures, and then organize their own rest: go on excursions, visit museums, etc. Usually, when the client starts the procedures, his body begins to resist, negatively reacting to the treatment. In this case, you need to contact the sanatorium and either cancel or postpone these procedures. As you know, in the spring and autumn there is an exacerbation of many diseases. And during exacerbations, you should not go anywhere until remission, stabilization of health occurs. In the hot period, no procedures are especially recommended, it is very dangerous. If you feel fine within two or three weeks, you can go to a sanatorium. As for food, the most correct food is, of course, at European sanatoriums. There, the diet is very well chosen and an excellent menu will be offered. Excess weight, as is known, contributes to the deterioration of both joints and the musculoskeletal system, heart disease, so it is necessary to limit food and undergo all the prescribed procedures. Winter is also a good time to go to a resort. Wonderful resorts are in France, the Alps, Germany, Switzerland. Young people can go to any country, but it is not recommended for people over 45 to visit hot resorts in winter. China and Thailand are especially famous for their methods for the musculoskeletal system, entire clinics work there. In Russian sanatoriums there are a lot of different cultural programs, and in Europe it is a bit boring. Everything depends on the client himself, what he expects and wants from the rest itself, so it is worth approaching the choice of the resort individually. Alcohol is not acceptable in a sanatorium, but a glass of good red wine will not hurt. Many European clinics offer Detox (cleansing program), as a rule, only for young people under 45. The general hotel stock throughout the country in most cases leaves much to be desired. Prices in our country tend to European, thereby not providing decent service. But you can find a decent sanatorium in Russia, but you can look for any other similar abroad. When a person organizes his trip to a sanatorium himself, then he will certainly be checked there (diagnosed), so it is better to undergo all examinations at home, so as not to waste time and money. The duration of a trip to a sanatorium is three weeks or more. If you maintain your health with such trips twice a year, your body will not feel tired, you will feel cheerful and in a great mood.

